Chapter 48

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I was still sitting there a few hours later when a dark figure came and sat beside me. Olivia.

"I was at the party. Johnny told me what he said to you. and that he's worried. I figured you wouldn't be sleeping, so I came to see if you wanted to talk." She put her arm on my shoulder.

I turned to face her, all emotion numbed from the last few hours hours of endless thinking, out here alone in the dark. "Thanks Livie.....but I'm good, I'm..." I struggled for words. "I'm doing okay. He shouldn't worry. It's not going to happen again. It's not possible."

" much as I know how strong you think you are, it is always possible."

I let out a short laugh. "It's not possible because I'd never get away with it. I have too many people watching me." I quickly shut up and hoped she wouldn't realize what that really meant-that if I could, I would. That I wanted to.

But of course, she did. "Oh God Jenn. You can't be serious."

She looked like she was going to cry. Great. I stood up. "Of course I'm not. That would be stupid." I lied through my teeth.

She stood up beside me,  then grabbed my arm. "Come on. Intervention time." She started pulling me along the yard.

Well this couldn't be good. I dug in my heels. "I can't go anywhere. Noah'll freak if he wakes up and I'm gone. He'll think Sheila took me."

"It's the middle of the night. I doubt he'll notice."

"He's been known to check up on me."

She stopped and stared at me. "You're kidding right? and what was you're plan while you were in the backyard?"

"I left a note saying 'in backyard-Jenn' just in case"

"Hmm. Then we can leave a note here saying you went for a walk."

I shook my head. "No, cuz then he'll chew me up when I get back for leaving the property alone."

"We can say you're with me."

I gave her The Look. "Yes. I'm sure the fact that I'm with Sheila's sister will comfort him. Cuz that's all he's gonna think." Sarcasm oozed from my words.

She sighed. "Fine. We can stay here."

I sat back down on the grass. I saw her take out her phone. She texted someone than put it away.

"Who'd you text?"


I stood up so fast the world spun. "Like hell. He better not be coming here." Oh God. That would not end well. I can only wonder what Noah would think. and if Ross found out I was getting nighttime visits from the town's Boy Wonder..this had to be stopped.

"He is. Either that or we meet him."

I guess someplace not-my-house would probably be better. "Fine, let me go write a note that won't freak Noah out. and grab a sweater, I'm getting cold."

She took her phone back put, and I headed inside.


 please don't freak when you read this. Livie showed up when i was outside-I couldnt sleep- and is insisting on dragging me somewhere to meet Johnny. I'll be back sometime. Probably before you even wake up.


I stuck the note beside my doorway, hanging beads, grabbed a hot pink sweater, and headed outside. I paused just outside the washroom, my gaze restedon what would probably be the topic of conversation tonight. I quickly lifted it and went to join Olivia.

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