Chapter 37

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Addy's POV

Math just ended and I haven't spoken a single word since the beginning of class. When the bell rang I collected my stuff and went out of the classroom to wait for the others. Omar and Calvin were the last to exit the classroom.

" So, we're heading to history next, right?" Calvin asked.

" Yeah," Omar replied.

Luckily everyone has that class so it won't be that awkward. Ciara and I headed to our lockers while Omar and Calvin went to the classroom. There was an awkward silence between Ciara and I.

" So what happened before math started?" She asked breaking the silence.

" Well Brandt seemed very surprised when you were with Calvin and said that he hasn't seen you guys by each other since 4th grade," I explained, " Is there something you're hiding from Omar and I, Ciara?"

She stayed quiet we arrive day our lockers and got our stuff, she still wouldn't say anything. Once we both closed our lockers and started heading to history she sighed.

" Yes we've been hiding something from you, but to be honest we didn't tell you guys because we didn't think you'd need to know. At least not until he moved back."

" Then tell me now. I already know this much, might as well tell me the real reason now."

" I'll tell both you and Omar at lunch,I promise."

We entered the room and headed into the classroom. Ciara went to the back of the room where she sits next to Cam and behind Yolo. I stayed in the front of the room where I sit next to Maddie and in front of Omar who also sits next to Calvin. Omar doesn't seem to like Calvin that much, he speaks coldly towards him and whenever Calvin is by me his hands start to form into fists, face turns red, and jaw clenches. He grabs my hand and intertwine our fingers as if he's wanting Calvin to stay back. It's as if he doesn't trust me...

"Class, today we will just be taking notes so get into your groups and start," our teacher instructed.

Our teacher has a weird way of taking notes. In the beginning of the year we had to make a big group and whenever we have to take notes and our teacher knows we could take them ourselves she lets us work with our groups out of the textbooks and talks about it the next day.

I headed to the back of the room to meet the rest of the group to see that Calvin has joined the group. We move the desks together to form a big table and sit down. Ciara seems uncomfortable with the group which is very unusual. She looks so out of it it just not normal.

" Ciara, help me get the textbooks," Cam said.

Cam's POV

I could tell Ciara was hurting. We all can. She isn't her usual cheery making-other-people-smile-and-laugh self. Instead she just this person who is just plain hurt, you can see it in her eyes. The way she talks quietly, her slow movements, they way her head is hanging low. Everything is telling us that she is hurt.

" Ciara, help me get the textbooks," I say in a somewhat demanding time. She seemed a little surprised by my time but still got up to help with the textbooks. Once I knew we were far enough from the group I started talking.

" What's up with you?" I started, " I know you're not comfortable with Calvin around but I thought thou would of at least acted kind to him, even if you didn't mean it." She stayed quiet. We were at the end of the medium sized line of other students to get text books.

" I just can't believe he's here, after all that happened," she whispered. I turn to face the girl who has just whispered that. I turned to a girl I have known since 5th grade with tears in her eyes. Her eyes were filled with fright and you could tell that she was just filled with emotions. Anger, sadness, confusion, frustration,desperation, there were so many emotions filling her face.

I looked at her sincerely and gave her a hug. Ciara crying is not a good thing. She doesn't cry for no reason and when she does cry we know it's serious.

" Shh Ciara don't cry, everything will be alright. She nodded into my shoulder and backed away. She wiped her eyes and took deep breathes.

" Thank you," and with that we retrieved our textbooks and went back to our group. Maddie saw Ciara and looked at me with a concerned face that said what-in-the-world-happened? I gave her a little nod telling her I would tell her later and nodded as if she understood.

For the rest of the period we just talked in our little group collecting notes for our end of the year test. Now that I think of it, I don't think Addy told Omar what would happen next year for high school. Uh - oh.

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