Chapter 48

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Addy's pov
*2 days later*

Today's the day! It's the last day of school for us eighth graders and more importantly, graduation day. I'm pretty sure it's also the high schoolers' last day of school to, since the reason we end school early is because high school ends school early to and starts up again a couple weeks before the other grades.

All we'll be doing today is sign yearbooks and have the award ceremony after lunch. It's currently six and my friends and I were going to a small family restaurant that was really close to the school for breakfast. Our moms' planned out the whole thing since they're all close friends and decided that they'd drive us all there and then we'd walk the rest of the way to school.

"Addy get ready! We're leaving at six-fifty so you better hurry!" My mom called from her room.

"Okay!" I got out from bed and went to my closet to pick an outfit. I had no idea what to wear. Even though it was the last day of school I still had to find something a little fancy because we were having our awards ceremony during the school day. It took me a whe to find my outfit but I finally found one that was perfect for today.

Once I finally finished getting ready for breakfast my mom and I walked over to Cam's house to carpool. Once we got on their driveway I texted Cam that we were here and the next thing I know they both come out of their house and get in the car.

We exchanged hellos and started heading to the restaurant. Cam and I were showing each other photos on our phones the whole ride. When we got in the restaurant everyone else and their mom's were already sitting at the tables. I sat next to Maddie and Yolo while Ciara sat across from me next to Brandt and Cam. Our mom's were sitting at the other end of the table. We ordered our food and waited.

"Today's the day guys! We're graduating from middle school and going to high school," Maddie said.

"I'm excited but scared. What if we don't spend as much time as we are now? I don't want to loose you guys," I ask worriedly. Our food came and no one answered. I begin to worry.

"Addy no matter what happens we will still be a family, even if we're separated through the school year. We won't let something so little like going to different school that are practically ten minutes away from each other be the reason why we split. Our high school's have a lot of special days with each other anyway because they know the students have close bonds with each other and we'll also have school breaks AND the weekends! We'll still see each other a lot." Ciara explained making sure I understand that we will still spend time with each other. I give them a weak smile and nod.

"Don't worry, we'll be together forever, all of us," Cam comforted me. After we finished our breakfast our mom's made us take a bunch of photos before getting back into their cars so we could walk to school.

"Bye honey, I'll see you after lunch for the award ceremony!" My mom called before her and Cam's mom drove off.

"Okay, bye mom!"

"Come on guys, let's get going!" Ciara exclaimed while putting her arms around me and Cam. The whole walk to school consisted of taking a lot of pictures and just acting crazy. We said our hellos to a bunch of our other friends and took even more pictures while waiting for the teachers to open the doors. We didn't have our bags so we just went straight to our home room for announcements and yearbooks. The TV screen changed from the title page to the broad casters.

"Good morning fellow students! Today is Thursday,May twenty-eight. Please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance." We all rose and said the words we've known ever since we could remember. 
After we all sat down the broad casters continued with the announcements and then the principal came out.

"Good morning students! I hope all of you are having a good beginning to your school day. I just wanted to say one last goodbye to our eighth graders seeing as it's their last day here. I hope you guys have a great day and I'll see you in the large gym later for the award ceremony." He waved to the screen and the teacher turned it off.

"Alright kiddos, let's get this day started. The first thing we will do is go outside with the other teams to sign year books and listen to the principal's usual end of the year speech. That will probably take thirty minutes," Mrs.S started to explain the routine for today,"After that we will be taking the buses to the high school where graduation will be for graduation rehearsal and come back here for lunch and the award ceremony. Once that's done we'll go back to the high school for one last practice and come back here so you guys can go home and get ready." She sighed in relief after saying all the things we'll be doing and let us go outside to the front for yearbook singing and the speech.


We were now in the large gym with the other teams and a bunch of parents either sitting on the bleachers, standing, or sitting in the rows of chairs behind us. Mr.S went up yo the podium to start his speech.

"Welcome parents and guardians. We are excited to see many of the students family members for the award ceremony. We have had a great year this year and the school staff and I have had a wonderful year with all your children. We hope that these students to continue with their activities and continue to grow into great adults. Now, we will start with the awards."

The first couple of awards were about being positive, a leader, and all that stuff. Most of my friends and I got the leader award because of how we helped the new students and any other students who need help. I also got and award for great grades as well as my friends. The ceremony went on and my friends and I received many awards for our "great" year.... Omar got an award for his soccer playing and when he was walking back to his seat he looked at me, gave me a little smirk, and winked. I was very surprised at his actions, but just a little part of me was happy he did that.

"And that concludes our award ceremony. We will see you all later on at the graduation," we all applauded and waited for our parents to leave.

"Well that was successful, don't you think?" Yolo asked.

"Yeah, now let's go to our last practice for graduation." I hooked my arm through Ciara and Maddie and we all walked, or should I say skipped to the buses that were waiting for us outside.

Here we go. The last rehearsal for graduation... We'll be going to high school next year.



We listened to the school bell, signaling that school was over. We all ran out of our classes hearing our teachers saying they would see us later at the high school. My friends and I walked through the front doors for the last time as this middle school's students.
I turned around to Yolo, Maddie, and Ciara and said, "I'll see you girls later!"

"Bye, Addy see you later!" They all say. I started walking to my house thinking about how different next year will be. But hey, change can be good sometimes right?
Okay, I've been horrible at updating. It's probably because I don't have an exact routine like I did when I started this story. I'll probably be updating more in a couple weeks since school is starting very soon and I'll have a "routine" that will help me get my head straight haha. This book is coming to an end! The next chapter will probably will be the last chapter, but I want to thank everyone who has stuck around! I'll be making more stories so stick around 😉 this book will also be having a sequel and... Yeah :)

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