Chapter 60

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I sat down on a black leather couch, and stared out the penthouse window. The city spread out below us, hundreds of sparkling lights coming from houses, and cars, streetlamps, and stores. Even this late at night, the city was alive. I was a half an hour drive away from home, and didn't know how long it would be until I went back. probably a few hours.

Alex came from the kitchen, and handed me a can of Root Beer. I smiled at him, "Thanks."

He sat down beside me. "No problem. So what's up?"

I put the drink down as my eyes started to water. "I can't escape. I keep trying to distract myself. I've tried listening to music, reading, going on the computer, hanging with my family and friends. Even being around Ross doesn't help.I keep going back to that basement. reliving everything."

He put a hand on my shoulder, "Well, I'm here to listen. This is -as cheesy as it sounds- a safe space."

I grinned, even as more tears fell down my face. "Thanks. Do you really thinking talking about it helps?"

He nodded, "Yes, i do."

I nodded back, settled into the couch, and began talking. I told him everything. Starting from that night on the beach 2 years ago, and ending at me phoning him to come pick me up, earlier tonight.


I stared at the wall of my cell. But that wasn't what I was seeing. I was going over every beautiful moment I'd had with Jennifer-my amazing, gorgeous wife.  She couldn't see it now, but one day soon she would realize that I was the one for her, and she would drop the charges against me. Then we'd run away together. We'd raise our beautiful baby together, and have more. Every day our love would grow. I couldn't wait for the day our future together began.

Until then, i had our marriage contract holding us together, and garanteeing that  nothing would break us apart. It was completely undissolvable. Except through death.

The clang of metal against metal shook me from my reverie, and i looked up to see Sheila standing outside my cell. Holding a key ring and a gun.

I stood up, and walked towards her, "Hey Sheila what's up?"

She smiled, "We're breaking out of prison."



I looked at my phone again. 1 am. Where had Jennifer gone? She'd just gotten back, and now she'd left again. At least she was suppposedly going to be safe this time. She'd promised me. I had to trust her. Or I would drivve myself crazy. Well, I was already going crazy. I started another round around my house. I'd been pacing nervously since she'd left.

Her father was at work, he had the night shift today, and Noah was spending the night with his girlfriend. Katherine had gone back to her dorm for the night, and I was home alone. It scared me more than it used to. I needed to see her home, and safe. My darling daughter had gone through s much, and I could see the change in her. I could also see that she wasn't ready to talk about it. At least not to us..

Maybe I should talk to her father about getting Jennifer a therapist. It would be confidential, and Jennifer could face what had happened to her.

I turned into another hallway, and froze. Before i could turn to run and call the police, footsteps came to a stop behind me. A gun pressed to the back of my head.

Suddenly, I was praying that Jennifer wasn't anywhere near here.

Carmine grinned at me, "Hello. I don't believe we've actually met. I'm your son-in-law."

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