chapter 19

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I was frozen. What the hell was she doing here?

"What does it look like i'm doing loser? I came back cuz I heard you got a boyfriend, and we all know that that just can't happen." she grinned.

I took a deep breath, "Look, Sheila. I didn't do anything to you. What do you have against me?"

"Didn't DO anything!? You call ruining my sister's dreams NOTHING!?" she took a step closer to me. I backed up.

"Look, I liked Olivia. We were friends. I had nothing to do with Roger-"

"You had everything to do with Roger. He humiliated Olivia, he stood her up, because of you."

"It's not my fault!! We talked ONCE."

"Once was enough. He liked you, he thought he had a chance with you, and- " she glared at me.

"and he didn't. He is the only one at fault here! He made assumptions he had no right to make. It was his choice whether or not to go meet Olivia. I encouraged him to, because he was already having doubts-"

"because of you."

"No, because he didn't think they were a good match. At least that's what he told me."

"Why would he tell you something so personal in your first conversation. Unless you're lying. Which you probably are." She sneered. I backed into the wall.

"Because he knew that i was her friend, and wanted my opinion. That's IT." I looked hopelessly at the stairs.

"Either way, you still had something  to do with it, something you said must've cemented those doubts," she got right up in my face, "and for that, you will pay." She backed off, leaving me leaning against the wall trying to remember how to breathe.

A moment later I heard the door close. I sank down to the floor and put my head on my knees, trying not to cry. It didn't work. At first, it was one or two tears, then I was downright bawling. Why had she come back now. When my life was finally perfect, when I actually had something to lose. Why hadn't she come back 2 weeks ago, then she would have nothing to threaten me with.

An arm wrapped around me. I sank into it, turning to cry into Ross's chest. He rubbed my back with his hand, and pulled me closer. When I finally stoppped crying, I just laid there, listening to his heart beating.

He kissed the top of my head, "What's wrong?"

I swallowed, "My old friend's older sister is out to get me."

"Oh no, Sheila's back?" Cora's voice came from the stairs. I nodded.

Ross just looked confused. "What?"

I sat up, leaning against him."It happened last year. My friend Olivia had a crush on this guy named Roger, he went to our school, and she was so happy when he asker her out. Of course, they'd never really talked before. I'd never talked to him before, even though we had a few of the sameclasses. So i did know him a tiny bit. He came to me the day before their date. He said he was nervous, and didn't think that he and Olivia wouldd work out, that they were too different. I told him to give it a try. They probably had more in common than they knew. He said he would try, and left. The next day, I got a call from Olivia. She was crying, and told me that Roger had stood her up. I told her I was sorry, and that he had told me that he was going to give it a try. Her and her sister got the idea that we had been sneaking around together, and that I had somehow stolen him from her. We stopped talking, her sister- Sheila- told me that he would get back at me. A month later, they left town, and I thought it was over with. I could stop watching over my shoulder every minute. But now they are back, or at least Sheila is. And threatening me." I put my head in my hands, trying to calm down.

There was silence. "When disd this happen?" Cora asked.

I looked at her, "A few minutes ago. I came down to get the vacuum and she was just here. I don't even know how she got in..."

"Wait, so she knows about..."she looked at Ross, I nodded. Her face fell. "Well, crap."

"What do you mean by that? What does her knowing about me have to do with anything??" Ross asked.

I looked it him, then said softly, "It means she's gonna get back in an equal way. An eye for an eye. Or in this case, a guy for a guy."

He hugged me tightly. "Well, she won't succeed. I love you, and nothing will ever change that. You're my one and only." He tilted my head up and kissed me gently.

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