Chapter 80

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The world around Li Na shifted once again, as if reality itself were slipping from her grasp. Colors blurred and dimmed, fading into a soft, hazy glow. The scent of flowers in the wind became distant, and the vibrant sounds of the world dulled into a faraway echo. She felt herself falling deeper into this dream-like state, unsure if she would ever wake up.

And then she saw it—a small, familiar room, bathed in the soft morning light of a new day. It was a child's bedroom, filled with toys, books, and the comforting scent of freshly washed linens. Her breath caught in her chest as she took in the scene before her.

There, in the center of the room, lay a young boy sleeping soundly. It was Shen Yun Tian, his small form nestled under the covers, his chest rising and falling with the gentle rhythm of sleep. His hair was messy, his face soft with the innocence of youth. Li Na's heart clenched at the sight—she had return back to the time when he was still young.

Now, Li Na watched as that very boy began to stir in his sleep. His fingers twitched, his breathing became uneven, and slowly, Shen Yun Tian's eyes fluttered open. At first, there was a dazed confusion in his gaze, the sort of look that accompanies waking from a dream. He blinked, rubbed his eyes with small fists, and looked around the room, still half-asleep.

But then, something changed.

A flicker of recognition passed over his face, and his gaze sharpened. His eyes, once filled with the innocence of childhood, darkened with a strange intensity—an intensity far too deep for a boy his age. It was as if something inside him had awoken, something old, something... from another life.

Li Na watched in stunned silence as the child sat up slowly, his small hands gripping the edge of the blanket tightly. The room seemed to grow colder, and the innocence of the moment evaporated.

Then, in a voice far too steady for a child, he whispered, "Li Na..."

The way he said her name sent a chill down her spine. It was as if he wasn't just calling out to a childhood friend. No, this was the voice of a man who had lived a life of regret and longing.

And in that moment, Li Na realized the truth: he remembered everything. Shen Yun Tian had awoken not just as the boy he once was, but with the memories and emotions of his past life. The boy sitting in that bed was no longer just a child—he was the man who had loved her, lost her, and died with the weight of his obsession.

He had been reborn.

His small hands balled into fists, and his young face twisted into a strange mixture of determination and desperation. "This time," he muttered, his voice trembling, "I won't leave you, Li Na. I won't make the same mistake."

Li Na's heart raced as she listened to him. The Shen Yun Tian from her visions, the one who had lived and died with the torment of losing her, was here, in the body of a boy. But the innocence of his youth was gone, replaced by the obsessive need to rewrite his fate.

"I'll stay by your side," he whispered to himself, his small body trembling with the intensity of his resolve. "I'll never leave you again. This time, I'll keep my promise."

As time passed, the other Li Na, the young version of herself, remained blissfully unaware of the change in Shen Yun Tian. To her, he was still the boy she had played with, the boy she had promised to marry in their childhood games. But Li Na could see it—the darkness in his eyes, the way his gaze never left her.

One day, as they sat in the garden, the other Li Na picked flowers, humming softly to herself. She looked so carefree, so unaware of the storm brewing inside Shen Yun Tian's mind.

"Yun Tian," the other Li Na said with a smile, "I'm going to make a flower crown for you, just like we used to do."

Shen Yun Tian didn't smile back. His eyes were fixed on her, watching every move she made with an intensity that felt far too adult for his young face. "You promised you'd be mine," he said quietly, his voice low, almost threatening.

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