Chapter 54

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Riker and i were on the couch cuddling, when Rydel stormed inside, holding a sheet of paper. She came up to me. "Do you know what this is!?"

I took it and stared at it. Jenn....married? No way in hell. I looked closer. The guy was wearing sunglasses. And something odd was reflected in them... I looked back at Jenn. Something wasn't right. She might think she can hide her true feelings sometimes-but I can always tell when she is.

I looked back at Rydel. "This is Sheila trying to make trouble."

Her and Riker, who had looked at it at the same time I was, gaped at me.

"Do you see this!?  They are married. And Jenn doesn't look like she's being framed, she actually looks like she just won the happiness lottery!" Riker exploded beside me.

I looked at them calmly. "Yes. I see them. I also see things you guys don't. And i know things you guys don't. Look in his glasses. What do you see?"

They peered at the picture, "What is that?"

I sighed, "That's Sheila. With a camera, and a gun. and just because they have rings doesn't mean they are married. Besides, Jenn was obviously being forced to take this picture."

"Umm, she still looks pretty happy."

"Wouldn't you do your best to look happy if that's what you were being told to do with a gun pointed at you? Besides, she's not. I've known her forever, and her eyes give her away, if you know her. She's miserable in that picture."

Silence as they looked at it. Then Rydel looked up. "Riker, call the police. Cora get everyone together. I'm gonna get Ross. he already saw this-and he freaked. Everyone needs to see this, and hear the story behind it."

We nodded, and seperated.


Rydel knelt down beside me. "Ross."

I groaned and turned away. She put her hand on her shoulder. "Ross. The picture isn't real. It's a lie."

I rolled over, gave her an I-don't-believe-you look, and rolled back. She sighed and stood up. "Ross.Shor.Lynch. Get your butt off those towels right now. Your girlfriend is in danger. Maybe if you had a little more faith in her and weren't so jealous you would realize the same thing Cora did."

I turned over and glared at her as I stood up. "I had all the faith in the world in her. I LOVE her. And then a picture shows up of her looking like she thinks the world of a guy that she is sitting ON THE LAP OF, and it says she's been married to him for 2 YEARS. How the hell am I supposed to react!?"

She rubbed her hand over her eyes. "Okay, I'll admit it looks bad at first. But then i showed it to Cora. She's known Jenn forever. She knows Jenn would never do anything like this, and she found proof."

I grabbed on to this ray of hope that maybe Jenn really did love me. That I wasn't just a game to her. "What do you mean?"

"The guy's glasses show a reflection of Sheila pointing a gun at Jenn, and holding a camera. and Cora says Jenn's eyes show she's miserable. and she pointed something out. Just because they have rings, and the note SAYS they are married, it doesn't make it true."

I blinked and started heading inside. "Oh. Let's go."


We all sat in the basement. With a collection of couches, chairs, beanbags, stools, and for the rest-the floor. This was the only room we could all fit comfortably in. Cora sat on the loveseat with Riker at the front of the room. Apparently her, Riker, Rydel, and Ross had somethinbg to tell us. It was about Jenn, so the police were on there way. But they were going to explain it to us before they got here. Or apparently Cora was.

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