Chapter 82

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Li Na's heart tightened as she realized the trajectory of Shen Yun Tian's fourth life mirrored her own past life. The moment she saw him standing before her younger self, his aura cold and distant, a heavy sense of foreboding washed over her. This life would end just as tragically.

Watching the younger version of herself—naïve, fearful, unaware of the depth of Shen Yun Tian's pain—felt like staring into a mirror cracked by time. Li Na wanted to scream at herself, to tell her younger self to see the truth. But she remained powerless, trapped in the past, a helpless observer as silence and fear consumed their lives once again

The man standing there—rigid, silent—was not the same one who had once tried to control her. This Shen Yun Tian, hollow-eyed and emotionless, had long since buried his obsessive tendencies. His dark, quiet aura sent shivers down the spine of the other Li Na, the younger version of herself, who was entirely unfamiliar with the man she had married in name only.

The other Li Na hadn't seen Shen Yun Tian since their brief engagement ceremony. The rumors that swirled around him—the ruthless businessman, the cold and calculating man in the shadows—were all she had to cling to. Fear, not resentment, clouded her heart. She had never wanted to marry him, and now that their lives were bound by nothing more than a piece of paper, she wanted even less to have anything to do with him.

Shen Yun Tian stood there in the dim light, his expression unreadable. The younger Li Na didn't dare meet his eyes for too long, her gaze flitting nervously to the ground, to the side—anywhere but at him. Her heart pounded in her chest as she waited for him to say something, anything.

But he said nothing. His silence was heavier than she could bear.

"Yun Tian?" she called out, her voice small, unsure. It wasn't irritation that colored her tone; it was fear, masked beneath the formal name she barely knew how to use. She feared his response but dreaded his silence even more.

Shen Yun Tian's lips barely moved, but his eyes—if she had looked closely—flickered with a suppressed storm. He was still the man who ruled his world with ruthless efficiency, but here, in the quiet of their home, he seemed... broken, as though his control was the last thing holding him together.

His eyes flickered only briefly, betraying a shadow of a thought, but it passed like a ghost in the night, gone before it could be grasped.

The other Li Na shifted uncomfortably, her palms sweating. She had prepared herself for an argument, for the rumored possessive rage she had been warned about. Yet nothing came. He didn't argue, didn't even acknowledge her fully. The distance between them, though small in space, felt like a chasm of ice.

"You don't have to... pretend." She swallowed hard, gathering what little courage she could muster. "We both know I don't want this. I don't want to be here."

Her words hung in the air like bitter echoes, but Shen Yun Tian gave no reaction. He turned away from her, his back to her slender form, as if her presence no longer mattered.

With a small, almost imperceptible nod, he walked away, his footsteps silent, his figure disappearing into the gloom.

The younger Li Na stood frozen as Shen Yun Tian disappeared into the shadows, her heart hammering in her chest. She had expected something—anything—other than this unnerving silence. The man who had stood before her didn't match the terrifying figure the rumors painted, yet his cold indifference left her more unsettled than any rage could have.

For days, their home remained a hollow, wordless place. Shen Yun Tian barely spoke to her, his presence almost ghostlike. His return to the mansion each evening was marked by the same coldness, his silence more oppressive than ever. He never touched her, never asked her where she went or what she did. It was as though she no longer existed in his eyes.

And yet, despite his distance, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of being kept under his invisible thumb. He didn't act like the possessive man people warned her about, but his eerie calm made her feel trapped in a different way. Fear gnawed at her, and she wished she had the courage to leave—yet where would she go?

The other Li Na, desperate for a way out, began making plans. She needed someone who wasn't Shen Yun Tian, someone who could give her a sense of freedom. And so she reached out to Ru Feng, a man from her past who seemed her only lifeline in this suffocating existence and decide to run away from her marriage life with him.

Shen Yun Tian's decision to let Li Na go was not made lightly. In truth, he had known of her plan long before she made her move. Her every step, every desperate glance toward freedom, was watched by him with a heavy heart. Though they lived like strangers, and though he had stopped trying to control her, a silent part of him still could not release her fully.

The day she presented the divorce papers to him, her hands trembling slightly but her eyes full of determination, Shen Yun Tian remained silent. His gaze, cold and distant, fixed on the neatly folded papers between them. For a long, excruciating moment, neither of them moved.

Finally, Li Na spoke, her voice strained. "I can't do this anymore. This—this marriage—it's suffocating me."

Her hands trembled as she placed the papers between them, expecting an explosion of rage—anything other than the unbearable tension that now filled the room. When he reached for the papers, his hand moved slowly, deliberately.

It felt as though the weight of their entire marriage, their past and all their mistakes, rested on that simple motion. Shen Yun Tian's eyes were distant, and the silence between them grew thicker with every passing second. Then, without a word, he tore the papers in half, the sound of ripping paper louder than any argument could have been.

Li Na's eyes widened in shock. "What... What are you doing?" Her voice cracked, the disbelief cutting through her.

Shen Yun Tian met her gaze, his face unreadable. "We're still married, Li Na." His words, delivered with chilling calm, felt like chains tightening around her.

"No, you can't just—" Her voice faltered as he stood, the simple motion feeling like a wall rising between them.

"If you want to go," he said softly, his back still turned, "then go. But this... doesn't end with a piece of paper."

His words, devoid of emotion, left Li Na speechless. She had expected resistance, but this—this felt worse. It wasn't a refusal to let her go, nor was it a plea for her to stay. It was a severing of something deeper. He had destroyed the divorce papers, but in that moment, she realized he had also destroyed any last thread of hope between them.


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