chapter 8

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Finally, Monday came around. Cora and I got together that moning, at her house. We sat in her bedroom, doing each others make-up and trying not to start hyperventilating. Around 10 am, our parents called us down, and we piled into one car. A half an hour later, we arrived at a local party place. There was a bowling alley, a gymnastics room, a dining room, and a whole inflatable play area. Ross had phoned, saying that they had rented the place for the entire day, so we could all hang out there. Our parents all followed us in, and insisted on meeting everyone else. We reunited with Jill, Kate, Jake, and the band obviously. It turned out Stormie and Mark had errands to run, so they would be leaving us alone.

Surprisingly, all of our parents were okay with this, and soon left. Leaving the band, Ryland, Kelly, and us behind. The first thing we did was bowl.  One team was named the Moustachiers: Ratliff, Kate, Kelly, Rocky, Ryland, and Jill. The other  team was the Musicianios: Riker, Cora, Rydel, Jake, Ross, and myself. We must have played for at least 3 hours, Rocky constantly getting strikes, and Rydel equalling the score for us. The rest of us did our best, and the scores were only a few points different, with the Moustachiers in the lead. Luckily, Cora got a last strike, and made us, the Musicianos, the winners.

After that, we basically split off into small groups. Cora and Riker joined Ross and me. Ratliff, Kelly, Kate, and Ryland went off together. Rocky, Jill, Rydel, and Jake joined together. Jill's group went off to do more bowling, Kate's group went to the gymnastics room, and our group went to the inflatable play area. Once there, we chased each other through the room, playing some sort of tag. There were no definate rules. Just tag someone else, yell their name so that everyone knew they were IT, and run off.

We could hear shrieks of amusement coming from the other rooms, and were making quite a bit of noise ourselves. After awhile, we took a break, and we all sat down on random inflatable objects. "So, I just realized that we don't really know much about either of you. So how about random fact time?" Riker asked Cora and me. Cora went first, "Well, i have a dog and a hamster. I have two sisters, and a brother. I love drama and art. Let's see... oh! I play drums, electric and acoustic guitar, and the keyboard a bit. I want to be a tv presenter or an actress when i grow up! And, i want to travel the world! Your turn Jenn." She turned to me.

I smiled, and began talking, "I have an older sister, Katherine, and a cat named Sassy. I love singing, reading, and writing stories. Ummm, what else? I love going to concerts, especially R5's. I speak french as a second language, and I have a dutch background on my mom's side. Uh, i'm learning to play piano, and am getting kind of good at it. That's it, I guess."

Before anyone could respond, Rydel called us into the dining room for lunch. There were 3 types of pizza (including hawaiian- Cora's fave) and pop to drink.  Riker gently elbowed Cora top get her attention, "You like Hawaiian too?! It's my favourite!" He pionted out his plate, that had 4 slices of pizza on it. Cora laughed and went to sit. All 12 of us sat down at the table ( the guys pulling out chairs for all us girls) and began eating. We sat in this order: Ross, me, Cora, Riker, Rydel, Jake, Ryland, Kate, Ratliff, Kelly, Jill, and Rocky. The conversation turned to, for some reason, a debate on the subject of camping.

Most of us were for it, and a few people, ahemm: Jake, Ryland, and Kate, were against it. I myself was an avid camper, going every summer with my mom and sister, as long as i could remember. It was crazy fun: setting up the tent, swimming at the beach, playing in the sand, having fires at night etc. Apparently the Lynches had all gone camping a few times as well, but always in a trailer.

After everyone had finished eating, and the discussion had settled down, we all seperated again. This time Ross and I went off on our own, just the two of us.

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