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Shawn and I walked through the hotel's automatic doors. I felt the reluctance from him in waves, which is why I had to lead him in by holding his hand. We gaited over the refurbished floors to the front desk where a lady in a well-tailored suit was posted.

She did her job, asking us what we needed. I'd already stamped the credit card into Shawn's hand before we got here. He was the only one who could check us into the hotel since he was of age and I wasn't.
Although he was hesitant, it wasn't as pervasive as it normally would have been and I think it was because the arousal between us had hit its peak.
Our room was on the third floor, the lady told as us she handed us the key card.
By the restless way Shawn and I fidgeted, I knew that her suspicions of us were right through her sly smile.
Shawn and I wasted no time in going to our designated abode.
The moment the doors to the elevator closed, Shawn grabbed me and held held his face in my hands as we elevated to our floor.
The kisses were no longer delicate and slow. They were carnal and passionate. Desperate and hungry. His hand held my face firmly as his tongue dueled with mine. I was clawing at him, daring my hands to singe away the clothing that shielded him from me.
My back suddenly struck the wall of the elevator and by then the kiss was beyond hungry. I gasped in surprise when Shawn kissed his way over to my ear, groaning when his tongue flicked over a sensitive spot. His warm breaths tunneled into my ear, sending chills down my spine. My fingers scrambled for something, anything, and I reached for the hem of his shirt and lifted it only to feel the firm chiseled muscles of his stomach.
I bit my lip and moaned.
While nipping urgently on the base of my throat, Shawn's fingers worked hastily to lift my shirt. My entire body froze when his hand closed around my left breast.
"...Fuck..." he hissed before he began massaging my breast in his hand. It was unlike anything I had ever felt and my head helplessly fell back as the sensation spiraled through my insides.
"Shawn..." I sighed.
Before I knew it, the elevator wasn't the only one being elevated. Holding me right beneath my armpits, I was suspended from the ground, my back sliding up the elevator's wall. For support, Shawn pressed his body against mine, wedging his way in between my thighs which reflexively lifted and locked around his waist.
My heart was racing and my mind was spinning. It shocked me that Shawn could be filled with so much fervor and sexual energy.
Holding me steadily with hands fully over my derriere, Shawn advanced forward, planting hot kisses all over my neck, inching lower and lower until the slope of my breasts. He stayed on the shores and never delved deeper, teasing me in the process.
Right when things couldn't get anymore intense, he began suggestively grinding his pelvic area against the most sensitive part of me, making me gasp sharply. My back arched at the hard feel of a true man and my fingers dug into his shoulders.
We were so engrossed with one another that we barely heard the bell that signaled we were on the appropriate floor.
Shawn's lips returned to mine before he slowly let me down, never once taking his eyes off of me. I should've been worried about who stood on the other side of the door, or who might've come in while we ravished each other but I was so far gone that at that point I didn't particularly care.
Not wasting a moment, Shawn and I searched the hallway to find our room. We were so hazy and bleary over each other that we had such a hard time doing something so simple. I was trying to read the card number and see if it matched the one to the door when a hand wrapped around my arm and pulled me until I was aligned against the wall.
Before I could decipher what was happening, Shawn's lips meshed onto mine and his hands held me by my stomach firmly. Unable to control my ways, I reciprocated his kiss, filled up to capacity with euphoria from the way his tongue worked wonders on me.
Shawn's thighs suddenly wedged in between my own and I gasped against his kiss, barely able to remember that I was in fact holding the card in my hand. He started to move in a provocative way against my womanhood in a way that nearly drove me mad.
"Baby lets—let's get inside first." I muffled hoarsely against his mouth.
Shawn was reluctant to pull away and I realized that I was too when he finally did. Our breathing was harsh, the mood intense, our bodies both on fire. Biting his lip, he stepped back unhurriedly.
With hands that shook fiercely, I checked the door we were adjacent to. Thank God the numbers inscribed on the door in gold matched that of the card because if not I might have told him to just take me right then and there.
I was so glad that this wasn't an actual keyhole because my trembling hands wouldn't have been able to put the key in the lock.
Once we got through and the door caught the latch, Shawn and I didn't waste a split second grappling onto one another as though we were both afraid one of us would disappear.
"Oh god..." I quavered as Shawn cupped my derriere and started walking us further into the room, kissing me passionately with his skillfull mouth.
My unstable hands did their best to discard him of the jacket he wore. Shawn let his hands fall back to allow me to fully slide it off of him. Right when I was done, he hurriedly reached for the hem of my shirt and started mimicking my actions.
Biting my lip, I looked into his eyes. They were so intense, so purposeful, so relentless and I knew then that nothing could stop us now. Dropping my eyes from his face, I looked down at his hands only to find that they were shaking a lot less than mine.
My heart twisted and I smiled tremulously at him.
Shawn caught my eyes with his and returned my smile just as faintly, all the while lifting my shirt to reveal myself to him. I gulped hard, slightly self cautious. When I saw the appreciative look that glazed his eyes once I was devoid of the shirt, I swallowed that uncertainty down.
Biting his lip erotically, Shawn wound his arms around me. Chills quaked my innards when I felt his fingers brush against my lower back, slowly making their way up the indention where my spine was. After unhooking my bra effortlessly, Shawn held my gaze as he slid the satiny straps of it down my shoulders.
A nervous energy that had been brewing around me began to greaten in size. I began to shake nervously in front of him. I was still in denial; still couldn't believe that this was happening.
"...Holy fuck..." Shawn murmured as he roved over my chest with eyes hot enough to singe me.
Now I knew that it was my turn to unmask him. When I lifted my hands to him, my fingers were shaking so fiercely that I grimaced in embarrassment in front of him.
"I can't stop shaking..." I confessed pitifully, hating myself for the fact.
Although Shawn smirked, his eyes were kind and placating.
"S'okay." He murmured, taking my hand in his and guiding it to the hem of his shirt. Smiling tremulously, I began lifting his shirt inch by inch.
The more I exposed his skin, the faster I breathed. I was breathing so sharply now, so wildly that my chest the core of my chest hurt from the deep palpitations of my heart. What was going on? I hoped to God I wouldn't need my inhaler and ruin this blissful moment.
"You okay?" Shawn asked me suddenly and that's hwne I realized he must have seen the pain I felt on my face.
"Mhmm." I told him with a jerky nod, lifting his shirt up until his chest. Shawn assisted me by finishing off what I'd started until he was shirtless.
My mouth went dry. There was anything else I could say except for that he was a masterpiece.
There was a flagrant lust in his eyes as he brought me towards him and kissed me again. Somehow, someway, we made our way to the bed. When the back of my legs hit it, I was sent into a sitting position, my arms still trying to grasp onto a retreating Shawn. I expected him to fall onto the bed with me, but instead, he pulled back, parted my knees and knelt before me.
A little caught off guard, I didn't know what to expect next but my curiosity was soon fanned off when he slid his arms around my waist, lowered his head and took my aching, throbbing nipples into his hot, wet mouth and sucked on it ever so gently. My eyes grew wide and I let out a startled moan when my back arched. Instinctually, I moaned, wrapping my arms around his neck and closing tightly. As I did so, my skin brushed against the flexing skin of his arms and I groaned at the contrasts we had to each other.
I began to feel dizzy from the way he used his tongue, lashing it out over my sensitized nipple. The other one began to ache, and so did my womanhood. I grinded against him, wanting more of him and only him and unable to understand it because I'd never had this burning desire, this burning need to have someone.
When he suddenly pulled away, I was bereft and irritated, doing my utmost to keep my Nails from digging into his shoulders desperately.
"Lay down." He ordered gruffly and I froze at first before succumbing nervously and doing what I was told.
Just as I followed his instructions, Shawn's hands fumbled with the buttons of my jeans. My heart began to twist and turn when the nervous energy struck me full hardly.
Shawn must have noticed anxiety through my tensed body when he suddenly stopped and looked up at me. He'd already freed the button from its hold, but his arms rested warmly on my lap and he stared at me haltingly.
"Do you want me to stop?" he asked me, even though the huskiness in his voice told me he might've not been able to stop at this point.
The shake of my head was vehement.
"You sure?" he asked again, heaving of his chest more alarming.
Unable to speak because of my damnable heart, I simply nodded.
He gave me one speculative look and when I nodded again with a nervous bite of my lip, he progressed on with sliding my jeans along with my underwear off of me until they were done with. I noticed now that his movements were slower, much more sensual than before.
Gulping hard, I watched his reaction closely.
Shawn licked his lips, a riveted, almost possessed look in his eyes as he knelt in his primal stage. Draping his hands over my knees, Shawn parted my legs far apart. It was only when he exposed me to him that I realized how wet and aching that I truly was.
"Holy shit..." he groaned under his breath and I started to feel increasingly nervous.
"...Shawn..." I sat up suddenly and he looked up at me in confusion. I don't know why I was so scared, but I was
"Relax Bey..."
I tried to but when he saw how unwavering I was and how high and low my chest was rising and falling, he frowned slightly.
"You want me to stop?"
"N-no. I just want you to be with me...I..." my voice tapered off because I couldn't find the right words. My lung's aggressiveness with their whizzing hadn't alleviated and that began to worry me so much that my eyes were stung with tears. Why couldn't I just face things? What was wrong with me? Why was this scaring the crap out of me?
I don't know why I'd said what I did, or how that may have sounded, but I knew it must have confused him as it did me. I waited for him to look at me strangely, start putting on his clothes and walk out of the room.
Despite the confusion etched all over his face, Shawn nodded while rising to his feet. Biting my lip, I kept my eyes downcast, trying my best not to cry in front of him.
"Lay down on the bed babe." I heard Shawn say and I knew he was referring to my sitting position. I looked up at him to find that he was ridding himself of his undergarments.
Gulping nervously I did as I was told and lay supinely at the bed. I stared at the pale darkness of ceiling, only allowing my ears to inform me on what was going on around me.
The pants came off, I knew because they hit the floor with a puffing sound. The next garment was light and it was no mystery for me to figure out what it was.
The next thing that I heard was some fumbling and what followed was a quick ripping. Closing my eyes, I bit my lip, assuming that it was the condom.
The next thing I felt was the bed convulse, making me open my eyes.
Shawn's face finally came up and I felt him lever himself on his elbows while planting his hands on my agitating hips to still them.
For long seconds, Shawn held my gaze with intense, dark eyes that burned with a passion so hot that my heart was scorched.
The room was silent, the only sound Shawn's labored breaths while I still held mine inside of me.
After swallowing the lump that was my heart hard, it eventually started racing so fast that I feared it would give out. It made me weak, and because of that I tried to pull Shawn down to me to cling onto him only for him to move from my winding arms.
"No," he shook his head, holding my gaze steadily, "I wanna see you...."
His phrase took me back to that day in the library when I no longer wanted him to hide from me...
Breathing heavily and unevenly, I nodded a jerky nod and scrambled my trembling fingers back to his arms. I squeezed his biceps hard to prevent the unsteady quivering of my fingers and through that I appreciated the solidity and masculinity of what he felt like. His eyes roamed my face before inching lower and he visibly drank me in again, the hunger rampant all over him.
It made me shiver from head to toe the way he looked like he wanted to devour me.
Then he started to kiss me lightly, beginning with my eyes, then my nose, lingering over my mouth, before tilting his head to lick my jaw.
It was these soft, placating kisses that made me relax only a tad from before. In a matter of seconds I was feeling warm and a little bit more comfortable with myself. I could tell that Shawn was too.
"Damn...this part of you nigga crazy..." Shawn growled, bowing his head to trail moist, soft kisses down my neck, over the valley of my chest, and to the indentation in between my perkily standing breasts. A lot less nervous than before, Shawn's words didn't shock me but instead aroused me intensely.
I sighed, my toes tingling in satisfaction, letting my hands explore him too. Looking at Shawn was one thing, but feeling him was another. It was like stepping into another universe, traversing over his smooth skin of hard muscles. The more I touched him, the more and more I felt myself moisten.
"What part..." I asked weakly out of breath. I started to lightly graze the back of his head with the tip of my fingers and enjoying the erotic view of him kissing places I'd only dreamed about.
"This part of you right here..." as he said the words, his hands brushed the delicate skin of my sides and he slid them up to completely cover my breasts. I moaned at how efficiently he gloved them, my lips twitching into a gratifying smile at how perfectly they fit in his palms.
Groaning and mumbling a curse word under his breath, Shawn started to lightly comb my breasts with the tip of his hands. His touch was so feather light, but the effect was a potent sparking one that made me flinch beneath him.
"You're such a tease Shawn." I moaned out through a sigh, wondering how someone's delicate touch could make every part of me so weak.
Shawn chuckled, his voice low and rumbling "I ain' teasin' you. Just takin' my time. Been wanting this for a while..." he licked his lips and roved over my chest before muttering, "...fuck..."
I felt myself moisten some more when he said the last word and wriggled slightly beneath him as the sensation raced to my core. After molding and reshaping my breasts, he started using the pad of his rough thumbs to rub titillating circles over my sensitized, turgid nipples and he also began grinding against my throbbing clit in a mesmeric cadence. I gasped his name with a wide-open mouth, the dizziness that I'd barely recovered from returning with the vastness of a tsunami. As though my mind had been conquered, it guided the lower half of my body to start move along with him. Through my dampness I felt his hardness, hot and hard against me and I moaned in the heavy cloud of arousal he was placing me in.
Shawn groaned at the skin to skin, wet friction we were creating, "Fuck...are you tryna kill me...?"
"Mmm..." I moaned beneath him, "I think you're tryna kill me..."
"Don't die on me just yet," Shawn said and I gasped at how marvelously his hot breaths tickled my right nipple, "We got a long way to go babygirl..."
Subsequently, I felt a fiercely blazing wet trail sizzle along my jutting nipple, sending a fiery spark from the base of my spine all the way to the top of my nape. It was so sensitive that when he touched me I felt every sensibility humanly possible. My womanhood started to pulse painfully, and everytime Shawn's dick brushed against my clit, both cold and hot shivers trickled through me.
"Ooo...damn Shawn..."
"You like that shit huh?"
"Yes..." I hissed admittedly, my eyes flattering shut. I found myself biting my lip when he lapped me up again, only this time he trapped the nipple in between his teeth and flicked it with the tip of his tongue whimsically. I let out a startled scream when he started to go back and forth, his rocking against me more pronounced than before. He did this thing of pressing his whole pelvic area against me that made the tip of my head touch the headrest and I nearly lost it.
Shawn began to pull on my aching nipples, drawing them deliciously in his lips. The suckling of his lips and tongue writhing over me were the only audible sounds except for my breaths. The image alone made my womanhood burn with so much passion that only the man above me could quench.
"Shawn...how do-do you do that..." I raked my trembling fingers from his head down to his jaw where I felt his contracting muscles as he sucked away and felt more intense arousal than before. Shawn shifted from one satisfied breast to the other aching, deprived one and gave it the much-needed attention it yearned for. Never in my life had I experienced anything like this. I'd come close many times but I'd always pulled back because I felt that the time wasn't right or the person wasn't right.
Tonight was a whole different ball game. I held his head steadfastly as he alternated from one breast to another. All the while he was still grinding against me so skillfully that I wondered how much practice he'd had. It felt so fucking good it wasn't even funny.
Shawn brought his face back to level with mine and began kissing me passionately. I returned his kisses with just as much fervor.
"That feels nice..." I confessed amidst the covetous kiss.
"What..." Shawn asked while tilting his head for better accommodation to ram his tongue into me. He started tongue-fucking my mouth, making me moan delightfully. We went on kissing madly, his hands covering my breasts. When he finally ripped his lips from mine and stared down at me again, with softer kisses, I sighed.
This was one hell of a roller coaster.
"Your tongue...god you're so fucking good with it baby..."
I felt Shawn smile against my lips, and this time both of his large hands returned to close fully over my breasts. As we kissed, he began molding them like he was a proficient sculpture like he'd done before but with more emphasis. He just knew how much to squeeze them enough for them to feel good. And he rotated between rubbing them with those thumbs that I'd recently become obsessed with.
"Damn baby..." I bit my lip when the tight onslaught of my wetness felt his hard bulge against it.
Shawn chuckle, his face now buried in the crook of my neck, kissing, licking...sucking. As he did that, his hands moved to the home of my waist. His hands felt so good there. I liked the way he held them possessively and directed me on how he wanted me to move.
"My pussy still wet?" Shawn asked in a so sexily deep voice that I felt myself flood more at his words. Smiling seductively, I nodded. He leaned forward and nibbled on my lips while flicking his tongue over my bottom one.
"Show me." His voice rasped against my lips.
At first I didn't get where he was coming from, then when I saw the urging look in his eyes as he licked his lips and grinded against me steadily I bit my lip and closed my eyes while moaning, slid my hand down between us and slid it into my engorged flesh. Shyly, I brought my hands back to level with his lips. I watched Shawn closely as he stared at my glistening, wet fingers. The lust and hunger in his dark browns as he rolled his tongue over them made a helpless moan scratch up my throat. He too groaned some gratification with the tip of my fingers in his mouth that made my knees go weak.
"Shit...nothing has ever tasted so damn good..." he said sincerely and I felt myself blush. When he was done, I leaned forward and kissed him lightly. He kissed me back, just as light. We petted each other like this for a while, savoring the moment, savoring each other, savoring this undeniably powerful, mighty thing that was growing between us, right before our very eyes...
It was magical. It felt like a dream.
"I-I feel like I'm dreaming." I manifested against my doing, my voice shaky from apprehension, fear and an indulgence of some emotion that I was experiencing for the first time. I didn't know what it was, so I didn't know what to call it.
Shawn simply smirked, and although his eyes were still cloudy with lust, I could've sworn he'd agreed with me from the fleeting, conceding look that flashed his eyes.
Never once taking his gaze away from mine, he nestled himself at a more suitable angle in between my parted thighs that made me feel his presence much more than before. My eyes widened.
I felt him...full...hard...really hard because his heated dick rubbed against the delta of dark, tawny hair where my thighs met.
I was so nervous, but even then, I couldn't help but feel lucky.
As I stared into Shawn's eyes, I felt in him an amount of trust I'd never placed on anyone in my life. Anyone. There was nobody else I could picture doing this. As opposed to the rumors that wagged about in school about my status, I was very, religiously strict on whom acquainted themselves with my mystery. Although I still knew that Shawn may have not found this moment as deeply emotional as I did, there wasn't anyone else I could picture finding the treasure to my secret abode other than Shawn.
Maybe because somehow, someway, I just knew he would never hurt me.
Not deliberately.
"My damn...I can't wait to be all the way inside of your tight...fuck..." Shawn never finished his words and he spoke in a constricted voice that said all it had to take was a gentle blow of wind to make him expel and handle me the way he wanted. But he remained respectful, gentle and patient as he grinded slowly against me. I moaned, my eyes fluttering halfway shut. It felt so good the way he moved against me.
I whispered something back, I can't remember what, maybe it's because of the way my soaking womanhood melded against his hotly throbbing pelvic area.
I felt Shawn's lips falter from their nipping on my neck and I got the impression that he had smiled.
"Fuck...one of these days...imma have to show you all the ways I can do you ma. You're too fucking good to be true..." The promise in his words was so concrete, so fervent and sounded so true that I felt a little bit guilty because there were times I still didn't feel that I was worthy of him or the meticulous attention he gave me. Yet, even with those thoughts, all I could do was sigh wistfully at the promising future that awaited me.
Straining at first, Shawn introduced his head slowly against my hymen and I undulated reflexively beneath him with a sharp gasp. Placing me stagnant beneath him, Shawn entered the lubricated sleeve of my flesh, delving deeper...deeper...
Breathing sharply with a widely open mouth, my Nails dug into his biceps and my back arched as the burning pain of my walls reaming splintered sharply through me. Like a meteor unexpectedly striking earth, tears crash-landed into my eyes and I began crying.
"Shh ..." Shawn grunted as my tightness opposed his invitation. So he began to rock against my stubborn love hole, trying to progress further than just the gates.
My eyes sealed and I sustained a scream while trying to endure the pain of him delving further into me until he suddenly stopped.
Shawn's whole body was suddenly rigid and we lay that way for a long time—me gulping for breaths and Shawn's breaths quietly labored. Wresting from my tight hold, Shawn lifted his weight from me.
"Shawn..." I cried out to him softly.
When he said nothing and didn't move a muscle, my eyes flew open to find him with clearly shocked eyes, piercing down into mine. Rash breaths caused bellows of Shawn's chest as he braced himself suitably on his forearms.
Amidst all my pain, the reason for Shawn was looking at me that way hit me. In his own words, he'd told me that he'd never had a virgin before. He probably didn't know that I was one due to the rumors that flew around from my ex-boyfriend among others. For some reason when I knew that he realized what I truly was, more emotional tears strayed from my eyes.
Shawn's whole posture remained numb except for the inexplicable emotion that suddenly flooded his brown eyes. Then, groaning in what sounded like extreme gratification and elation, Shawn buried his face in my mane of wildly sprawled hair and shifted until I could feel his lips on my ear.
"Fuck...Bey...I didn't know..." Shawn hissed with gruff emotion and the way he said it so fervently as he pushed more attentively roused more tears in my eyes.
Supporting himself on one elbow, Shawn surprised me when he took one hand of mine and guided it southwards. My fingers first brushed some stubby hairs and I felt Shawn tense and hissed before groaning. The look on his face was so erotic that I nearly came altogether and I bit my lip. Damn, he was beautiful...just so beautifully perfect. He continued to move my hands lower until he guided my fingers to close around his dick. Sighing a rugged moan, Shawn then hissed while I remained frozen and aghast from what I felt in the palm of my hand. Although it was snugly and smoothly sheathed by protection, I could still feel it nonetheless. It was hot, hard, and throbbing...my god it was throbbing at the center of my palm. A pool of moisture gushed to my center in full force. I had never felt one in the flesh up until tonight. Even with my dire love for writing with all its words, I don't think I could ever describe the feeling of holding him in my hand.
It's one of those things that's inexplicable.
The more I held him, firm, hard and long, and the more I watched his sublime expression, the more aroused I became. The more I wanted him. But the more apprehensive I was.
I was breathing through my mouth now with hungry yet worried breaths. I didn't want to disappoint him—especially since he'd been with so many girls.
Licking his lips and nearly driving me mad by doing it, he removed his hand from atop mine and steadied himself above me on both forearms. He looked so good above me that I nearly swooned
"Don't let me hurt you babygirl..." Shawn said gruffly.
My eyes welled with so much more tears at his words.
"You wont." I assured him, my voice croaky from the way he treated me with great care. Then when he nudged his hip forward, I made to move my hand away but Shawn ceased me with his hand and kept me on him. It was then that I knew his intention was to allow me to guide him into me instead of just thrusting his way in like any other guy would've done. What I heard from most girls was that the guys they slept with were so aggressive that they were never mindful of how they broke a girl's barriers. For him to do this to me in this way made my heart rocket to my throat once again. The patience he was practicing with me made the vision in front of me blur with more emotional tears.
He kissed me softly with placating words that made me ease a little bit. Since I loved his soft kisses so much, I braced myself beneath him, sucking in a breath of anticipation.
Slowly but carefully, I guided him to the shores of my passionately burning lock that yearned to be open by the justifiable key.
When the tip of his head impaled me, I gasped while Shawn made a low, satisfying groan from. Clutching my eyes tightly shut at the sharp, stinging pain that spurted all the way from my pulsating womanhood, barreling up my spine, I tensed all over in shock. Then, reflexively, my hand left his shaft and I scrambled backwards in fugacious trepidation.
Shawn's tenacious hands stilled me before I could get far.
"Shh, babygirl" he shushed me quietly with a reassuring, placating kiss, "It's iight. Just chill. Stick with me iight..."
His eyes were so trusting that I couldn't help but nod, calculating deep breaths so that I would calm down. It was hard though.
When he groaned as he penetrated deeper, I knew it was due to the way my virginal walls clamped importunately around him.
I screamed, and cursed, nearly daring myself to fight him off of me at one point. When I couldn't keep still, Shawn folded my arms and managed to clasp my hands right above my head. He held me that way until my meandrous body quelled with the great assistance of his soothing words. For a long moment the only sound were my pants along with Shawn's rugged breaths. Finally, he returned his hands rooted to my waist and I circled my fingers tightly around his brawny arms again.
He was larger than life and being an unsullied virgin, I feared that he wouldn't fit inside of me.
"Shawn...S-Shawn...I-I can't—" I cried out helplessly, flinging my head from side to side in defeat, all the while feeling like a fool for the way I was cowering before him. This time when I wrapped my arms around Shawn and pulled him to me, he came willingly. Sliding his arms around my mid section, Shawn clasped his arms around me tight as I sobbed painfully into the crook of his neck.
"I can't. I—Oh god baby please...It's too..I-it's too big..." I whimpered wriggling beneath him but only causing myself further pain when I did so.
"Ssss fuck and you're so small..." he pushed deeper through my sleek walls and all the muscles in my body tensed. The pressure of his invasion was far more excruciating than before and I truly started to wonder if I would die because of this. Piercing the silence that surrounded us, I yelped out my pain at the top of my lungs.
"Come on Bey...relax for me girl..." he told me soothingly, and with every word, he pushed deeper...and deeper...
Clenching my teeth tightly, I locked my hold around his neck more firmly, trying my best to succumb to his wide girth and long length. It was then that unbearable pressure began to build up in my chest.
"Fuck...I'm so sorry...you're just so got damn tight ma ..." Shawn grunted in constriction, laying still within me. I could feel his hot breaths caressing my ear and that was at least a placating factor from the pain that continued to explode inside of me.
"...I'm sorry..." I apologized in a whisper through hiccupped sobs of self-resignation for not being able to handle it.
"S'okay...don't be...I like you like that..." he conciliated amidst a groan, and I could tell that this was taking as much a toll on him as it were me. I knew for him being patient was a difficult thing to do and I appraised and adored him so much for choosing to be that way with me.
All the while I was trying not to tense so much so that his entry wouldn't be so arduous. Beyond any of my control though, I couldn't stop gasping for the air that seemed unavailable and crying out desperately to him.
"Hold on babygirl...iight..." Shawn said haltingly, holding my hips immovably and with supreme emotion, sinking into my pulsing, wet abode ever so slowly. He continued claiming me as his and only his up until I felt him break through the most sacred, part of me.
That was it. Shawn had broken a barrier that no one in my life would ever be able to break and it meant so much more to me than I ever surmised it would mean. The pressure in my chest proliferated and never in my life had I screamed out as loudly as I did that night. I began grappling onto anything that I could find, and the only thing closest to me at that moment was Shawn.
Shawn waited inside of me as I shook, my eyes wide and my mouth agape at the amount of pain that struck every molecule of my body. We lay for a long while, the only one moving me with me tremulous shaking. Even though the pain was over bearing, I truly tried to savor the closest form of intimacy two separate souls can possibly share.
Wishing I could stop the overflow of my tears, I bit hard on my bottom lip opting that at least I wouldn't be so loud. I tried desperately to familiarize myself with the shooting pain of the entire of him completely embedded inside of me. Shawn assisted in calming me down while he nuzzled me and whispered soothing words into my ear to placate me.
Slowly put surely, my shaking became less and less, Shawn being inside of me laggardly becoming second nature. My sobs were tiny whimpers and Shawn lifted his head occasionally to kiss me tenderly.
Shawn'd who'd been unmovable, finally pulled out in an agonizingly slow way that made the waves of pain hit me once again, moaning into my ear as he did so. My back jutted upwards so sharply that I thought it would snap in two and my scuffling fingers unintentionally broke away the skin on his back when I yelped out again and my Nails dug into him in reflexive reaction.
"Shit!" Shawn's muscles bunched at my desperate clawing, which made him shove himself back into me in another smooth thrust.
"Oh...Da-Corey...Corey...ah..." I moaned, not mindful of the words that drifted from my head. I'd detached myself from my mind a long time ago. I still squirmed below him but Shawn did his best to keep me stagnant, removing himself from him painfully slow.
"Holy fuck...fuck..." he hissed while inhaling a long breath, "You feel so fucking good right now..." Shawn swore as he lunged himself all the way into me again just as unhurriedly as he'd retreated. As I acquainted myself with him, the pain didn't smart as much. It became more and more fleeting, and even though it was still there, it felt damn good. I liked this kind of pain.
It took a while, still with Shawn's gentle, but imperative thrusts, my screams eventually mutated into slight gasps and satiated moans. My grievous floundering beneath him morphed into me yielding my hips wantonly towards him and wrapping my arms around him, begging for more. My legs involuntarily lifted and separated, granting him much easier entry.
"You like that..." Shawn groaned to me and my mind reeled at the seductive, deep sound of his voice as he thrust himself into me inch by meticulous inch. With hips rolling and rocking against him, my walls squeezed the daylights of him and commuted him spasmodically, thus eliciting moans and groans from him that I greatly appreciated. Nothing had ever sounded so good to me than to hear him groan or moan.
Shawn's steady strokes sent me into oblivion and in no time I was matching his movements as though I were a natural...but it felt so natural and I realized that it wasn't as complex as I thought. The feeling that had once been so excruciatingly painful was now one I could only describe as sublime and prominently close to heavenly. His movements weren't too fast or too slow and I got the impression that he was still making an effort to master control of himself and not hurt me. As he moved above me, tout nipples rubbed against his iron chest and with that image and knowledge, my pussy was flooded with more of the love juices that he created. My limbs that were on the brink of lethargy, couldn't afford to be weak because Shawn's exhilarating rotations in me forced my legs along with my arms to shackle him to me. I didn't want to let go of him for anything in the world.
When Shawn's tempo suddenly slowed and he pulled sleekly out of me, his dick rubbed my nectar all over my inner thighs. I moaned disapprovingly and opened my eyes upsettingly just in time to see Shawn burying his face in the curvature of my neck. My toes tingled and curled when I felt his hot kisses trail up my throat, lingered over my jaw, making a stop at my ear.
Shawn suddenly rammed into me, the bodily impact so strong that the crown of my head thrashed gently against the headboard. My legs were wrapped so tightly around him with a strength that I didn't know I possessed until then.
"Since the first fucking time I laid eyes on you..." Shawn's words came through a low, deep grunt that seemed pushed through clenched teeth. As he said them, he plunged his large dick into me in one, slow stroke that caused my eyes to widen at the wholeness of him before narrowing and rolling dizzily to the back of my head. I screamed out his name, closing one hand over the back of his head steadfastly, slinging the other over his shoulders and imprisoning him close to me.
Once fully inside of me, Shawn paused and moaned into my ear before trapping my earlobe in between his teeth.
"I just fuckin' knew that I had to have you ma..." the rest of his words dissolved into a groan as he slid out of me slowly, torturing me...
"Shawn..." I bucked beneath him, surprised yet overly aroused from the way he chose to move. Slow and sensual with care that made me maudlin. The tickling sensation swarming my toes had traversed with electric speed to my womb and began to spark there. Warmth began to radiate from there to every other part of my body slowly, like some type of warning that something out of this world was about to take place...
"You're so fucking beautiful Bey..." Shawn rasped, regressing into me with another proficient, yet genial thrust that made him hit the sensitive core of me, which I hadn't known existed up until that point. I was sent over the edge, now in a state of torpor.
"Oh god...oh shi—fuck!...Shawn..." I flung my head from one side to the other as the supernatural feeling of him expanding in me began to overwhelm me. My hands were back over his biceps, clawing and clinging...clinging and clawing...
"Ain' nobody else like you. No one comes close..." He swore fervently and this time, his thrust matched his words tenfold and he was deep in me to the hilt, my womanhood clinging onto him like a strong vice grip. I tensed when I felt him much deeper than before, enlightening me of places I hadn't known were within me...
My hips agitated, thrusting forward when he slid out of me, rocking wildly when he slid his way into my copiously wet folds. The sound of him matching his skin against mine when we met and the suckling sound of him had me delirious.
"Oh god...Shawn...fuck..." the word that drifted out of my mouth surprised the hell out of me and it seemed to surprise Shawn too. I could tell by the way his hold tightened around me.
"Damn baby girl," he groaned into my ear, the crescendo of his movements multiplying, "I love the way you say my name." he said with an arousal that made all the erogenous parts of my body burn because tingling sensation in my gut had spread out everywhere.
A sharp gasp elicited from me along with an arch just as sharp when Shawn rammed into me.
"Fuck...Scream it Bey..." He grunted, now hovering above me as his life force of a piston jarring into me. Damn, this guy was driving me crazy. The power Shawn enforced within me won him the shrills of his name, piercing into the silence of the room. My veins ached because the blood that began to course through them bubbled from the fire that had spread like wildfire throughout my body. The center of me, my womb, was the intensified blaze where all the fire in every limb of me had migrated from.
I started to feel lightheaded, feeling myself slip dangerously far away from the world...
"Oh god baby...fuckfuckfuck..." I found myself writhing beneath him and every time I spoke the forbidden word Shawn thrived more and more into me, sending me to the brink of insanity.
Shawn's unabated pace started picking up, and I moaned at the burst of pleasure that washed over me
"Oh god...Shawn...Is it...is it always...does it always feel like this?" I struggled to ask blreathlessly, gripping onto him as we moved in sync, rocking the bed wildly along with our steadily growing movements.
Shawn, staring down at me with lust indulgent eyes, shook his head before muttering huskily,
"No...never...like this..." Shawn panted, holding me in the tutelage of his arms, giving me his all...
As though Shawn's writhing in me couldn't grow in strength, it intensified, nearly rendering me sightless and deaf. Whenever he was inside, he filled me with a delight that nearly made me burst into flames, but when he'd pull out, and I'd feel empty. Then he'd thrust back into me and fill me up with him, making the cycle consistent. Every time our bodies met or left, Shawn and I issued different sounds of our throat, filling the air to create a musical chord that only lovers could understand. The desire kept on mounting, building and building, making the heat Shawn and I created become so hot until we both melted into one another and became one.
The coiling muscles in my stomach closed tightly around the ball of fire that blazed there. I moaned his name, my body losing control of itself. I felt like I didn't belong to me anymore. It was like someone else had stepped into me and began dictating my body, making me feel things I'd never felt before...
When a wave with an electric sensation struck me, I began to scream, moan and yelp, writhing with carnal pleasure beneath him. Lost in the insane state I was in, it took me but a while to realize that my moans were appended with Shawn's. I didn't know what was happening to me, what was taking place inside of me. All that I knew was that the man who was buried deeply inside me and holding was giving me a pleasure so heady that I wondered if we were still mere human beings on earth. I wondered if I was still alive because nothing in my real life as I knew it had ever felt as sinfully marvelous...so great. I felt him. All of him inside of me, all the fire focused on the place he thrust into ardently in between my thighs. It was crazy. I'd never known it would feel as magnificent as this.
It felt so unreal.
At one point, Shawn thrust into me with so much profound ferocity...and that's when it happened.
The tight ball of fire centered in the base of my womanhood continued to distend and grow until it erupted, transcending licks of fire all over my body in dithyrambic heat waves. My feral screams must have hit every single wall of the room. The carnalities rioting in my body made me arch sharply against Shawn as the electric waves rocketed me. I was soaring...floating...in another realm, another place....
When the waves finally passed, I was in a state of chaos. I felt crazed, almost like in a state of delirium. I gasped for breaths when I finally learned that I was still alive and able to breath. I opened my eyes from the sparks that filled my eyelids and tried to blink myself into focus until I finally saw Shawn's lusty gaze hovering over me.
He'd been watching me avidly as I went through the most amazing ride of my life.
Fluttering my heavy eyelids open, I witnessed him, balanced on his elbows and channeling more imperative, more ardently passionate, purposeful thrusts into me. He drove deeper into my body...delved deeper...recessing much deeper than I could possibly imagine...
Through my thinly slit eyes, I saw the immeasurable depth of intensity in his swarthy eyes. Sweat drenched and trickled his classically handsome features, making me somehow manage a light smile before my eyes drunkenly fluttered closed again. I felt his head snugly resort to my neck again.
Faintly, distantly, I felt the slight sting of teeth pinching the skin on my shoulder blade. Then I felt his groan thundering in his chest before hearing it tumbling out of his mouth and feeling it caress against my skin hotly. His body shook and I felt the tremors going through him when his muscles tensed beneath my palms on his sleekly dewy skin. I clung my eyes shut, holding him tight as he let himself go. Exploding his release, Shawn's arms closed around me so tightly that it hurt. I liked that he held me with that much strength, like he didn't want to let me go...
And that's when my eyes stung and I felt tears gather along the ridge of my eyelids where sparks of light still shone flagrantly.
Even after the waves of liquid fire passed, we clung onto each other as strongly as we did during our own climaxes. He stayed inside me, making no moves to go anywhere, and although his weight was damn near smothering me, I didn't mind. I liked him there, and I continuously milked and welcomed his now limb life force. I felt him raise his head, then he murmured something—I'm not sure what—before pressing his lips softly against mine as he pulled out slowly from me, leaving me slightly bereft as he rolled off of me.
Gathering me in his strong arms, Shawn pulled me to him, placing my head against his sternum. My leg wedged in between his thighs as I yielded my entire body on top of him. His arms slipped around my waist, holding me tightly, till it almost hurt, and I wrapped my arms around his waist, exhaustingly resting my limbs on top of his firm, hard body.
The only sound in the room was our heavy breathing as we tried to grasp repletion.
My descent was slow and unhurried. My mind was still under heaven's subjugation, so I barely heard him when he murmured something against my ear. My heart pounded in shock, gratification, surrender...and surprisingly fear because there was something that I felt inside that I hadn't felt before what had just happened. My body, felt so much more different from the one that had stepped into this room.
It was like I felt my life changed from that single moment.
My soul...my soul no longer felt the hollowness, emptiness or loneliness that had been reigning supremely in my life for a long time. At that moment I felt that my soul had a mate that came from the man who held me inseparably close in his arms.
My eyes were still closed, and behind my eyelids, the stars that had been sparking from the phenomenon that had just taken place over me twinkled out one by one, like embers dying down from a majestic firework.
When the stars all burned out, everything faded to black and I held onto him just as tightly as he held onto me.
He was my first, and in a way, I was his.
It was a moment that I would never forget for as long as I lived...

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