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I dream about you:
kissing me in the rain
slow dancing in a parking lot
calling because you miss me
and answering all my texts
and all the while
i am not falling for you.
In reality:
you only hold my hand
when it's dark out
yet i crave your presence
more than i will admit
and when you ask what i want
i lie and say i don't know
The truth:
i want all of you
and to have none of you
to feel every single emotion
but the only one i can't avoid
to have my cake
and devour it too
I dream about:
admitting all my lies
saying that you'll kill me
begging you to at least
be gentle when you do
and telling you it's okay
if you can't
In reality:
i stay silent
you hold my hand
because it's dark out
and i kiss you
because i can
i stay silent
you apologize
and i tell you not to


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