Chapter 41

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"So she's going to be okay?" Olivia looked up at me.

"Yeah. At least from this. She's strong, and the doctors found the drug traces just in time." I walked over beside Olivia.

We stayed there for a few minutes, just watching Jenn, and thinking. Then we walked back out to the waiting room, and sat down with everybody.



I walked in the door, looking to see if Sheila's shoes were there. They were, which meant she was home. I'd never meant for things to get this far with Sheila, I really hadn't. i hadn't even meant to tell her. i'd just been so sad and mad that I'd gotten stood up, that i came home rambling about the whole thing. Sheila somehow got that Roger had sstood me up because of Jenn. Then it just went off from there. Now I had to do my best to bring it to a screeching halt.

I walked up to Sheila's room. It was painted a dark red, with a lot of black decor. It gave me the creeps. I swallowed, and knocked. She opened the door, rolled her eyes, and motioned forme to come in. I sat down on the carpet cross legged.

"What's up sis?" She settled down on her bed.

I took a deep breath. "I was at the hospital today."

She sat up straight, and stared at me. "Why?"

I looked her in the eye. "Because Jenn is still my friend. You took things too far Sheila. You almost killed her."

She stood up to tower over me. "Key word: almost. I wasn't going to actually kill her."

I stood up beside her. "Yes. You were. Don't lie to me, not on top of everything else. The doctor almost couldn't save her. It was an extremely close call."

She paled. "How...."

"How do I know? Because I talked to Cora, who heard it directly from the doctor himself."

She grabbed my arm. "She deserves everything she has gotten. But she still deserves more than what she's gotten. and she will get it."

I pulled out of her grip. "She's gotten MORE than she deserves. She barely deserved being insulted once or twice. You've gone too far."

She glared at me, stalked to the door, and paused halfway out of it, "See, that's what you don't get. You don't decide when it's gone too far. I do."

Then she was gone.

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