Chapter 52

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I looked up at Noah. "Well, what is it!?"

He smiled, "They found your parents. And they are all ok!"

I jumped up and hugged Rocky. Jill and Kate were acting similarily.

"And they are on their way here."

We screamed. Just then the doorbell rang. We ran over each other to get there.

I got there first and pulled it open."Mom!!! Dad!!!!" I threw myself at them.

We all stood on the porch hugging and crying happy tears.


Our parents had nothing. The flood had basically destroyed all of our houses. But not for long. Noah had offered to pay for the repairs, and for all the new furnishings and belongings. He was going shopping tomorrow with our parents to buy them new clothes. Until then, all 3 of our families would be living at Jenn's house.

Noah-who was supposed to be going back to his own place when Jenn's parents had gotten back, refused to leave until she was found.


It was a good thing my Aunt and Uncle had a big house. They had gone from only having themselves, my two cousins (J and Kat), and their cat Sassy. Then Kat left. Awhile later, I came. Then J was kidnapped, which pissed me off. And now it was my Aunt, Uncle, Me, Kate, Kate's mom and dad, Jill, Jill's mom and dad, Jake, and Jake's mom and dad. And Sassy. Not to mention that the Lynches, Ellington, Kelly and Cora were basically over all the time. It was definately a full house.

And it was about to get another resident- Kat was coming home from France in a few days. My Aunt and Uncle had phoned her when Jenn had gone missing, and she'd wanted to fly home on the first flight. But, her parents had pointed out that the trip was over in a few days anyway, and nothing would be accomplished from her being here any earlier. So she was staying until the end.

Of course, this whole full house thing kinda sucked for privacy, which is why when I'd asked Nina on a date (I FINALLY found the courage) it involved staying far away from this house. I was on my way to pick her up now.



I was an idiot. I should never have gone willingly with Sheila..then I would never have been trapped in this small room with Carmine, not knowing what day it is, or what time it is..


I had officially lost all dignity. Yesterday, Carmine had watched while I was forced to do a striptease at gunpoint. Sheila was the one behind the gun, and she enjoyed any sort of discomfort I was in. Afterwards, I wasn't given my shorts and top back. So I had to walk around in my bra and underwear. With Carmine enjoying every second of it. I hated this.

And to top it off, Carmine's version of slow meant the second time was feeling up my whole body with clothes on (egh), third time was my clothes off and him feeling me up/grinding against me with his clothes on (shudder). So far i'd been locked up during these times. But not on the floor anymore. Oh no. The second time was with me standing attached to the pole. And the third time was me attached to the bed. Laying down.

I was absolutely petrified for Time 4.  


Well, it's not like I was a virgin. But that's only because of the first time i'd met Carmine....which had led to the bathroom thing with Johnny.

I'd been at a beach party. Drunk. Even though I was underage. WAAAAYYY underage. Since now, 2 years later, I was still 3 years underage. Carmine hadn't been drunk. He was just a jerk. A horny jerk.

He'd pulled me away from the group, into a small grove of trees by the water. Then he'd raped me. I'd been drunk, but had done my best to fight him off. It didn't work. When he was done, he left me lying there.

At least that is what I told Johnny.I'd finally managed to get partially dressed, when Johnny had found me. He went and got Livie. I told them what happened, leaving out one part. They pushed for me to tell the police. But I was too humiliated, and didn't want to confess i'd been underage drinking.

So i'd left it alone. A few weeks later, I learned I was pregnant. I freaked. Johnny and Livie had been over talking with me. Still trying to convince me to tell the police.

They had gotten worried when I didn't come back from the bathroom. So Johnny came to see what was going on. I'd been crying, and he could hear it in my voice. I'd told him to leave me alone.

Instead he broke down the door. And found me holding a razor to my left arm with 4 cuts already bleeding on my right arm. He screamed for Livie. She was the one who saw the pregnancy test. Then I passed out.

When i'd woken up, I'd been in a strange bed in a strangely clinical setting. My arms were bandaged, and my stomach hurt. Johnny and Livie came in. They told me they'd sent me for an abortion.

I broke down crying and screaming. I may have been too young to be a mother, but my strongest belief was that abortion was equal to murder. And they had known that. I could have gotten help raising the child, or I could have put it up for adoption.

I didn't talk to them for days. Then I needed to grieve, and didn't want to tell anyone else. Things went back to normal. Then there was the drama with Livie. So I stopped talking to them both, needing to try and forget the blood on my hands, and the pain of losing my child, and of being raped. Olivia and Johnny were reminders.

The part i'd left out, was actually a really big thing. But I just couldn't make myself say the words out loud.

Before Carmine had brought me into the grove, he'd driven me to the casino up the street. And somehow, despite the fact that I was 14 and drunk (so I wasn't in my right mind to be doing such things) he had convinced the chapel workers to marry us. YEP. MARRY US. I'd been married at 14 to a guy i'd never talked to before who was a few years older than me. I still don't know his actual age. Then he brought me back to the beach, into the grove, and raped me.

I never did anything about the marriage cuz 1) I figured it was invalid anyway , 2) Carmine had the marriage contract and 3) I'd have to talk about the rape if I talked about the marriage.

Now here I was. Worse than i'd started. And no one could help me.

I rolled over, and Carmine was standing there watching me. Creep.

"Sheila wants me to give you something." He held up a pile of clothes.

I reached out to grab them. But he held them out of reach. "First you have to change your," snickers, "undergarments."

I quickly changed, and grabbed the rest of the clothes. I pulled them on. I was wearing a light blue dress that fell to just above mid-thigh, a brown braided belt went around my waist, and light brown stilettos.

Carmine smiled at me. "Come on. We're goin' on a trip."

The door opened, and he pulled me through. Sheila stood there glaring.

"You are going to behave. Or I am going to taze you. And it's on high. Got it?"

I nodded.

Carmine tied a blindfold around my eyes. I was spun in circles then lead away. We went up some stairs, walked around a few corners, went through a door. Then I was being pushed into a car. We drove for what felt like hours, then pulled to a stop. They took off my blindfold. I blinked at the sudden light.

We were in a park. In an area I'd never seen before.

"Okay, photo time!" Sheila directed Carmine and me around, until we were positioned just the way she wanted. She told us to smile. I tried.

It didn't work. How could you smile when you are in this kind of situation?

Sheila came over. "Smile. And make it look real. Carmine and I have ways to make your stay at his house very uncomfortable." She went on to describe it in detail.

When she was done, I dug inside myself and found the most fake genuine smile of my existence.

She snapped a few pictures. When we were done, we went back into the car. I was reblindfolded, and we drove back to my prison.

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