Chapter 50

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I woke up and headed downstairs to get breakfast. My Aunt and Uncle were supposed to be back by noon, and it was 9 now. I felt really bad about my talk with J last night err early this morning. I would have to find a way to make it up to her... but it did hurt that she hadn't told me what she'd gone through...

I took a few steps away from the stairs and froze, why was the front door partially open?

I walked over, and opened it the rest of the way, carefully. Johnny was laying on the porch. Not moving. I dropped to my knees and made sure he was still breathing. I stood up to call 911- WAIT. WHERE IS J!!!??

I bolted up the stairs and ran into her room. Empty, with the bed made. But she'd run into Kat's room, maybe she she was still there!? I hoped so. I was freaking out. I raced down the hall, and tried the handle. Unlocked. I pushed the door open. Empty. With a messed up bed. OH GOD. J.

"What's going on?"

I swung around to see Jill, Kate, and Jake standing there looking confused. i gave them a rundown of what had happened.

We ran through the rest of the house, my heart was pounding in fear, screaming her name. We met up in the living room. She wasn't upstairs, downstairs, outside or in the basement. Damn it.

I ran for the phone and called 911 with shaking hands.

"911- what's your emergency?" A woman's voice came through the line.

"I woke up and my cousin's gone, ther's a knocked out friend on our porch and the door was partway open. Please we need to find her. There's this crazy girl that's been after her- and Johnny should probably go to the hospital, and Oh GOD pleae help!"

"Sir, what is the address I will send people right away."

I told her.

"Okay, I'm gonna stay on the line with you until help gets there, okay?"

I agreed.

A few minutes later, sirens pulled onto the street. An ambulance and a police car. The EMS quickly went to work on Johnny, and the police started asking me questions.

I told them all about Sheila, I told them how we knew Johnny, and I begged them to find J.

"Okay, thank you Sir. I promise you, we will do our best to find her. Now, is there anyone you need to call about your cousin or Mr. Abbot?"

I nodded, he started talking to Jill, Kate and Jake, and I went inside. First, i called the Abbots to let them know about Johnny. Then i called my Aunt and Uncle, then Cora and Ross. Ross could tell the rest of the group.

Of course everyone flipped when they heard about Jenn, and said they were on their way.

I went back outside, and heard Johnny yelling my name. He was awake.

I jogged over to him, "I'm here dude, what's up?"

He grabbed my arm, "I know what happened to Jenn."


I put the phone down. JENN WAS MISSING. OH GOD. 


She was down before I finished and together we ran for the car. i told her about my call from Noah, and she drove as fast as possible to Jenn's house.

I should probably call Livie.... i grabbed my cell and dialed her name.

"Hey, Cor!" She chirped into the phone.

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