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At the end of the English class Shawn and I shared, I told him I'd see him at the end of the day even if I truly wanted to sit with him at lunch since we shared the same lunch period. I didn't want to smother him with this excitement I had over being his girl though so I advised myself to calm down a little bit. The news spread fast and I guess it derived from those few students that had seen us all over each other in the hallway. I didn't mind except for the curious glances and even some hateful ones that I got from various females. I'd done it a couple of times to girls who ended up snagging guys that I wanted. I'd experienced the looks before but not this much. That's when it truly started dawning on me how much girls were really attracted to Shawn—even some from preceding grades. It was kind of crazy.
At my informing him that I'd see him at the end of the day, Shawn clearly oblivious to why I'd told him that simply nodded and told me that he'd be at the library already starting on the research assignment we were given. When I asked him why so early, he told me he didn't have a computer at home to research on and always got off of work too late and tired to go to the public library. For a moment I wanted to ask him if he was the one who supported his sister and this Jude character who I was yet to meet but I knew with a bunch of vulture eyes and dog ears around us, now wasn't the time or the place.
Since I loved hugs so much, I'd been yearning to ask him for one before we went to our separate ways. I was nervous at first that he wouldn't want to give me one with people watching. I still felt that strange feeling that he was embarrassed to be with me. He quelled those feelings when he supplied me my hug without any hesitance or qualms, leaving me with a toothy grin enough to shame the florescent lights spread throughout the school.
When lunch time came, I was wary of where to sit, wishing that Angie and I shared the same lunch period like we had last year. This had never happened to me before—worried about where to sit. I was used to some of the baleful stares from girls who had looked at me that way for as long as I could remember, but when I received them from my friends, I felt a little bit disconsolate.
My arrival at my usual table seemed to have a strong force because everyone stopped talking.
"Hey ya'll, what's up?" I told them casually as I did everyday.
"You tell us. What's goin' on with you and Shawn?" Samantha, one of my friends, asked.
"They're fucking." Tatiana answered for me and laughed when I shot darts at her.
"Are you serious?" another one asked, and I instantly detected the green envy swimming copiously in her eyes.
"No we're not." I affirmed but it was useless.
Her question directed all the attention to me and I tried hard not to roll my eyes and ask them why they were making a big deal, but I'd done what they were doing to me before. Once Samantha was dating this new cutie and I'd asked the same rude, 'Are you serious?' question.
"Okay, but are ya'll together?" Tatiana asked belligerently and I felt like biting her head off.
"Yeah." I answered them truthfully. They all squished together in an attempt to sit in front of me and grasp my undivided attention. Then the questions started, some of which I had no idea how they conjured up. Eventually, the boiling hot topic about Shawn cooled down but only to a simmer because they'd occasionally inject him into other topics.
After ten minutes I realized that I didn't have to deal with this and excused myself from them to go to the library and write a little bit. I started wondering if all my lunches would be spent in the solitude of the library. Tatiana had even asked me if my reasons for not coming to lunch as much lately were because of Shawn and when I told her I went to the library instead, she regarded me strangely.
I didn't care though.
Meandering into the library with the books I needed for the next class, I instinctually remembered Shawn mention that he was going to start on his paper. So I journeyed to the literature section. Having being consumed by searching for something worthy to use for my research, I unmindfully ended up in the back area that was somehow comparable to an ancient ghost town. This section was much darker than the rest of the library, and the books and shelves collected age old dust from immobility. Its desertion gave it this eerie, austere feeling to it. I'd just come down one isle and was turning to continue on with my book investigation when I stumbled across a round table with two chairs. One of them was consumed by a hunched body. The moment I took in the rest of the person, especially with the hood shelling the person's head, I knew who it was. I smiled immediately and started towards him, somewhat afraid that he would think that I was purposely stalking him but unable to just walk off without acknowledging him first. As quiet as humanly possible, I walked up to him and examined his desk while placing my books and purse on an unused space. Before him were scattered, printed papers and beneath him was an open notebook. Silently, I placed my hand on his warm back.
"Baby?" I whispered, rubbing the bow of his back gently. Shawn groaned and the hairs on the back of my neck spiked up when I thought of a less than innocent connotation about the sound he produced. I don't think he intended to sound sexy at all but that's the only way my mind and body would allow me to receive it.
Reaching for the hood, I lifted the clothe that curtained his face a tad to find him sleeping on his folded arms. Shawn's beleaguered eyes opened to thin slits.
"Shawn, why do you always put this thing over your head?" I asked him the first question that came to mind and laughed softly, "Are you hiding from me?"
Slowly, Shawn got until he was slumped indolently in his chair.
"No," he murmured, while rubbing his eye with the heel of his hand, "I'm hiding from everybody else."
But not me, I thought.
I smiled at him a little bit. Not only because I happened to be hiding from everyone, but also because he looked so good when he'd just woken up. Rough and unkempt. Like he'd just come from...yeah.
"Damn I got a headache from all that reading." Shawn commented while mercilessly rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger now.
"You're always squinting in class." I said on impulse, giving away that I stared at him too hard but Shawn didn't seem to notice.
"Cause I can't see."
"Then get some glasses."
"Yeah..." there was a sardonic implication to the way he drawled the word but since I couldn't make anything of it, I didn't badger him to tell me what that was supposed to mean.
"I didn't know you were going to be here at lunch time. I thought you meant at the end of the day."
"Nah—" he was cut off by a yawn, having the decency to cover his mouth with the back of a fisted hand, unlike some other men who just let it all hang out, "I'm here now and will be here at the end of the day."
"We have four weeks to do this paper Shawn." I told him with a faint frown.
"Well I ain' got that much time though." He said groggily, his voice deep and corrugated. Trying to stay focused not on the way he aroused me but on other issues, I nodded my understanding. Shawn stared straight ahead of him aimlessly, struggling hard to keep his heavy eyelids open. Feeling coy all of a sudden, I decided that maybe I should leave. Again, I didn't want to smother him.
"Well I guess I'll see you later then." I told him suddenly even if my departure was a little bit out of the blue and started to leave. A large hand closed around my wrist, halted me and pulled me back.
"Where you goin'?" he mumbled confusedly, tracing my wrist with his calloused fingers before interlacing them with mine. Before I could answer him, he said, 'Stay'.
Then he yawned again and muttered a curse word while shaking his head, making me laugh.
"Sorry babygirl. I'm just real fucked up right now." He explained and I bit my lip at the way he slurred the words and enunciated the blasphemous one with emphasis. Before I knew it, he was pulling me down to him. Without much time to think, I was hapless when he offered me to sit on one of his parted thighs. Shocked at first, I was rigid and still when Shawn placed a hand on the curve of my lean waist and tugged me closer to him until I was sitting dangerously close to the grove of his thighs. Since his pulling of me robbed me of my momentum, I landed on him with a thudding impact, making him groan faintly. I stiffened, wondering if my sudden movement on him caused him pain or maybe...pleasure. The answer came to me when Shawn's arms wrapped firmly around me, setting me immovably in place.
The next thing I felt was a warm fuzziness on the side of my neck, soon learning that it was Shawn nuzzling me.
"Shawn," I protested and tried to move from him before I'd be subjugated by his caress and also remembering what happened in the morning, "I don't want us to get caught again—"
"Stay right here." Shawn ordered gruffly before I felt his teeth nip at my neck gently. I jumped at the sensation that spiraled through my body and blushed.
"Umm..." I hummed meekly even if he was only just burying his eyes in the crook of my neck. The curve of his head fit so perfectly in the indention of my shoulder and neck, and he just felt so good like he was meant to be there. If he wasn't careful I would end up cajoling him to do something so illicit that we would be expelled, or even worse.
"Fuck..." Shawn muttered, the extremity of his word hot enough to scold the skin of my collarbone where his warm breaths blew.
"What is it?"
"I'm so fuckin' tired man..." Shawn explained with a beleaguered expression to show for it. Pitying him, I wrapped one arm around him and grazed the fingers of my other hand over the arch at the bottom of his head.
"What time did you go to sleep?"
"Three in the morning." He said and I frowned.
"Three in the morning?! Maybe you should skip and get some rest. I know you work everyday of the week. Which you shouldn't be doing by the way. A young boy like you shouldn't be working seven days out of the week and going to school eight hours a day."
I felt the vibration of Shawn's laughter through his t-shirt.
"I ain' no damn boy," his head fell back and stared at me with a sluggish smirk, "I'm a man."
And a man he was, I contemplated as I chaffed my hand over his shaven but ragged jaw.
"You look so sleepy. Maybe you should continue getting some rest."
"How much time do we have?" he asked.
I loved the way he infused 'we' in there. After glancing down at my watch, I answered him, telling him I'd wake him up five minutes before the warning bell rang.
"You really gonna wake me up?" he queried skeptically and I nodded my acquiescence reassuringly.
Reluctantly, I got up from his lap and Shawn's arms took their time sliding away from me. This time when he made to put his hood over his head, I put my hand over his and he glanced at me through inquiring, wary eyes.
"No..." I shook my head, pulling his hood away from his face, speaking in an unexpected husky tone, "I wanna see you..."
Our eyes locked and through that I caught the flicker of arousal go through Shawn's eyes and pass into me, shooting down to my womanhood. My words came out much more intimate than expected. Nervously, I flicked my tongue over my lips and Shawn readily acknowledged that movement.
Flushed and a little bit thrown by the thoughts that would've made my mother terribly ashamed, I moved to the other end of the table, all the while very aware that Shawn's eyes followed my every movement. Grabbing the vacant chair across from him, I dragged it by its coasters to sit beside him and by then he'd finally lay his head down. After scooting to him as much as possible, I wrapped my arms around his waist and used the curve of his back as a cushion to rest my head.
"What are you doing?" Shawn muffled but I only smiled at the reverberation of his deep voice. I interested myself by feeling the steady palpitations of his heart. I felt so comfortable and serene, never wanting this moment to end, but it had to because before long I was staring at my watch and it was five minutes to the warning bell.
"Baby." I called out to him, enjoying the endearing name calling. Shawn groaned a repelling groan that made me clump my thighs tightly together. When Shawn didn't respond I rubbed his back gently and inched closer to him and pressed my lips tenderly over his ear.
"Baby? Baby it's time..." I informed him softly. When Shawn said nothing, I shimmied my hand underneath the cheek that rested on his wrist and lifted it the gentle care one would use when keeping up a sleeping baby. Shawn's eyes fluttered open only a nary but he didn't seem bothered by me getting him to sit up straight. He moaned his protest and I smiled endearingly before kissing the tip of his round nose.
When Shawn sat up, it seemed of no use because he instantly slouched on the chair with boneless limbs, showing no signs of getting up.
"Baby wake up." I told him, stroking the length of his virile neck with my thumb and closing the others on his neck.
"What is it." He demanded, rather than asked, in a scruff, grating tone and I felt the echo of it the thumb that leisurely caressed his throat. I smiled a little bit seeing that he might have forgotten of his whereabouts due to his hasty descent into a deep sleep. I guess he was grouchy when tired, but who wasn't?
His eyes were still closed, emphasizing the perfectly curls that did nothing to take away from his masculinity, but only added to the handsomeness that many men wished they had.
"It's time."
"For what." He grumbled stubbornly, his brows drawing together in annoyance, eyes still closed.
I'd never seen something so sexy. I mean, each time he did something that surpassed something he did before and I knew then that I'd never get enough of him.
Upon impulse, I got off my chair, bent over for our faces to become parallel, and kissed him. I watched the defectiveness of my kiss for Shawn didn't move a muscle. Right when I was about to do it again, like flashlights, Shawn's eyes opened in slow motion, only to reveal bleary, but sultry brown pupils that made my blood buzz.
Licking his bottom lip slowly, Shawn jutted his chin slightly forward.
"Do that again..." he arrogated in a rough, grating voice and that's when I started to hear sirens. It wasn't the warning bell for the school body but the one from my mind. 
Smirking faintly, I straddled Shawn, who shifted when I placed myself at the notch where his thighs met and stilled me with his hands.
"Do what again..." I teased him as if now was a time to talk like this, trailing my fingers up his arms to his shoulders.
"That lil thing that you do..." his drowsy eyes were fixated on my lips.
"What lil thing..." my smirk widened as he drew me closer to him. I knew now wasn't the place and time to do this but I couldn't stop myself.
"That thing you do with your lips...and your tongue..." his breaths got more and more rugged the closer that I got to him.
"What..." I brushed my lips feather-lightly against his and flicked my tongue painfully faintly over his lips, "Like this?"
"Something like that..." he sibilated before drawing out another his through a slowly exhaled breath.
Heckling him some more I brushed my lips against his and felt his lips lift against mine.
"You ain gettin' it Bey..." he pulled me until I was directly over the stark solidity of his sex, "Come here so I can show you..."
Not sparing another microsecond, Shawn's tongue had snaked into my mouth and began a tumultuous dance that left me feeling dizzy.
"Mmmm..." I droned, his face cupped in my hands and our lips barely able to stay apart, "You taste so good Shawn..."
In response, Shawn grunted something that wasn't coherent to me.
The kiss got intense, our rubbing against each other bodies got hot, the temperature in the nearly forgotten room escalated and we had once again succeeded in throwing ourselves into a world of delirium. I should have known that things were going too far when the chair would tip backwards from all our rigorous rocking. My recognition of how far we were testing the waters came when the shrill pealing of the warning bell jerked me out of the shores.
"Shit!" Shawn and I cursed at the same time between panted breaths, our chests distending and perforating in search for air that had been rejected by the kiss.
"Damn Bey..." Shawn rasped while erasing traces of the kiss with his thumb and index finger, speaking through deep breaths "We might...wanna—take things slow. We...we got all the time...in the world...iight?"
He was right. We needed to calm down. It was too early to be this intense. Then again, it's not like it was forced. It seemed natural in a sense. And it always just...happened.
"Mhmm." I nodded, finally able to monitor my breaths. Same as he.
"I can't wait to spend that time." I told him with a coquettish smile.
Shawn chuckled, eyes lustily low, lips luscious from the kiss.
"What's the cost?" he asked teasingly and I rolled my eyes at him before getting up and taking his hand into both of mine and pulled hard.
"Gosh...Everything can't cost something you know. Now hurry and get up before we get ourselves in trouble."

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