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One Month Later
"Shawn," I mewled sleepily and yawned, rubbing my knuckles against my eyes, "Let me go. I have to go to work."
His response was a deep grumble and he added more emphasis my tightening his hold around me, nestling his head more comfortably against my bare back. Shifting tiresomely and groaning from the muscles that had soared from the intensity of last night's passion, I was also reminded that my womanhood rested atop his thigh because one leg of his was locked between two of mine.
Peeking at the pale blue room through thinly opened eyes, I recognized how relaxing it was to feel the warmth of his naked skin against my naked back.
On account of that, I continuously swung through the door of sleep and awakening. The moment I felt myself being turned over onto my back only to feel some heftiness rest upon me, I woke out of my slumber completely and glared up into space. I'd just missed the chance to glare at Shawn's face because he'd buried his head in the recess of my neck.
"Baby do...n't"
Involuntarily my hips began undulating to the exquisite feel of him running the head of his member up and down the slit of my womanhood, which still throbbed from last night's rendezvous...or was it this morning?
"Good morning."
Shawn's gruff greeting came with a smooth thrust that muted me, minimizing me into a pitifully soft moan. In no time he had lured me into a whirlwind of passion and love that sent the bed a creaking and the wall a thumbing. By now Marissa had accustomed to our lovemaking after I'd sat down with her and explained to her it was all just a part of human nature. She was still confused about all of it, obviously because of what had happened to her and because in her opinion I sounded as though I were in pain, but she accepted it nonetheless. That was such a great relief to both Shawn and I. We didn't think we could've handled not being able to put our hands on one another.
The lovemaking now was an intense build up of unsustainable pressure in my chest. Trying to cling onto his back which was slippery from perspiration, I held on for dear life as though I was going to lose it. At times I wondered if the power and passion and strength Shawn exerted into lovemaking sprouted from the fear of not wanting to let me go or the fear of thinking I wasn't real. I hated to give myself so much credit but he was arduous in almost every thrust, every word, and every breath he took.
The pressure continued to mount and mount until the wind, despite the rising sun the room began to dim darker and darker, my body rocked wilder and wilder until the wind was literally knocked out of me.
The next time I woke up was to a sensual massage against my scalp. Like a drunken person lingering in the temporary nirvana of champagne warmly bubbling through their veins, I smiled indolently before nuzzling the warm chest that my cheek had been resting on. Thinly opening my eyes I saw daylight filtering the muscularly decorated room.
In a flash of lighting I sat up like a spring had propelled me off of the bed. My heart caught up to my throat before shooting down to my chest and pounding heavily. Panic stricken, I looked over at a Shawn who wore a satisfied expression on his face, lying limberly and naked against the heap of pillows stacked behind him.
I tore my eyes away from his damn near perfectly sculpted body to his face and cringed, damning myself for looking at him. Sleep looked good on Shawn like a hot fudge Sundae looked good on the hottest day of summer.
"Why is it daylight?" I asked stupidly even though the answer was already in tact in my head.
He had a remote in his hand, flipping through the recently purchased wide screen TV. When he looked at me his smile was sweet, nagging, but sexy.
"Cause time flies."
"Shawn don't play with me!"
He raised a thick brow innocently, "What?" then he frowned at me disarmingly, "You blacked out."
My heart stopped.
"I blacked out?"
He welcomed an arrogant smirk on his face and gave me a slow nod, "Yep. When you were cumming long and hard. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
Hastily throwing the covers off of my naked body I swung my legs off the bed and began dashing about the room muttering words that would do the priest of my church proud, "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!"
"I blacked out?! Do you know what time it is?" I asked and confirmed my own answer when my eyes struck the beaming numbers on the radioclock seated on the nightstand.
A scream loud enough to wake the dead nearly left my throat but when I remembered Marissa my hand closed that sound out. Rushing towards the bathroom, I ignored the delicious twitch from my womanhood.
In less than five minutes I was out of the shower. Barely dry, I slid into my work clothes as though I were in a speed-related tournament. In a tremulous haste to put on my clothes, a button went flying across the room from my work shirt. I gaped at it as if it were a cannon ball that had bulleted through the cannon and caused trouble.
Balling my hands into fists, I glared at Shawn who silently watched with an amused glint in his eyes.
"This is all your fault!"
He grinned with the pride of a king that had just done his colony well, "And I take full responsibility of my actions."
Sailing out of the room before the urge to thwack Shawn took front stage I raced out of the room and went scuttling down the stairs. When I tripped over the lace of my untied shoes, I recalled then that I didn't give Marissa the daily goodbye kiss I always did before leaving for anywhere. By the time I'd returned to the top step Shawn stood there looking like a portrait of a Greek god with the snowy sheet salaciously wrapped around his waist sarong-style. That realization alone reminded me of why I was running late for the first time ever and I pierced my eyes up to his face as he leaned comfortably against the doorjamb.
"Come back to bed Bey."
"I have to go to work." I reminded briskly as I made my way to Marissa's room.
"I told you you didn't have to work there no more." Shawn called from behind me and I shook the wild flurry of hair on my head to block those words from getting to me.
Ever since we'd gotten together we pussy-footed around an argument and it always involved my job and once when he'd vaguely insinuated the issue about my parents. His gentle compelling of me to stop working there was the forefront of where I saw our changes were going to make us butt heads a lot. We held opposing views because despite the fact that I was proud of Shawn for everything he'd gained, I didn't want him to think he had to take care of me.
Had I not known Shawn better, I'd think with all the expensive jewelry and clothes he gifted me that he was trying to change me into someone that could stand on the same level as he. But I knew him well enough to know that wasn't what he was doing. I did worry sometimes that like when we were younger, he was trying to buy my love just to prove he was capable. It may have been subcautious but it happened nonetheless.
Either that or I was thinking too much into it. It would be folly to say everything between Shawn and I was breezy. Whereas we'd let go of the past, we were still human, and still exercised the same habits we'd shared before. This was a healing of not only four years, but four years plus some of pain. It wasn't going to be an overnight success. It was going to take work. Now that we were basically swimming in the passion and love of one another, the unspoken problems in the dark revealed themselves to the light.
In simple terms, we both began to realize how ironically we'd switched roles.
I was the independent woman who couldn't take shit from anyone, not even kindness, while he was the beneficent prince who only wanted to give the world.
After checking up on Marissa, I'd rushed downstairs with Shawn slowly following, still urging me not to work there anymore.
Manacling my wrist, Shawn spun me round and brought me up short.
"You don't have to work there anymore damn it."
"Why not?"
His eyes faltered and he was suddenly reluctant to answer.
"Do you want me to be that damsel in distress type of bitch?"
Shawn cringed, "Do you have to use that word? I kind of miss the fifty cent words now."
Pouting, I tiptoed and tried to kiss him but Shawn eased back.
"Ugh! Stop doing that! You always liked making me feel short."
"You are."
"Look this is a stupid argument. I was going to give you a good kiss goodbye and go about my way. I have a job to get to."
"But I don't want you to work there—"
"Tough. This is my life right now. I'm going to work there no matter what you say or do. I know you mean well honey but there are just some battles I'll have to fight on my own—"
" But—"
"But nothing." This time when I reached up to kiss him he didn't try to deny me. Bringing my heels back to ground level, I began to head for the front door.
Since I knew he was still following, I remembered something on the spot and turned to tell him.
"Oh yeah, no more sex for you."
Shawn's demeanor changed in a matter of a second.
"Quit playin'." he growled threateningly. Turning around unaffectedly, I made my way to my car.
"Okay, keep thinking I'm playin'."
When it got too quiet, I turned back around only for the worried look on his face to make me burst out into laughter.
"You know I'm starting to think you just want me for sex."
When Shawn simply stared at me, not denying or agreeing, my smile wore off and it was Shawn's turn to have the case of the chuckles.
"You're so wrong Shawn!"
"What did I do?"
"Have you been trying to get me pregnant?"
The way he possessed such innocence, raising his brows like that, trying to make himself clueless made me want to thwack him.
"Are you?"
"That's not what I asked."
"You are?!" he sounded so hopeful and eager, an excited glint in his eyes. The whole scenario made me want to laugh. He looked like a little gleeful boy getting his first miniature race car.
"I'm not telling you. That's what you get for making me black out." Poking my tongue playfully at the excited glint in his eyes, I started towards the car, and then when I remembered I was late, I hastened my steps. Damn him. Always making me forget the world around me.
"No seriously, are you pregnant? Are you? Beyonce! Beyonce...I know you hear me damn it."
After throwing my purse into the passenger's seat, I stood upright and beamed at Shawn sweetly.
"I hear you baby," I batted my eyes coquettishly before adding with a saucy grin, "Can't say I was listening though."
With that I dove into my car, started it and sped off to work, laughing at him. 

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