Chapter 69 (haha Ross's fave number :p)

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I still hadn't been over seeing how bad Jenn's morning sickness was. I didn't know if that was normal, if she had it worse than most pregnant women. Then Noah had woken us up, which lead to us seeing Jenn blow up (again, a 2nd time at Noah) then break down. When she'd run off, we'd all freaked and tried to figure out where she went.

Then we thought we heard a scream. We'd headed up to the main floor from the basement. Heard another scream, and started running. Then we heard yelling. Coming from the poolhouse. We'd burst in, to find Sheila and Jenn having a stand-off.

We looked at Jenn to make sure she wasn't hurt, than chased after Sheila when she ran into the other room.

I tackled her, and yelled for someone to call 911. Noah helped me keep her under control as she struggled.

We heard footsteps in the other room. Then I heard Nina yell "OMG!". What was going on? Someone else came in with us, and Katherine said she was calling 911.

Just then Sheila bit my arm. I let go of her in shock, and she pushed me off of her. Luckily Noah grabbed her, and pushed her up against the wall. He pinned her there with his body, so she couldn't move.

I stood up, and brushed my clothes off.

I went to go help Noah, but he shook his head, "I got her. Go make sure Sheila didn't hurt Jenn."

I nodded, and went into the other room. Where I froze in fear. My beautiful pregnant girlfriend was lying on the ground. Not moving. I inhaled sharply. Nina, who was leaning over her, talking frantically into her phone, looked up at me.

Her face softened for a split second, "She's still breathing Ross." Then she went back to her phone call.

I raced over and knelt on the ground beside Jenn. Her skin colour had paled, and her breathing was shallow. Oh God what had happened!? She'd seemed fine when we'd first gotten here!!!

Sirens screamed from the street, and a few minutes later 2 police officers and 4 EMS came into the poolhouse, led by Jenn's mom. The police went into the other room, and came out with a screaming and protesting Sheila in handcuffs. The EMS came over to Jenn. Nina moved out of their way, but I stayed where I was. They checked her vitals, then two of them went to get a stretcher.

They put her on it, and brought her out to the ambulance. Her mom got in with her, and they took off, sirens going, rushing to the hospital.

The rest of us (Jenn's dad, Katherine, Nina, Noah, and myself) quickly got into the cars, and went after them. On the way, we called everyone else to let them know what was happening. When we got to the hospital, Jenn was already inside, and everyone else was pulling into the parking lot too.

We parked, and bolted inside, just in time to see Jenn being rushed down a hallway, and doors being shut behind them. Jenn's mom left on this side, holding her hands to her face, crying.

Jenn's dad went over to her, and pulled her into a hug, then lead her to a chair. We all gathered around, anxiously waiting for the doctor to come out.

Finally after a few minutes, the doctor that had seen Jenn when she'd drowned came out. He gave me a dirty look, then faced the rest of the group.

"It appears that Jennifer overexerted herself emotionally, and because of the excessive hormones due to her pregnancy," Another look pointed at me, "the effect was especially drastic. Her body has started the shutdown process. It slowed her heartbeat and oxygen intake. every hour she is unconscious, more organs are shutting down. Going from the less important ones to the more vital ones. If we can't stop it in the next 2 hours, I'm afraid her chances of survival fall 70%. If it goes to 3 hours, there will be nothing we can do, and she'll die 9 hours later. Our best doctors are working on her now."

Horror and pain crossed everyone's faces. Probably mine too. I fell into a chair, and started crying. So did Jenn's family and Cora. Everyone else looked like they were trying to hold it in.

The doctor pursed hs lips, "I'll be back if anything changes."

No one even acknewledged him as he walked away.

We all stayed there. Either sitting un-moving in chairs, staring at our hands, crying, or pacing around. None of us talked.

An hour passed. The doctor didn't come.

Another half hour passed. The doctor didn't come.

We were getting nearer and nearer to that 2 hour mark.

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