chapter 9

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"So, you like to write?"  Ross asked me as we went outside. There was a small park behind the building, and we sat on the swings. 

"Yeah, I've always loved it, ever since I was little. I have ,like, 10 different storylines that i'm working on, on my computer. Unfortuanately, i've only actually finished one story." I admitted.

"Why's that?"

"I always get distracted by another idea, or i don't have enough time to write and lose interest in that story."

"Well, i'd love to read some of your writing."

I blushed, "Well, you could always look some of them on wattpad. I've posted some of my partial-stories."

He looked at me, "Or you could e-mail me your favourite one instead?"

I almost fell out of my swing in shock, and he put his hand out to steady me. "I.. I guess. If... if you want me.. me to."

He laughed at my awkwardness ( but not in a mean way), "Why do you find that so shocking?"

"Well, i guess it's 'cuz it's not really everyday that one of the members of your favourite band asks you to e-mail them something so personal."

His face fell, "Oh, well if your stories are so personal, i guess you don't want me reading them..."

"No! Thats not what i meant! personal isn't really the best word for it. I guess i just mean something that i spent so much time and effort on, it's something, i don't know.. kinda special, that's a part of me? i don't really know how to explain it..."

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew my hair across my face. Ross reached out to brush it out of the way, and smiled. " I think I get what you mean, and i'd really love to be able to read at least one of your stories. "

I nodded, still trying to ignore the tingles that had run over my body at his touch. "Ok, then i guess all you need to do is give me your e-mail?"

He did, writing it out on a piece of paper i had in my purse. Then we took turns pushng each other on the swings, laughing in delight as we got higher and higher. When Ratliff and Kelly came outside to get us, we were sitting at the top of the slides, joking with each other. They told us it was time for dessert and we followed them inside.

As soon as Cora saw us, she ran over, and grabbed my arm. She was excitedly waving a piece of paper.

"Guess what Riker gave me!" she whispered, very excitedly.

"Umm, a shot of adrenaline straiught into your bloodstream" i joked.

She gave me A Look. "No, his EMAIL!!"

I hugged her, "Ross gave me his too!!"

We squealed in unison, coughing to hide it. Then, we returned to our previous seats. Stormie and Mark were back, and they were bringing in 3 GIANT tubs of ice cream: vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. There was also chocolate, strawberry, and caramel sauce, toppings (nuts, m&m's, small cookie dough balls, sprinkles, etc..), and whipping cream. There was also bowls of cut-up fruit: pinapple, bananas, strawberries, melon, grapes and apples.

My eyes widened, and i shared a look with Cora. We had legendary sleepovers- with crazy amounts of everything on the table before us. Our parents knew better than to let us have these sleepovers on school nights for that exact reason. We would spend hours making sundaes, eating them, making a new version, and eating those too. Both of our faces split into goofy smiles before we could stop ourselves. Of course our finished masterpieces were piled high. Scoops of all 3 ice cream flavours,all the sauces, toppings (except nuts for me), fruit, and whipping cream. Then again, everyones' sundaes looked like that.

Cora and i were the first to finish our sundaes, her with some whipping cream on her nose. Riker noticed, and reached out to wipe it off with his finger, saying, "You got a little something there, aaannd, now i got it!" Riker and Cora both laughed, and Cora blushed. I smiled, they were so cute together. I knew she was probably dying of happiness.

Across the table, Rydel and Jake were laughing and talking. Ryland and Kate were seeing who could eat the most ice cream, and then laughing when they both got brain freeze. Ratliff and kelly were eating of off each other's sundaes and just playing around. Jill and Rocky were just eating their sundaes with smiles on their faces looking like they were trying not to laugh. I shook my head in wonder, and turned to Ross.

He was almost halfway through his sundae, and turned towards me at the same time. "So, are you having fun today?" he asked, before taking another spoonful. I smiled, "Yeah, it's being amazing hanging out here. The food's definately good, and the company's even better." I could have sworn Ross blushed, but i was distracted by a grape that rolled off the table, i wasn't sure where it had come from. I knelt down to pick it up, so i could throw it out.

Doing so, i realized what Jill and Rocky were smiling about. They were playing footsie under the table. I kept my laugh to myself, my mind wondering to think about what it would be like to be playing footsie with Ross... blushing, I threw the grape out, and returned to my seat.

By this time it was almost 6'o clock. Our parents would be picking us up in 3 hours.

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