chapter 20

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Cora coughed, in a not-so-subtle-get-a-room way. Ross and I broke about, and I grinned up at her. Ross stood up, then bent down to pick me up - bridal style. I snuggled into his chest, and wrapped my arms around his neck. Cora grabbed the vacuum, and we all headed upstairs.

"Hey, what took you guys so long?" Ryland asked when we got back to my room, and Ross had put me down.

Before I could answer, Rydel stepped closer, than gasped, "Why are your eyes all red? Were you crying!?" she turned to Ross, "Did you make her cry, cuz if you did-" she took a step forward, and I quickly intercepted her.

"No, Ross didn't make me cry, he actually helped me stop.. so..."

Everyone was crowding around us now, and Rocky spoke up, "So if he didn't, who did?"

I looked at Ross and Cora, close to tears again. Ross wrapped his arm around me, and pulled me into a hug. Cora, bless her, told everyone what was going on, so that I didn't have to go through everything again.

When she finished, Riker came up and put a hand on my shoulder, removing it almost as quickly-probably cuz Ross was giving him a back-off-my-girl look. Aww, he is so protective. Riker stepped away, before speaking, "Well, no worries, this Sheila, will have to go through all of us," he gestured around the room, "and our parents, and i'm assuming YOUR parents, and all your other friends, and all our friends-" Rydel hit him gently, "Dude, GET TO THE POINT."

He gave her a look and continued, "My point is that this is just one girl against everyone who loves you, you're Ross's girlfriend, so now you're a part of the family. And family protects family. Plus, I don't think we could get Ross to stay away from you with an entire army..."

My smile gradually grew the entire time Riker was talking. I'd blushed when he said the part of me about me being Ross's girlfriend, since it hadn't been really officialized. But at his last comment, I laughed. "Thank you so much, that really means a lot to me." I broke away from Ross, and gave Riker a hug. He hugged me back, then backed away to go stand with Cora. They really did look so cute together. I went baack to Ross, and he enveloped me in a bear hug.

"What about me, the guy who loves so much, don't I get any thanks?" Ross whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him, then stood on my tiptoes to whisper back in his ear, "You can get your thanks later." Then, i kissed him on the cheek. I felt him stiffen with shock, and he held me even tighter. Not that i minded.

Just then, the phone rang. I went to grab it, but Ryland had already answered it.

"Hello? No, this isn't the wrong number..... yah, here she is.." He handed the phone to me.


"Who in the world just answered the phone? Do you have guys over Jennifer!" a very, very familiar voice came through the phone. I gave a wave to the room, and went into the hall,

"OMG, Katherine!!! We haven't talked in ages!! I have SO MUCH to tell you!" I couldn't believe it! It was my sister, who was currently living abroad in France for a few months as part of some school thing. I hadn't talked to her since the week before the concert. Honestly, I think she was afraid to call, since she knows how excited I get...

"I know!! But you had the concert, by the way, how was that? Oh, and you still haven't answered my questions: DO. YOU. HAVE. GUYS.OVER.? AND.WHO.ANSWERED. THE.PHONE." I couldn't help it, i laughed.

"Not only do I have guys over, I have 5 guys over. and RyRy answered the phone. I'll explain in a moment, it's just a long story. So what's new with you?"

Her annoyance was almost tangible through the phone. "5 GUYS! Forget me. Tell me what's going on with you. NOW."

"Fine, fine." So I told her the cliffnotes version of how R5 had gone from being idols I got to see every once in awhile, to frinnds, and one them my boyfriend. And why they were all in my room at this morning. Of course she laughed about the door. "So yeah, that's why RyRy-the little bro slash comanager- answered the phone, and why I have 5 guys in my room, and 3 other girls aside from myself."

"OMG! You are so lucky!! Now, if only I could meet you-know-who and have the same thing happen... " she trailed off into silence.

"Aww, who knows, maybe it'll happen for you too one day!! Now, what is up with you? Any sexy french boys that catch your eye?" I teased, (I like to do that A LOT when it comes to my sis)

"Haha, very funny. Nothing much is going on.. Well,  it's France so it's amazing, but still. Well, we went for a class trip up the Eiffel Tower the other day. And yesterday I bought a red beret, and a black and whit striped shirt. Gotta live with the stereotype."

"You NEED to take a picture of that!! While holding a croissant, naturally. I miss you so much, Kat."

"Ok, will do! I miss you too Jenn... oh one sec...... I gotta go, Ashley and I are going to dinner."

"Ok, have fun. I love you."

"I love you too, sis." The line went dead. I just stood there, staring at the phone. It is so hard having her halfway around the world (I'm not actually sure if it IS halfway around thw wworld, but it sure feels like it), but there is only one month left, and she'll be home.  I can't wait!

I ended the call on my end, and went back into my room. Cora saw me enter, and came over.

"Who was it?"

"hmm? Oh, it was Kat." I said, looking down.

"Aw, Jenn." She hugged me.

The doorbell rang, but I didn't move, figuring my mom would get it. I turned to Ross, who had come over beside me again.

"Hey babe. Who was on the phone?" Wow, did EVERYONE need to know who I talked to? Well, I guess not everyone... Then Ryland came up and asked the same wquestion, then everyone else looked over, waiting for the answer.... okay, now it WAS everyone...

I really didn't feel like explaining the whole -my older sister is in France, but it's only temporary, NO it wasn't just a random trip, it's for school, YES, we did have to pay for it, OF COURSE I miss her, It's not MUCH longer, just a month, NO, you DON'T need to feel sorry for me- deal. Cuz that's what happened everytime I told someone. I just looked t Cora, looked at the door, looked at everybody else, then back at the door.

I slipped under Ross's arm, "I.. I have to go." and I left. Quickly running out of the room, and into my backyard. I didn't stop till I reached the pool house. Luckily, I had an extra bathing suit there. i changed, and dove into my pool. Hopefully Cora would explain everything. Right now,  just needed to calm down. After everything that had happened today-lock in, talking to the girls(and guy) via video chat, surprise visit my new friends, Sheila, and now the phone call from my sis- I really needed this time alone.

I did lap after lap, focusing only on the feel of the water on my body. Then, slowly, I started to cry. Laps and crying don't work very well together apparently. I inhaled a bunch of water, and started ccoughing, I tried to get back to the shallow end, or an edge. But i just swallowed more water. I started choking, and in my effort to breathe again, I forgot to swim. The lack of oxygen started getting to my brain, and my world went black. 

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