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I stiffened when the feel of his blazing, moist mouth closed over my sensitized flesh. The amazing sequences of pleasure that followed were so strong my entire body nearly shattered from the sprightly sensations.
"Shawn." I breathed his name out when a shock that shouldn't have been there struck me. A shock that derived from how good this felt and how emotional it left me. I willed myself not to cry as a result of finding it hard to accept this as a reality and not one of my many dreams.
Not having him touch me so intimately without the undertone of hatred in such a long time, I was left feeling dizzy. Emotionally, it was so intense, almost too intense. Physically, it was just the same. Reuniting with that conqueror of a tongue made my belly flip in apprehension. Still the pleasure and happiness that bubbled inside of me halted the panic from overwhelming me.
Shawn's growling response came with a deft tongue marking territory along my achingly throbbing lips. That act alone sent my body rippling with delectation. Just feeling his tongue glide with an unhurried suaveness over my dewy skin set me on fire. I thought I would burn alive. Nearly losing momentum from the fiery pleasure that run through me with the strength of a steamroller, I swayed. Cautiously my Nails dug into his shoulders so desperately I feared I'd broken skin and as if cementing my worries, his shoulder muscles tensed but his hold on me didn't waver. It only tightened and I enjoyed it when he held me tightly.
It made me feel safe.
It let me know that he would never let me go, as he hadn't throughout this entire time even with our separation. I hadn't let him go either.
"Cum'ere baby..." He grunted with a domineering rhythm that stole my breath. The vibration from his voice made my thighs melt feebly like a block of ice held over writhing flames.
"Shawn..." I rasped again, confusion, fear, and excitement rioting within me.
"I need this..." he asserted huskily with an urgency that stroked my gut. It was then that I felt his stubby jaw delightfully abrading the delicate skin of my inner thighs. His heavenly course skin against my softness made me appreciate the symbol of his masculinity with a heavily pleasurable sigh.
Just as I tried to decipher how I was going to maintain my sanity through the ride he was about to take me on, Shawn nabbed a hold of the back of my knee from the leg that stood me upright. Without preamble he raised it in a jerky motion and settled it beside his left thigh just as my right knee had been kneeling near his right thigh. The unheralded movement had caught me off guard thus setting me off balance. But even in such moments fogged by intensity, Shawn found the ability within himself to keep me from tumbling to the floor by securing me with his hands bracketing my waist, breaking my fall easily.
Panting heavily and staring aghast into the moonlit room, I acknowledged that the position we were in was rather odd, one that I hadn't ever been in. I mean there I was, kneeling in front of him, my hands cinched onto his shoulders and his hands latched onto my waist. The peculiar posture left my womanhood presented in front of him like a jewel on display for him to salivate and soon relish over.
Shawn's breathing had grown huskier, thus setting the temperature in the room up a notch. His rugged humid breaths tickled my silky hairs as his mouth resumed its position on me. My eyes fluttered blissfully shut when his lips closed over my clitoris, which he kissed briefly.
He then began hypnotic twirls with his nimble tongue, purloining my senses as though it was his born right to come into this world and do this alone. He laved it, nipped it gently, and sucked in slow pulls that not only nearly drove me mad, but also showed me he was going to utilize this moment until we wouldn't be able to so much as lift a limb.
He was doing so little, not putting too much emphasis into the usage of his tongue, yet the sensations it educed were out of this world. My veins were filled with heat that spread from the bearer that was his tongue to my nerve endings.
"Oh god..."I groaned through an arched throat, locking my fingers on his nape completely unmindful that I was pulling him closer into my mound, "Baby...that feels so...so..."
Before another syllable could be uttered all I could do was hiss when Shawn's began sucking diligently on my clitoris. His hands smoothed down the curve of my back with a deep appreciative groan that shook up my entire anatomy. His fingers splayed over the globes of my derriere, using them to propel me forward, closer to him. All the while my body jerked as a result of the potent exultation that derived from his tongue sliding with ease thanks to my wetness, to the labia of my womanhood.
A small whimper of satiation came from me when the wonderful feeling his tongue gave me had me tingling all over. This was only the beginning yet, I could already feel myself already reaching my peak.
I wasn't too sure how he did it, but Shawn's tongue was able to delve deeper to my sleek folds even with me at the peculiar angle of kneeling in front of him. As he reached further regions of me, his forehead bumped my pelvic bone. Feeling his hair scratching the skin of my navel encouraged me to put a view to the feeling. The sight of his low cut head of hair passionately moving from side to side as his deft vessel of a tongue explored me made me shudder, adding on to the apex I was quickly approaching.
Shawn's agile tongue clouded any other thoughts I had when it dove through the flooded gates of my engorged womanhood. By then my body wriggled restlessly, my thighs tiring from the unceremonious yet erotic position that nearly exploded my mind.
"Oh...yes..." I sibilated in bliss unmatched than any I'd ever known. Completely oblivious of my actions since my mind had disengaged itself with the things my body was doing, my hips thrust forward. The gratuitous sounds Shawn made assured me he minded none at all. In fact it appeared he enjoyed it because his tongue, which seemed to have the strength of ten men didn't let up but only aggrandized in fluid motion.
It was like his tongue was a magic wand, controlling every action my body made. It was overpowering and a little bit baffling how another living being could make me react this way.
I was blessed.
Shawn's tongue snaked through the satiny walls of my womanhood where he began a rhythmic love-making with his tongue that was slow, sensual, and efficacious enough to touch all senses. The thrusts increased in crescendo, as though he was searching for my heart within me. My body bobbled with each advancing and retreating motion of his mouth and tongue. I couldn't fathom how much pleasure was deriving from this. It was more than the sexual energy that rocked the room. It was more than Shawn being some proverbial sexual being. It was deeper than that—and from him delving deeper into me, he seemed to be evoking the same feelings and thoughts that I had. Tears edged through my shut lids, dribbling down my temples.
God I loved him.
Clenching tearful eyes shut, my mouth was rounded open as moans, swears, and whispered litanies escaped as a result of the things he was doing to me. Shawn's versions came through inaudible grunts that I felt rather than heard against my skin.
Behind the dark shield of my eyelids tiny pinpricks flickered beautifully. I knew then I'd stepped into that galaxy he placed me in whenever my orgasm was at bay. One thing I was for sure about though was this orgasm would be in a league of its own and surpass all the rest.
My breaths had quickened, my body a domain of pleasure, my mind astray in a faraway land, I began to feel that familiar ball of fire in my womb.
"Baby...I'm there...I'm..." my gasping came to a jolting stop when Shawn's mouth retreated in a sound kiss that left me reeling but infuriated all the same.
"No!" I protested softly through large gulps of air, my eyes open now as my hands skated over his neck and shoulder blades. When I came in contact with the fuzz of cotton I got agitated because I wanted him naked and nothing but. Instinctually I reached down his back and bunched up handfuls of his wifebeater with an eagerness to shack the damn thing off of him. Heeding my unvoiced need Shawn's hands reluctantly let go of my waist for him to raise his arms. That gave me responsibility to balance myself on my knees despite the fact that I was still very weak and on the brink of orgasm. Little did I know though that opening my eyes to look at him would be another feat itself.
My womanhood twitched at the site of muscle contracting against the soft luminescence of the room. He was an art form in a league that had never and would never be matched. In a harum-scarum I rid Shawn of the wife beater that unfairly barricaded his true form the way God made him from me.
Throwing it uncaringly through the dim room, my hands blessed themselves by coasting over the smooth skin of his back where his muscles flexed and relaxed. He felt better than ever. The last time we had sex had been so rash and rough, used as a means to release pent up frustration, not to explore and share ardor. Right now was time though, for a true love bond that could possibly decree the rest of our lives.
I felt like the luckiest women in the world as I touched him like this, my throat eyes and chest aching. As I looked down at him, my hands touching him, Shawn gazed back at me profoundly with lambent eyes, a slow crafty smirk lifting his lips where his hands banded on my waist again. I caught my breath when he leaned closer and I could feel his throaty laugh between my thighs, his laugh tickling my already aroused lips.
Capriciously Shawn began to recline onto the mattress, guiding me with him. Unable to balance myself the whole way through by my side my body dropped forward, forcing me to pin my palms to the taut mattress where Shawn settled. His hands still planted on me, Shawn shifted me to his liking.
"Hmmm...your pussy is so fucking wet..." Shawn murmured and I whimpered haplessly, feeling his breaths rushing against me.
Lowering me with a gentle pull of his hands Shawn laid a sound kiss French kiss on me that had electricity zinging from the base of my spine to my nape.
"Damn..." he hissed and gave me one agonizingly slow lick before speaking with his lips brushing obscenely against my pulsating lips, "Can't wait to be deep inside you."
Not giving me enough time to apprehend what was happening, the blunt tip of his tongue probed the slot between my labia tauntingly. Shrieking loudly, my Nails clawed to the sheets as I arched.
My thighs parted in surrender as I succumbed to the pleasure that was sure to clout me. Letting my head fall back wantonly when the exhilarating feeling charged my quivering veins, Shawn began slithering up and down my womanhood, making stops at my clitoris to stimulate it. He seemed to understand the messages my body was trying to send so well though and that galled me. Every time my body began to convulse, he'd abandon my clitoris and tease the folds that led to my clenching aperture.
He was baiting me and from the gratifying way he groaned I knew he was enjoying it.
"Baby stop..." I wailed, wiggling above him, wishing he'd stop taking me to the gates of heaven only to lure me back to a place nearly as exhilarating.
Suddenly, Shawn began to tilt our bodies to the right and in my weak state I accommodated without a fight. Now on my back, I felt my thighs being parted by hands that although were powerful, were gentle in their care. Light kisses flowered my grove, making me hiss, making the forgotten tears return to the corners of my eyes.
Imprisoning his head in my hands I head Shawn steadfast as he kissed the planes around my womanhood, giving me a pleasure that was sweet yet agonizing all at once. I wanted all of him in me, yet I appreciated this time we were taking more than I'd appreciated anything in life.
Then his tongue returned to the place that was now aching but throbbing in delight. It was amazing...that feeling I got everytime his breath rushed against my clitoris was unimaginable. It had the back of my head making caters into the bed whenever I arched. Momentously I felt fingers close around my inner thighs, holding them apart. All I heard next were the rugged breaths that I felt blowing against my wet pouted flesh.
I suddenly had the urge to look. I always got off on looking at Shawn doing anything—most of all looking at him on me. Letting go of Shawn's head, I found the strength within my trembling body to propel myself on my elbows, thus opening my eyes to thin slits to put an image to the feeling. Shawn's immersed expression was always such a huge turn on. The mere image was invigoratingly stimulating, a presage of the greatness that was to come.
Through a panting mouthful, I smirked at him.
"Are you...just gonna...look?"
He licked his lips, which were still moist with the evidence of how much I wanted him, and flickered his drunken gaze up at me. A lewd smirk formed on his lips before he scoffed derisively and licked his lips again as if trying to relish the taste that lingered on them.
"Talkin' all that shit..." Shawn nodded slowly and added promisingly, "You're gonna get fucked tonight."
I creamed due to his words, shivering all over. My nipples tightened and I bit my lip.
"Don't know if you can handle it." a mischievous glint twinkled his eyes.
"Try me..." I purred confidently swearing to myself that I was ready for whatever Shawn threw my way tonight. He bit his lip the way he always did when something aroused him.
Shifting faintly in between my legs, his eyes rested on my exposed, gushing womanhood again, "Imma claim this tonight...forever...meaning ain no one else from this point. Ever."
All the talk was making me impatient, but I couldn't complain because it had set my arousal on another level.
"It's always been yours...I've always been yours..." I meant those words from deep within.
"Yeah...well..." Shawn neared my naked, sappy womanhood before adding hotly, "'bout time we made things more official..."
Shawn's tongue thrust through my moist folds undisturbed. I arched sharply due to the intensity of that thrust, but wasn't able to recover from the white-hot streaks that licked every part of my body. What followed was a steady sawing my body with his tongue, the sound of him sloshing in and out of me adding onto the arousal that was already beyond its peak by now.
The assault of his tongue had me breathless. It was all so much for me to the point where my chest began to hurt just from the fact I couldn't even breathe anymore.
"Oh...Ja—ah-Shawn..bay...ooh..." It was incorrigible for me to remain still beneath him—even slightly. I writhed restively because the pleasure was too much for me to bear. My hips agitated towards him, but I found this new way he held me gave him good admission and also made moving something of a restriction for me. The more my hips rolled, the steadier Shawn held on, the more his tongue advanced and retreated with more pronunciation.
He did not leave his hands to act as shackles only though. The thumbs that stroked the fleecy hairs of my womanhood had moved in closer, each gently stroking the labia closest to it. Such a gentle yet seductive touch was electrifying to my senses, having me jerking every time his thumbs smoothed over me. Just when the pleasure nearly consumed me wholly Shawn's thumbs migrated higher and higher until they were both taking turns rotating over my buddy clitoris.
"Shawn..." I hiccupped some air, "y-you're killin...." I confessed weakly, "Oh god—I'm gonna die baby..."
As if telling me that didn't matter, his tongue erratically alternated its speed when he began to slowly dive into the channel of my womanhood where he luxuriated with canny wiggles of his lethally dexterous tongue before flattening it as he pulled out. Got damn. My entire body went ramrod rigid before trembling as waves crushed me, each wave more pleasurable than the last.
Wide eyed by not only the surprise of his mastery with his but from the pleasure that sprouted from it, I arched bow-like and longed to wrap my legs around his neck. At that time Shawn's hands smoothed under my thighs where he slipped his hand beneath my derrière, my wild arching and writhing making it easy for him.
The tempo of his tongue-loving increased once again when he had a hold of my derriere and began shuttling into me with so much force my body literally slid up the mussed sheets and down when he pulled me back. The agility of his tongue, stroking up and down, back and forth, whimsical in its sweet torture rendered me powerless.
Puffs of air left my mouth through whizzing lungs. Chaotically, I flung my head from side to side thinking I might die from the pleasure, tears of joy smudging smudged by the bed every time my temple came into contact with it from my head-swinging. My eyes clutched shut as a result of the subjugating sensations were obscured by the embarkation of those familiar little stars. Hearing him devour me, hearing those satiated groans like I was the most tantalizing course in the world had my spirit jubilant and confident. The growing ball of fire in my gut erupted and I was blissfully undone.
It started in my womanhood but spread to the rest of my body like light shining and permeating throughout a dark room. The light became so white and effulgent that my body stiffened as though blinded by its intensity. During that time the muscles in my stomach banded so tightly together I felt an inexplicable gift of pleasure burst when the muscles snapped in release. A foreign scream escaped my throat as I tried to cope with the orgasm. My small frame rocked and my hips writhed. Even then, Shawn never tired, consistently thrusting in and out like a marathon that would never stop.
Even as the bright light dimmed, sounds of Shawn lapping me up never seized. I lay there waiting for the light around my body to burn out, trying to gain respite.
I kept my eyes closed and smiled softly to myself when I felt kisses just as soft on me. How he never got tired would always remain a mystery to me. sometimes I thought he wasn't human. Then again I knew it was just his will to try harder was much more than the regular joe. My eyelids weighed a ton and I succeeded opening them only to thin slits.
Eventually Shawn was satisfied enough to stop. With a heavy sigh, Shawn shifted, sliding his hands around my lower back until he was hugging me. He then rested his head on my concave stomach and lay there. Lifting my heavy hands lazily I stroked the curve of Shawn's head. Fore several beats we didn't utter a word, simply just enjoying the sound of each other's breathing.
It's amazing how the sound of your soul mates' breathes sounds better than the most praised love song of all time.
With one hand behind his head, the other was on his cheek. I tilted his head until his chin rested on my diaphragm and I was looking at him through the valley of my breasts. When our eyes met reaching across the darkness, a thousand and one words were spoken.
Getting off of me slowly, Shawn stood by the side of the bed and began tinkering with his belt buckle. My eyes followed his every move. My womanhood, which throbbed deliciously, felt his tongue there as I looked at him. He had a volatile effect on me even when I just looked at him. It stemmed from a pint of lust, one permitted from the deep love I felt for him.
I suddenly had the urge to abandon all of my needs and just make him my focal point. Tonight was his night. Tonight had been a big step for him to allow his heart into the same field that had caused him pain. Tonight I wanted him and only him to feel all the pleasures I could offer him.
I even began to feel guilty for those moments of heaven he'd given me the entire time up until now. Everything that had to do with happiness was meant for him and only him.
I decided that I was going to do my best to make him feel like the king of my heart that he was.
"You're perfect." I whispered truthfully to him as he stood erect in front of me.
Shawn smirked proudly and as he neared the bed, began to stroke himself, making my throat tighten. Suddenly my eyes were latched onto that part of his body with nothing being able to tear me off of him. when he rejoined me on the bed,
"You tired?" Shawn asked mockingly, having me spellbound as he stroked the long shaft, kneeling onto the bed to join me.
Licking my lips, I uttered distractedly, unable to take my eyes off of his manhood, "Never..."
He finally hovered me, levering himself appropriately on his elbows. There was a giddy glint in Shawn's eyes, one that showed me how jubilant he was of this occasion. That made my heart distend with more love than I could handle I tingled from deep within as his intense eyes roved over me. My entire body liquefied when Shawn settled in the cove of my thighs till I could feel the wide head of his member.
Slowly, Shawn began to run the head of his penis along the wet slit of my womanhood.
"Good," he growled, passion ferociously burning in his eyes as he dipped fractionally into the shores before pulling back out, "Cause this thing ain official yet..."
I moaned in response, wiggling beneath him, pecking his lovely lips lightly.
"You know..." Shawn began, then kissed me softly before continuing, "After our first night together, I never thought I'd see anything more beautiful. You just proved me wrong."
My heart raced and tears rushed to my eyes.
"You make me that way...baby—wait."
I had edged backwards until Shawn's manhood no longer touched my femininity. Shawn's brow creased in confusion. Not saying a word I boldly reached up and closed my hands around the smooth hardness. My eyes drifted shut in bliss. He was wonderfully hot and hard, exquisitely male. If he wasn't blessed I didn't know what blessed was.
Upon my touch ears were exposed to a groan and swears that slewed a sailor's.
"Bey..." Shawnl grated, trying to strain himself from thrusting his groin into my hand which pumped him lovingly, "What are you..."
"Let me." I explained tersely before reluctantly letting go of his member. Pressing my palms on his shoulder, I pushed gently until he was on his back and I was now on top of him.
Bewilderment still clouded Shawn's eyes as he gazed up at me, his warm hands smoothing over my thighs, hips and derierre. His touch felt so damned good I involuntarily let out a few sounds that evoked that.
The impatience in Shawn's eyes was diminutive but clear enough for me to detect as they shifted from his jutting member up to my face. I knew I had to do something about it sooner and I minded none at all. Now was the time to express to him through my body how much I loved and appreciated everything that was him.
My own patience was thinning too as I caught a hold of him in my hand and began guiding it to my center. Right now like him, what I wanted more than anything was his love vessel living deep within the place that was specially designed for him.
His eyes never left mine as I drew him nearer and nearer, but his chest billowed due to his intensifying breaths. For a short moment I stopped closing him in on my throbbing womanhood and I reached down to place chaste kisses on his lips, the musky taste of my love evident when I impaled his mouth and ravaged his mouth. As though tempting me to surrender and let him do all the work Shawn's fingers smoothed down my derriere over to my thighs, back up to my womanhood, which he intimately inspected with his fingers. He needn't not do that because I was already overflowing with want for him. he could have me that way so easily.
Snapping back, I broke the kiss by sitting back up because I wanted to see every nuance of his reaction when he moved back into the place that had always been his.
We watched each other through passion-imbued eyes of heavy lids as I impaled myself with his member. Catching his breath sharply, Shawn's hands clutched onto my hips but I maintained my control. Descending painfully slow on him, I tried not to lose my head from the transcendent feeling that melted my limbs to gelatin as his girth filled me up inch by inch. The pleasure coursing throughout my body was pervasive but my concentration was only on him and making him feel good, so I didn't let it conquer me.
The sexiest moan I'd ever heard from Shawn left him as his eyes rolled back and so did his head amidst closing eyelids, giving more room for me to visualize his handsome neck. He was seduction embodied. Reaching down I run my tongue from his sternum, up his throat to his jawbone which I sucked hungrily, remembering how mad it used to drive me back in the day. Then I sat back up and continued to sink down so that he could fill me up completely. My insides ripples with each discovery he charted. When I finally had him snuggled all the way inside of me, it was a struggle not to close my eyes sedately like he was doing.
For several heartbeats Shawn and I stayed this way before I began the ancient dance of lovemaking on top of him.
Although it had been so long, not physically, but definitely emotionally, it didn't take long for Shawn and I to properly reacquaint the strings of our hearts together.
We were now immersed in a world that only we two would ever have the privilege of going to—sharing something that we would never be able to find in anyone else.
Shawn's eyes eventually fluttered open as he watched me carefully undulate my hips on him. Every single motion I made facsimiled a reaction from him, even the faintest grimace on his face. It was so gratifying to see him swimming in so much pleasure, a pleasure that enveloped me too. His hands did not stay frozen to my hips, exploring the delta of curls that was my womanhood, to cruising up the curve of my back. Immune to immobility, whenever Shawn's hands briefly rested on my waist, he thrust upward, as if punishing me by showing he would make me feel good no matter what I tried to do.
If only he knew watching him was more than enough to set me over the edge.
But even as the heat that welled within us became more sweltering, so did my desire to show him how much I loved him. Shifting my hands from where they were planted on the tousled sheets, I rested them on Shawn's chest. Adding pressure to my knees, I raised myself off of him fluidly, slowly, watching every shred of pleasure on his face as I did so.
Finding it within me, I began to speak, even though the words I said made a knot form in my throat.
"From the first time I saw you..." I muttered through strained breath as I sheathed him slowly. Biting his lip, Shawn groaned and cupped my behind strongly to meet me with his thrust.
"I knew...that...oh god...baby...I knew...you were the one..."
At my words, Shawn's eyes thinly opened. Roving over his face, I came to the beads of sweat that formed over his lovely mouth. Adding pressure onto my knees I strategically raised my womanhood, closing tightly around him as I did so, and managed to lean in for a kiss as I did so.
"Fuck..." Shawn muttered, holding my waist to bring me back down to him as we kissed.
"No one else will ever come close." I told him tearfully against the kiss, "No one."
"I love you." Shawn rasped against the kiss and groaned. I felt the urge to cry from hearing him say those words but fought the urge, repeating the slow-paced up and down movement.
In response to his words, I parted my thighs further to admit him more entry and whispered back, "I love you more."
And i knew I had to show him because worse were as effective as a pint of fire in a wide range of fire to Shawn. Raising myself to a sitting position, I infused as much love as I could to each and every sensuous rotation of my hips on him. My damn, the way this man made me feel...
Although this was meant to be pleasurable on his part, it was doing me in, only reminding me of the affective power Shawn had. My body pulsed with just so much, so much pleasure I thought I would explode. But the sounds and thrusts emitting from him were enough to urge me on and I did.
Every time I closed around him, it was with a loving strength, and everytime he thrust upward, it was with a loving intensity. Every movement I made was meant to make him feel greater than he ever felt, it was meant to magnify on the wholeness as a person that he was. It wasn't fill any vacant spot in because there wasn't, not anymore. Not like when we were youngsters looking for an escape with one another. Right now, we were both whole people. We were no longer trying to find ourselves in each other, but just trying to maximize on each other's individuality and make us both more phenomenal than we were.
This was far more than any other time we had made love. Blood, sweat and tears had consummated to this moment. Years of absence, years of pain, years of laughter, love and hatred, all came down to this life changing moment.
My folds getting wetter, earning him easier access into me thus speeding up the rhythm of my fall into him and him rise into me was testimony enough...that this was meant to be. That this was real. That this was eternal.
And Shawn basked within my warmly moist folds, utilizing this moment until we both nearly couldn't anymore.
It got so intense, skin slapping against skin, the sound of fluid love making as he sliced in and out of me overtaking every single sound in the room save our moans and groans. Then as if succumbing to that dominance that I'd grown to adore since it wasn't overbearing, Shawn slid his hands to the section beneath my armpits and pulled me down to him for a ravenous kiss as he rolled me onto my back, our bodies still conjoined.
By then the ball of fire in my gut was larger and much more magnanimous than it had ever been, readying itself to spill its heat throughout my body. Shawn's masculine carnality governed his movements as he plunged so deep within me to the hilt I swore deep down that I did feel him in my heart.
Holding me steadfastly by the hip, Shawn began the imperatively unabated thrusts into me, both of us reaching that powerful level of exaltation.
Not wanting to miss the epic moment I opened my eyes to see him as he drove into me only to find him staring back at me, possibly mirroring my expression. Then it happened.
The calm before the storm.
That was where vulnerability was at its peak and the love that we had always felt, for the first time, was unmasked, naked as our bodies were.
I thanked God at that moment as I stared back at him. I no longer wondered why I had him in my life, no longer felt the guilt, because it had taken hell and back to get here.
And as Shawn looked back at me, the gates that always shielded his eyes destroyed, I saw that he felt the same thing.
Nothing to be said.
The storm vehemently rushed into our bodies and we were finally lost in one another. As the tidal waves thundered through my body, I held Shawn tighter than I ever had.
And I did the same.
Shawn's hoarse groan blended with my pitched cry...
And at last...
Holding onto one another, we both went to the only truly peaceful place available to live souls.
A place built for lovers....
And it was damn near insanity, in fact, it was crazy, the deep love that I felt for him then was like none other. I had never felt this way before.
The old Beyonce would have been scared of the foreign feeling of a maddening love.
But when you've experienced so much pain and it leaves you tired, there's no room for fear.
The new Beyonce held Shawn in my arms, welcoming this wonderful feeling.
"I'm never letting you go from here." I promised through a whisper after we'd silently sank from that place, wallowing in the afterglow of the best love we'd ever made.
"I'll hold you to that babygirl..."
That was the night I truly understood what the term starcrossed lovers is.
And the reason why I had never been able to understand it was because I only knew it by definition.
But now, I knew it by experience. 

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