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‹ MiraaChe ‹ has posted a new chapter!- ͙۪۪̥˚

┊❛ welcome to chapter seventy-four❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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The corridor leading to the Room of Requirement was dimly lit, but Harry's steps were light as he carried Alaric in his arms. Alaric's eyes sparkled with curiosity, his tiny hands clutching Harry's cloak as he let out a few happy babbles. It was clear that Alaric could sense the magic, the anticipation in the air making his little face light up with excitement.

"Excited, aren't you?" Harry said with a soft smile, watching as the hidden door to the Room of Requirement shimmered into view, responding to their need. Alaric's babbling seemed to grow louder, as though he was calling the door into existence himself.

The moment Harry stepped into the room, the buzz of chatter and spell practice died down. The DA members turned their attention toward him, and their surprise quickly gave way to smiles and laughter at the sight of the small, wide-eyed Alaric in Harry's arms.

"Harry, what's Alaric doing here?" Ginny asked, grinning as she moved closer, her eyes filled with amusement.

Harry shrugged nonchalantly, lifting Alaric a bit higher, and nuzzled his chubby cheeks. "What? You think a baby is going to snitch on us to Umbridge?" he said with a laugh, and the entire room erupted into laughter. A few of them gathered closer to catch a better look at the giggling infant in Harry's arms.

Fred and George appeared at Harry's side, both grinning. "Now this," Fred said, gesturing to Alaric, "is what I call an upgrade to the DA."

"Absolutely," George chimed in, wagging his finger in mock seriousness. "Bringing in a Snape? Bold move. You're clearly out to impress, Potter."

Alaric babbled in response, waving his arms in the air as if agreeing with the twins.

"See?" George added with a grin. "He's on board."

Alaric responded to the laughter by kicking his little legs excitedly, his hands reaching out toward the students as if he wanted to join in the fun. The pure joy on his face was enough to make even the most focused students relax a little more.

Harry gave a warm smile, glancing down at Alaric. "He's my little helper today," he said with a hint of playfulness. "So you lot better bring your A-game."

Harry shifted Alaric slightly in his arms, smiling at the DA members as they gathered around. "You know," he said, his tone turning thoughtful, "casting a Patronus is one of the most powerful things you can do. It's not just about the spell—it's about the memory, the feeling behind it. You have to think of your happiest memory, something that makes you feel safe."

Luna tilted her head slightly, her dreamy gaze fixed on Harry. "Have you ever seen a truly perfect Patronus, Harry?" she asked.

Harry nodded, a hint of awe in his voice. "Yeah, I have. It was powerful, beautiful... almost mesmerizing."

"Who cast it?" Ginny asked, curiosity lighting up her eyes.

Harry hesitated for a moment, then a small smile tugged at his lips. "Professor Snape," he answered quietly. "I've seen him cast one before. It was... flawless."

Harry clearly remembered the day back in his third year when Severus had stepped in to protect him and his friends. The sight of Severus' Patronus—identical to Rosabelle's—had been etched into his memory. 

The way he stood, unwavering, shielding them from danger, had been unexpected and powerful. Looking back, Harry realized that moment might have been the turning point, the day he first began to see Severus Snape not just as a teacher but as someone worthy of respect.

The room went silent for a moment, surprise written on everyone's faces. Fred and George were the first to break it with their signature grins.

"Must have been one heck of a happy memory for him, then," Fred quipped, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Hermione smiled thoughtfully, her expression softening as she spoke up. "I think it was all thanks to Professor Rosabelle," she said. "He might be strict and reserved, but around her, he's different. It's like she brings out the best in him."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚ヾ◌

Alaric, still in Harry's arms, his wide eyes darting from one smiling face to another. He babbled happily, and his little hands reached out towards the glowing light of another Patronus that danced past.

"Babies really are something else, aren't they?" one of the DA members joked, shaking their head with a laugh. "You know, they say babies are evil."

Fred and George exchanged knowing glances, and Fred raised his hand dramatically. "Oh, we've seen two perfect examples of that," he said, pointing towards Ron and Ginny. "Babies turned evil."

"Yep," George added, pointing dramatically at Ron and Ginny, "living proof that babies can be downright wicked!"

Ron rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help grinning. "Oh, shove off, you two."

Ginny stuck her tongue out at her brothers, but then turned her attention back to Alaric, her expression softening. "At least this little one seems harmless enough," she said, reaching over to gently ruffle Alaric's hair.

Harry chuckled, watching the easy camaraderie and feeling a sense of belonging that he hadn't felt in a long time. He continued walking around the room, encouraging the students as they practiced their Patronus charms, all the while holding Alaric close.

When Neville managed to produce a stronger wisp of a Patronus than before, Alaric's eyes sparkled with wonder, his tiny hands stretching out toward the silvery mist. The little boy's joy was infectious, and his pure delight seemed to motivate the other students to try even harder.

"Well done, Neville!" Harry encouraged with a grin, gently guiding Alaric's tiny hands to clap along in celebration.

As the lesson continued, Luna approached with her usual serene smile. "I think the little one wants to try touching one," she said softly, her voice almost dreamlike. She raised her wand, her expression calm and focused, and conjured a hare that hopped gracefully around the room before pausing right in front of Alaric.

Alaric's face lit up with pure joy, his little fingers stretching toward the hare as it twirled and flickered around him. His delighted laughter filled the room, and Luna's own smile grew wider at his reaction.

"I think he likes yours the best, Luna," Harry said, watching the way Alaric's eyes followed the hare as if it were the most magical thing he'd ever seen.

Finally, as the DA lesson began to wind down, the baby started to yawn, his eyes drooping slightly as he nestled against Harry's chest, clearly worn out from all the excitement.

"Looks like we tired him out," Fred said with a laugh, tucking his wand back into his pocket. "Better get him back to his mum and dad before they start wondering where he's been."

"Or worse," George added with a mischievous grin, "before Snape finds out. Imagine trying to explain this to him!"

Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "Believe me, I'd rather avoid that conversation." He looked down at Alaric, who was now drifting off to sleep in his arms. "You did great today, little guy," he whispered softly. "We'll definitely have to do this again."

Harry pressed a gentle kiss to the top of Alaric's head before heading off in search of Rosabelle.

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