Chapter 15

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The next morning,  I woke up to sunlight shining on my face, and my mom knocking on my door. I picked up one of the stuffed animals next to my bed and threw it at Cora.

"I'm up, I'm up." she mumbled, glaring at me.

My mom was still knocking at the door, so I yelled at her, "YOU CAN COME IN MOM!"

The door started opening, and then stopped when it was about an inch.

"What the...?" My mom said under her breath. I got up and walked over to the door.

"What's up??"

"I can't get the door to open..." She leaned against iy, and pushed. I grabbed the handle and yanked backwards. Nothing happened. Well then.

I peered at my mom through the crack. "Do you know why its not opening?"

She looked around, finally glaring at the ceiling. "There is a jam between the top of the frame and the actual door. It looks like some of the wood cracked off and jammed into the wall..."

I looked back at my room, which seemed kind of small all of a sudden. "Soo... um, what do we do?"

She pursed her lips. "I don't know. You guys'll just have to stay in there, and I'll... i'll phone your dad."

That surprised me. "Um, how can he help? He's at work?"

She gave me an "i'm sorry look." I'll have him pick up some tools to bust you guys out. I went out to the car, and one of my wheels is flat."

"WHAT!? But he isn't home for another 7 hours!!! What are we supposed to do!!?? How are we going to eat, or get alone time, or go outside, OR GO TO THE BATHROOM?"

By this time, Cora had found the motivation to get up and join us, and was just standing there with a look of horror on her face.

My mom thought. "Well, I can pass food through the crack, really thin food.. I'm sure you can amuse yourselves well enough in there, anndd... i don't know..."

My jaw dropped.

My mom shook her head, "Well, I'll go see if the neighbours are willing to come charge down a  door. Maybe clean your room a bit, so there is a clear path behind the door."\

Of course she would turn this into an excuse to clean my room.

Before she left, she passed us some sandwiches through the crack.

Eating mine, I turned to Cora, "So, wanna help me move everything to the other side of my room.

She glared at the door, "Fine.."

We spent the next 10 minutes moving everything out of the way, when my phone rang. I leaned over my bed and grabbed it. Then nswered without even looking to see who it was.


"Hey Jennifer... can i just call you Jenn?" It was Ross.

"Yeah, you can. So, whats up?"

"Well, Jenn, I was just wondering what you were doing."

"At this exact moment?"


I laughed, looking around my room. "Well, right now, and possibly for te next 7 hours, Cora and I are trapped in my bedroom, cuz the stupid door jammed."

He laughed, "Are you serious?"

"Yep, my mom is trying to recruit neighbours to come knock the door down, or something like that... so basically Cor and I are just chilling randomly. I was actually about to go choose a story to email you."

"Well, then I'll let you get back to that, I look forward to reading it." I swore I could hear his smile through the phone.

"Ok, bye Ross... hmm i need a pet name for you...I love you."

"Nothing too bad please!!! Bye babe, I love you too."

After hanging up, I headed over to my computer, glad I had won the battle to get it in my room. Cora pulled up a  chair beside me.

"Soo... that was Ross huh?" she wiggled her eyebrows.

I pushed her gently, "Yeah it was. I'm gonna choose my story to send him now. Wanna help?"

"I will observe, but I won't help. He wants the choice to come from you, and I'm not gonna interfere with that."

After about a half an hour of debating with myself, i finally decided on the first one i had ever written. It was about a young girl who finds a magic stone that gives her immortality. It was one of my favourites, because it was so simply done, and kinda represented my youth when it came to writing...

I opened up Hotmail, logged in, and started a new email.

Hey sweetcheeks.... noooo thats not a good nickname.... what to call you, what to call you....

Anyway, here's one of my stories, it's one of the first ones I've written :p Let me know what you think :)

Love you surferboy... no that nickname doesn't really work either...

I clicked Send, and to Cora. "Now what??"

She grinned, "Well, we should probably get dressed. I looked down at our matching undershirts and pj shorts. "Yeah, you are probably right. Jeans and a yellow shirt for me.."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course you'd wear yellow. Well, I'm gonna wear jeans and my blue shirt."

Now i rolled my eyes at her, "Oh, and that has nothing to do with Riker's favourite colour, huh Cor??

She pushed me, and we seperated to get changed.

"Ok, i've made my bed, we've cleaned my room- thanks for the help by the way, you're awesome Cor- i sent a story to Ross, we've gotten dressed... What now???"

She grinned, "Well, I think we should phone your mom, it's not like we can go looking for her, and she's been gone for quite awhile."

I looked at the time on my phone, "Geez, you're right!!! It's already noon!!! It's been two hours!! Where did she go!!??"

"I don't know, that's why I said you should phone her."

I gave Cora The Look, then dialled my mom's number.

  Ring, Ring,

Rng, Ring,

Ring, Ri- "Hello"

"Hey, Mom, where are you?"

"Oh I'm so sorry!! I just started talking to Mr. Johnson, and I lost track of time, I'm so sorry honey!"

"lol, my mom it's ok, so do you know if we can get any help?"

"I'm sorry honey, but a lot of neighbours aren't at home, and the ones that are can't help. Mr. Johnson would, but he has to worry about his back..."

"That's ok I guess..." I looked at Cora, "I'm sure we can survive until Dad gets home.."

"Well, I'll be back in a few minutes, I'll make you guys some lunch."

"Ok, see you in a few."

I hung up and turned to Cora, "Well Cor, looks like we're stu-... why is your head out the window?"

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