chaper 21

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"So, yeah, that's the story with Jenn and her sister." I looked at the door, wondering where she had gone. I felt so bad for her, she had gone through so much today.

"I'm gonna go find her, you just stay here and you know, entertain everybody." Ross said to me, before turning and leaving.

Everyone had relocated to the computer. The Lynchs and Ellington were taking turns going on twitter. Kelly was standing beside Ellington, with her head on his shoulder, and they had their arms wrapped around each other. I walked over and joined Riker. He seperated from the group, and walked me over to the window. He pulled me into his arms, and kissed my head.

"Hey babe, i was wondering something." He said, looking into my eyes.


"When can i officially announce that you're my girlfriend?" He smiled at me.

My heart stopped beating for a moment. I still couldn't believe that RIKER LYNCH, my celeb crush since we'd found out about R5, was MY boyfriend. I smiled back at him. "Anytime. Right now, if you want." He leaned down and kissed me.

When he pulled away, I leaned against the window, and looked into the backyard. That was when i noticed Jennifer. She was doing laps in her pool. Well, at least I knew where she was now. I was abbout to turn away, when suddenly, she started splashing a lot, almost frantically. Then she went underwater. and just sank. and wasn't coming up.

Before my mind fully processed what was going on, I was running outside, screaming "OHMYGODOHMYGOD" over and over. Of course, everyone followed me, trying to figure out what was going on. Ross tried to stop me on the way out, to get an answer, but I just gasped out "Jennifer" and "backyard" and kept running. He started running too, and quickly pulled ahead of me.


I was walking arond the first floor, to see if I could find Jenn, I'd already checked the basement. Suddenly, I heard screaming from upstairs, and Cora came flying down the stairs, with everyone else behind her. I reached out to stop her, but she barely paused. All she said was "Jennifer," and "backyard", and kept running. There had been such a tone of fear in her voice, I immediately started running after her. Then I ran past her, and sprinted to the the backyard. I looked around frantically, but I didn't see anything. Whew. So i guess nothing was wrong after all. But then why had Cora been so freaked out?

I walked further into the yard, and almost jumped out of my skin when Cora flew past me, and jumped into the pool. What in the world was she doing? What did Jennifer have to do with the pool? Unless.. Oh God no, please no..

As the pieces clicked i my mind, I raced over to the pool's edge, and saw Cora trying to pull a body up through the water. OH GOD JENNIFER.


Why was Ross just standing there doing nothing? Then I realized you couldn't see her at all, he must not notice that she was in the pool. I went past him, and jumped in the pool. Clothes and everything. I sawm down towards the bottom of the pool since for some reason, she'd sunk. OHGODOHGODOHGOD MY BEST FRIEND WAS DROWNING!! I reached out and grabbed her arms, trying to pull her up towards the surface. Why was she so heavy!? I NEEDED TO SAVE HER, I HAD TO.  I struggled to make progress, but I was running out of air myself. I had to let go, and swim to the surfave to get a breath. I took a gulp of air, and dove back down, wishing one of them would come in and - SPLASH. A bunch of bubbles filled the air as someone joined me.


I could tell Cora was having some problems getting Jenn out, so I jumped in to help her. I went underneath Jenn and started pushing her upwards. Cora pulled her arms, and soonenough we got to the surface. We sawm, with Jenn, to the side of the pool. Riker and Rocky, helped get her out of the pool. She just laid there, not moving, not even her stomach. OHGOD SHE ISN'T BREATHING! I was freaking out, and so was Cora. Actually, everyone was,but mostly us two. And Jenn's mom, who had come outside to see what was going on. Luckily, she had some clarity of thought, and checked for a pulse. We all relaxed a bit when she found one.

"Ok, 911 is on the way, and they want to know if anyone knows CPR?" Rydel told the group. We all looked at each other.

"Jenn knows CPR." Cora said, a tear sliding down her face.

Before we could freak out anymore, Kelly spoke up, "I know it."

We all followed her lead, and moved out of the way. She straightened out Jenn's body, and started doing compressions. After awhile she stopped and looked at me.

"Ok, Ross, now I need you to do something, ok?" I nodded. "Ok, good. You need to keep her head tilted, like this," she demonstrated, I nodded again, and she continued, "Then pinch her nose shut and breath twice into her mouth. Then sit up, until I tell you to do it again." I nodded, and knelt down beside Jenn's head. I tilted her head like Kelly had shown me. I pinched her nose, and gently placed my mouth on hers. I breathed into her mouth, twice, then sat up.

Kelly redid the compressions, then nodded at me. I repeated my actions with Jenn. We did this over and over again. Each time, looking for a sign that it was helping.


OHMYGODOHMYGOD PLEASE WAKE UP JENN!! I NEED MY BFF!!!!! My thoughts were so crazed. I was just praying that Jenn would wake up!!

Suddenly, a heard a wonderful noise, JENN COUGHING!! She sat up, with  Ross's and mine help, and leaned forward coughing out a bunch of water. When it seemed like she was done, she leaned back into me, and groaned.

"My throat hurts, Cor." Her voice came out raspy, but it sounded so beautiful.


Eeugh, I feel like CRAP. Then again, i did just drown, and consequently almost die.. So I guess I had a good reason for feeling like this...

Cora was crying, and trying hard not to, into my hair. Ross was holding my hand and just looking at me so happy. His eyes were wet though, and I could see the fear in them. I lifted my free hand, and placed it on his cheek. He took his free hand, and put it on top of mine, smiling. There were a bunch of faces around me. As previously mentioned, Cora and Ross, and then there was Kelly, my mom, Riker, Rocky, Rydel, Ryland, and Ellington.

Suddenly, there was a commotion as sirens came screaming down my street. Rydel got up, and headed into the house. A few minutes later, two men came out with her, carrying a stretcher. She lead them over to me. I realized they were EMS. Oh.

"I don't need to go to the hospital, really." I told Ross, Cora, my mom, really anyone that would listen.

 They just shook their heads at me. I looked at the EMS. "Sorry, it's protocol miss." They loaded me onto the strectcher, NOT THAT I NEEDED ONE, and put me in the ambulance. Ross rode with me, and everyone else was following in two cars.

Once we were on our way, Ross leaned down and kissed me. "I was so worried babe."

I grinned up at him, "Well, I'm going to be fine."

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