Chapter 80

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Ross pressed his lips to the top of my head, and held me closer to him. I leaned back into him, smiling.

My mom's lit-up eyes looked at me, "Well what's her name?"

I grinned, "Why don't we get the rest of the group, and I can tell you all together. And maybe get the rest of the Lynchs on speakerphone or something. Or maybe videochat so they can see our beautiful baby girl?" I looked up at Ross at the last part. He nodded in agreement.

My mom sighed impatiently, and handed my baby back over, "Okay, I'll be right back with everybody."

A few minutes later, a chaotic noise came from the corridor. Then a crowd of people descended on the room. Noah, Kat, Pierre, Nina, my dad, and.. the Lynchs! Somehow they had gotten here. By the time everyone had filed in, I realized it was everyone that had been on tour, so Cora, Kelly, Jill, and Kate were all here too! I beamed at all of them.

"I'm glad you're all here, so you can all hear her name at the same time." I smiled down at my little girl.

I looked back up at everyone, "We'd like you to meet Charity Rosemarie Lynch."

Everyone '"awww"ed, and Ross leaned down to kiss Charity's forehead.

"It's a beautiful name for a beautiful baby." Rydel gushed.

Everyone else said similar things, all of them absolutely in love with the name. It all started to mix together, as my body started feeling the effects of the birth. It was screaming at me to sleep. I handed Charity to Ross, and snuggled back into my pillows, quickly falling asleep.


Everyone else had cleared out of the room, and it was only myself, my sleeping fiancée, and our perfect baby girl. Charity.

We had chosen the name, because it means love, and through love, (Jennifer's for Charity and me, mine for Jenn and her unborn child), we had been able to form our own family. Even though Charity wasn't my daughter by blood, she was, in every other way. In fact, we'd all but forgotten I wasn't her biological father. And besides, legally, i WAS her father. Jenn had written my name on the birth certificate.

I was sitting on a hospital chair beside the bed, with Charity in my arms. i couldn't look away from her, she was captivating. I'd seen many pictures of Jenn as a baby, and Charity already looked so much like her, she even had small tufts of red hair already growing on her head. She had Jenn's eyes, and her skin tone. She was beautiful.

Charity cooed, and raised her arms up at me, I obligingly moved my face closer, and kissed her small forehead. I loved her. So much.


I was sitting in the waiting room, with Pierre's arm around my shoulders. I couldn't get my mind off my darling little niece, and I didn't want to. She was a little miracle of joy and happiness. 

Pierre kissed my cheek, "Ta nièce est très mignon, elle sera belle comme sa tante." (Your niece is very cute, she will be beautiful like her aunt.) He winked playfully at me.

I grinned. "Oui, et merci mon chérie." (Yes, and thank you honey) I leaned over and softly kissed his lips.

My mom came over, "Well, visiting hours are over. We're all being told to leave. Ross will be staying since he's the father."

Pierre and I followed my mother as she recruited the rest of the group. We all went in to say goodbye to Ross and Charity (Jenn was still sleeping), then left via our seperate cars. We were all going to reconvene at the Carters' house.


I was standing in Jenn's backyard with Riker, looking up at the stars together, our hands intertwined.



He gently tugged on my hand, and I turned to face him. He smiled lovingly at me, then dropped down onto one knee.

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