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The discomforting thing about Shawn being drunk was that Marissa had never been around him when he was that way. That one time when we were younger and he got wasted and we carelessly made love in his apartment without the conscious consent that someone else might be present, Marissa had been fortuitously visiting her auntie for that entire weekend and my had we taken advantage of that.
It was such a relief for me when she told me that she was sleepy and it was understandable because the night was no longer young. A great number of the guests had already left with plans to return Saturday for the spontaneously announced wedding rehearsal. Knowing that Angie wouldn't mind, I led Marissa to one of the guest rooms upstairs where she laid herself to sleep. I stayed up a little bit longer just to make sure that she was comfortable before I made my trip back down the stairs.
When I returned downstairs I found out that pretty much everyone had left save for two guys who were friends of Ojay's and Shawn, one of them being Erving.
Angie was seated with the friend who was meant to be her maid of honor but had gotten knocked up instead so I never went to bother them. Instead I sat down in the previous couch I'd occupied.
While sitting the minutes away and petting on Diamond who'd chosen my lap to leisure in, I noticed Erving kept on sneaking glances my way despite the riveting conversation all the guys were holding at the table. Becoming slightly uncomfortable, I avoided eye contact with him as much as possible.
Since Angie had already put all the edibles away, I decided to get something to eat. Placing Diamond gently on the nearby space on the couch, I rose to my feet and went to the kitchen in search for a snack to quell my rising hunger. Usually when I hadn't eaten much for a string of days I'd be uninspired to eat and feel sick up until the moment when I'd just want to eat everything all the time. Today seemed like one of those days. On my way there, my eyes accidentally collided with Shawn's from where he sat at the dining table listening to Ojay and the rest of the guys talk. He'd been giving both Erving and I suspicious ganders the entire time. Beyond my control, I started to get nervous with paranoid thoughts that he suspected something was going on. It seemed like I always worried about everything I did and how he'd perceive it because I didn't want to anger him in any type of way as I'd been doing for a while now. Him being a little bit buzzed didn't help my apprehension either.
Once in the kitchen, I rifled through cabinets for something until I lucked upon a bag of chips. From the fridge I pilfered a can of soda. When I'd settled on one of the stools at the centered countertop, I ate meagerly at my food, reveling in how great my day had been and wishing life could be like this all the time.
My thoughts were suddenly cut into when I heard soft footsteps against the tile and looked up to confirm them as Erving's.
I sustained an incommodious groan.
"Hey Erving." I greeted him despite myself with a lukewarm smile.
"Hey. Why ain' you with the rest of the party?" he asked and I saw my prayer falling through when he sat on the tall stool across from mine. I tried my best not to let my irritation show and even then I felt guilty for being as jaundiced and rude as I was behaving.
Why was I being a bitch? Erving was a nice guy, and I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. But...
Just as I was about to force myself to answer him, I looked up and saw Shawn promenaded into the kitchen with an unhurried gait, watching us unconcernedly while making his way to the icebox that held all the alcoholic beverages by the fridge. Lord, he did not need another beer. He could barely walk as it was.
"The party already ended." I told him with a forced laugh and he chuckled.
The kitchen grew increasingly quiet up until both Erving and I were startled to hear a loud thudding, turning to confirm it as Shawn closing the icebox. With heavy lidded eyes and an unremorseful expression, Shawn murmured an apology, inscrutability in those bedroom eyes as he opened his can of beer and began to walk. My heart pelted heavily in my chest as I watched him walk with that laggard swagger that always drove me insane. Soon my heart wasn't the only organ in me that began beating and I absentmindedly shifted in my stool and bit on my bottom lip as I watched him.
"So where did you say you work at again?" he asked conversationally, parading into my blissful thoughts.
"Um," I murmured distractedly, tearing my eyes away from Shawn to a slightly bothered Erving, "At the hotel. As a housekeeper."
I hoped my below than average status would make Erving loose interest the way it did with most men these days but he nodded regardless while stating that was 'nice'. That's when I noticed what really bugged me about Erving. He was the kind of person who tried to play the good guy, told you all the things you wanted to hear and then when he had you under his trap, his true monstrous insides would leap out and devour you.
I knew I might have been reading too much into it, but ever since Derrick had stumbled upon Angie, it was something that I couldn't help. Angie's fear had become my own.
"What you up to this weekend? I was wondering if you wanted to go out some time. You know, just to chill or somethin'." Erving proposed to me suddenly with a wistful smile that I grimaced to.
"Um...I'm not really dating right now." I told him in the politest way possible and his features were suddenly crestfallen but he muddled that with a hopeful smile.
"Can I call you some time then? I mean it's never wrong to be just friends." he offered instead and I tried not to cringe at his persistence. Wow, I wondered if this was how Shawn saw me when I kept on nagging him about going out with me up until he couldn't fight me anymore. The thought made me glance in Shawn's direction to find that he was standing behind an oblivious Erving, with one hand was in his pocket and the other was wrapped around his chilled beer and a repulsive expression on his face that said he must've been thinking the same thing I thought about Erving's never ending ambition. Just as he shook his head and made to leave, we'd caught each other's gaze
Looking down at Erving again Shawn made a face that made me laugh inside but smile on the outside.
At my disruption, Erving turned around and scoffed while he eyed both Shawn and I knowingly.
"Oh, now I see why you ain' dating no more," he smirked haughtily at me, "You probably still stuck on this nigga."
His brows were raised in what wasn't a surprise, and he looked almost annoyed at the both of us, as his eyes shifted from Shawn to me and back again. It was a look I hadn't received in a long while now, the one that colored strangers eyes with knowing looks where they showed irritation at the both of us, like our story was known and told to all of them, and they were sick of hearing it.
I found it mildly offensive since none of them knew anything of the story like they claimed to, not even Shawn or me myself understood the whole thing at times, yet they had labeled themselves pros at it.
His smirk suddenly became lewd, "I can probably change that."
As my forehead wrinkled into a deep frown I felt my insides shrivel with a nervous fist closing around myself and glanced at a Shawn who was staring down at Erving as though he couldn't believe the words that had come out of his mouth.
Gulping hard, I nervously waited for what Shawn would do. I remembered how one time at a party one of Shawn's friends 'warned' him about me as they normally did. usually Shawn was ethical and smart about how he handled their pestering by either shutting them up with sharp words or ignoring them.
That one time he was drunk and his friend had ended up with a fractured jaw.
Shawn then looked at me and mouthed 'the fuck did he just say?'
Sucking in my bottom lip, I lowered my eyes from his and focused on breaking a piece from a chip I'd obtained from the bag.
"Change what?" Shawn inclined his head as if for better hearing as he rounded Erving, "Look at this dumb fuck. Nigga you ain about to change shit...Can't you see she ain' interested? She been avoiding yo desperate ass all night. I mean damn muh'fucka it's like you're blind and deaf." My calculated answer was erased when a loud slamming sounded and we both looked over at Shawn who'd slammed the icebox shut with a loud thud, making his way over to the centered counter slowly. I could see that in his eyes there was a menacing glint to them that meant nothing good was to come, "You really makin' yourself look real bad right now homie. Especially when you still with Lilly's ass."
Shawn's voice was thick and bleary, loud yet distant all at once.
There he went running his mouth. Oh goodness, I thought to myself, my cheeks burning with embarrassment not only for Erving but for the fact that I had this sudden urge to laugh.
I already felt bad for Erving and Shawn hadn't even truly gotten started.
"Lilly and I broke up." Erving said defensively.
"When...when was that half an hour ago? Last time I remembered you were telling her you'd be home soon." Shawn pestered.
Clearly irritated by Shawn's behavior and caught off guard, Erving's jaw bunched as he regarded Shawn, "Why you cock blockin'? I was just fuckin' with ya'll. This is between me and her anyway"
Shawn made a loud cackling sound before taking a long swig from his can of beer.
"Between you and her huh?" he stamped his can on the counter top and raised his chin belligerently at Erving, "The fuck you tryna get at? You think you know her better than me or something?" laughing haughtily Shawn looked around him, "I see niggas around here are tryna play stupid and shit."
"Shawn stop it." I reprimanded as I slid off of my stool and walked up behind Shawn. Although Erving tried to put up a good façade of bravado I could see right through it and I knew that since Shawn saw right through it too he wouldn't stop bullying him any time soon. He could be a real asshole when he was drunk but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't funny to see him that way. It brought back old memories of fun times.
"Yo I ain' tryna get into it with you Shawn but you need to mind your own business." Erving ground out, the discomfit on his face crystal clear.
Shawn chuckled for long moments at nothing in particular and he even turned his head slightly in my directions, his eyes never leaving Erving, "Did this muh' fucka just say what I think he said?"
"Shawn stop it," I reiterated with a small frown, "Leave him alone."
"I need to mind my own business?" Shawn ignored my pleas, getting in Erving's face, his head dangling to one side when he tilted it like it was being harnessed by threads, "nigga you know whose house she sleeps in? She sleeps in my house!"
"She ever been by your place before?" he pressed tauntingly, towering over Erving with tightly clenched hands.
Erving stared at Shawn with disdain, slowly getting off of his stool to face him.
"Huh?" Shawn demanded with unnecessary impatience, completely unaffected by Erving's attempt to intimidate him.
"No..." Erving answered a deep scowl and compressed his lips together tightly, his jaw bunching and his adam's apple rising and falling as he swallowed whatever else he'd opted not to say. With a snide smirk, turning his head slightly as he spoke to me with his eyes still latched onto poor Erving.
"You heard this nigga? The fool said 'nah'."
"Who the fuck you callin' a fool?" Erving stepped up to Shawn and that's when I interrupted the little dispute and stepped in between the foot of space in between them.
"Okay Shawn," I grabbed him by the arm and started to pull him with me, "Stop it."
Shawn began to follow me, only he suddenly halted and lugged forward like he was about to pounce on Erving. Completely taken off guard, Erving inched backwards slightly at Shawn's sudden, unwarranted movements. Just as shocked as Erving, I put my hand over my mouth to drown out laughter that tried to escape. I couldn't believe he'd done that, then again, he'd done worse before when drunk. Shawn aimed a hectoring smirk at Erving as he backed up slowly with a few quiet, almost demeaning chortles.
"Punk ass nig'." Shawn murmured through a malignant smirk and I stung his forearm arm with a chiding smack. Shawn then staggered on his unstable feet as he succumbed to my pulling him with me slowly.
"Man fuck you nigga. You can have that bi-"
Shawn tensed and I could no longer pull him with me, "...what? That what?" Shawn's voice quiet but ever so threatening and ice cold.
Instead of finishing his words Erving sucked his teeth and shook his head as he looked off. A part of me thought that Erving wasn't pushing Shawn probably because he'd seen Shawn on a terrible day. That's how it was in highschool. Even if people tried to mess with Shawn, they were smart enough never to cross that line of fire in front of him like a warning gate.
Pass that mark and it's over.
"Yeah try and call her somethin' nigga." Shawn warned hoarsely then added with a scoff, "Please muh' fucka jus' try."
"Okay big boy. That's enough." My voice was high pitched and awkward because of strangling my sudden laughter. As I spoke, I slid my hand down his firm arm and capturing his hand with mine to pull him along with me.
"Aye, what about my beer." Shawn said plaintively trying to walk back to the counter where his beer stood waiting. Meanwhile, he gave Erving a cold stare for absolutely no reason that tickled my insides yet mad me frown at the same time. Letting go of his hand, held him by the arms and tried to turn him around to the kitchen's exit. As I flattened my palms on his hard back to push him, I longed to just lift the distraction that was his shirt up and touch the skin that looked so temptingly smooth beside the white material of his shirt. Shawn yielded to the pressure of my hands without a fight and when he started to walk, I acted upon impulse and wrapped my arms around his waist and walked him with me. All the while I knew Erving's baleful gaze was on us but I didn't care.
"No way, mister," I spoke, loving the warmth our close bodies generated, "You've already had too much to drink. You need a damn time out forreal."
"Time out?" Shawn surprised me as his fingers closed around one of my wrists, the roughness of them caressing my sensitized skin, and uncoiled me from my hold around him. He then pulled me up front, quickly wrapping the bands of steel that were his hands around my waist. Potent electricity zipped through me when I felt his sex against the small of my back and the remnants from the electric shock sparked throughout every part of my body. I nearly swooned when he squeezed and upon doing so his arms rested beneath my bosom. Excited shivers went through me when I felt his lips gently brushed my nape where he growled into me, "Fuck you talkin' about? Big boys don't need no damn time out."
Blushing severely, I tried my best not to snuggle against his frame but that was a difficult fight. It felt so good to just have him holding me like that, teasing the path of my neck with tiny kisses.
I felt odd though...I just felt...I wasn't so sure.
"Shut up," I grappled for my senses so that I could speak, "You were being really mean to that guy Shawn. It was kind of unnecessary."
"...the fuck if I care." he slurred against my neck as we made our way to the livingroom and I laughed. Being drunk, Shawn was unnaturally slow with his speech when he spoke. His words were slurred with a drowsy tint to them.
"That's not nice." I still tried to have some moralistic value within myself.
"Fuck, you smell so...so damn good Beyonce..." he groaned deeply into my trembling skin, the resonance of his deep voice causing my innards to quake.
When I felt his teeth nipping at the delicate skin beneath my ear that was one of my many spots he was the one if not discovered, created, tidal waves of pleasure coursed through me and I convulsed against the hard line of his body.
The alarms within me started to go off. During that time I felt a gentle breeze against my side, soon to see Erving grilling both Shawn and I mad hard as he walked passed us and into the living room.
"Shawn...stop..." I managed to force myself to tell him even as blissful as having him rediscover me with his lips felt. Only this man could get me like this, conflicted yet insanely aroused all at once.
Although all of this felt good, it still felt strange. I knew he was being like this mostly because he was under the subjugation of alcohol, but still. As happy as he was making me, I couldn't help but feel...uncomfortable, almost that it was only temporary. Nowadays, there was no telling with Shawn. For all I knew he might just start screaming at me in the next few seconds.
Another thought that made me sick was the fact that he'd been doing this with his many other random females. How was I to know I wasn't one of them?
My main reasons for thinking that way were because the issue was something that we hadn't talked about. And unfinished business leads to dangerous consequences.
My thoughts were cut short when I felt the a stinging sensation on my shoulder, only to realize Shawn had bit hard enough for me to be well aware of his presence. Flinching not because he'd bitten me lightly but because of the strong way I'd reacted to it, I felt Shawn's warm breath rushing into my ear as he spoke.
"You know yo ass don't want me to stop."
He was right. I didn't want him to stop. But now wasn't the place or the time-and I didn't mean that in a geographical or physical sense. We both weren't in the emotional place or time to start messing around like this-at least I didn't think so.
I felt Shawn's arms unwrap from me and watched him walk by me with a knowing look in his eyes through a side profile that made me weak-kneed. Just when I didn't think Shawn couldn't get any sexier, he'd do the simplest thing and have me tempted to get on my knees and tell him to do whatever the hell he wanted to do with me.
Turning away from him so that he couldn't see me blushing, I started heading for the living room, placing one foot in front of the other with great precaution because walking had become a difficult feat with the damnable knees that I had.
"Aye Beyonce." Shawn called out to me with a loud recklessness that said he didn't care who heard him. Even if I couldn't see him I could picture him sauntering over to me with his hand on the buckle of his belt and his chin tilted arrogantly as he waited for me to heed to his orders.
"Aye, shawty!" He called out again, louder.
I walked faster. All of this felt so familiar and like in the past, I started becoming shy against my will. Up until I first met Shawn I had never been a shy girl because I simply had nothing to be shy about. I thought I was bold up until I saw Shawn in one of his 'moods'.
I don't know what the hell it was about this guy that had me acting the way I did.
And the strange thing of it all is that the unnaturalness of it excited the hell out of me.
"I know you hear me girl." He grumbled. My stomach muscles clenched and my womanhood made it harder and harder for me to walk from the way it kept on soaking.
Before I knew it I was spun around and yanked roughly until I crashed into Shawn's hard bodice. Suspending my hands above my head through a tight grip, Shawn shackled my hands onto the wall.
"Think imma let you get away from me again? Huh?" Shawn asked and when I saw that he was actually expecting an answer, in my timid state I actually shook my head. If I was nervous why was I aroused at the same time?
"I ain' letting you leave this time. Believe 'dat." there was an anger, a possessiveness to his tone that surprisingly didn't surprise me. What was surprising was the fact that as cowardly as the words made me, I reveled in hearing them. Still, it seemed like the pressure of methane had been building up in a bottle suddenly released to the waiting lungs of close by breathers. I felt the hurt against our beating chests as much as he tried to conceal it from his voice and face.
Releasing my hands slowly as if cautioned to whether I'd suddenly sprint up and leave, Shawn's hands traveled from my face, down my neck, over to my chest where he cupped my breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze that had me whizzing and clutching my eyes shut from arousal. My nipples were already standing to attention, only his touch made them throb achingly now.
"You're mine girl." I heard him say from above me.
When his name left my lips through a whisper, Shawn released my breasts. Before I could complain a firm hand closed over my derriere and my eyes went wide with streaming shock and opened wider when I felt his sex through his clothing digging into my stomach through my shirt. Having to throw my head back to get a good look at his face, I found him eyeing me with thoughtful orbs that made my nipples tighten painfully and my womanhood burning passionately with the knowledge that only he could quench my thirst. I inhaled the scent of his heady cologne and nearly melted to the sturdy grip he had on my ass.
"You're mine. Ion'...ion give a fuck how many other niggas you try to run off with. Mine." Shawn muttered in a scruffy deep voice as he rained life threatening kisses along my neckline, "Always have been," furled his tongue along my throat, "Always will be," he then stood straight up and looked me dead in the eye, expression deadpanned and completely unwavering, "Believe 'dat shit girl."
My lips parted, but no words fluttered out.
I could feel myself getting more and more shy with each passing second and because of that I began to shrink beneath him. Yet even as I got coyer, the need to touch and feel Shawn became potent.
Lowering his head, I stiffened nervously before his lips captured mine with surprising softness. The kisses migrated to my cheek and plunged to my neck once again.
"Shawn..." I moaned when familiar feelings struck me. My fingers tingled as they curled over his strong shoulders with an urge as familiar too...a burning, pressing urge...the type that struck me when I needed a hit. Only this time, the thing that I needed was right in front of me, as tempting as a large piece of steak being swayed before a starved bulldog's face.
"Fuck...imma get so far up in that pussy...you gon' feel my shit against your heart..." Shawn groaned into my neck, his fingers molding the softness of my ass as he gyrated his front against me. Pushing him away from me seemed like the hardest thing that I'd ever done in my young life.
"Shawn!" I gasped in surprise at his bluntness and Shawn stood tall above me, no remorse on his face.
"Think I'm playin'?" he cocked a brow at me, eyes heavy lidded and unmasked as they evoked seriousness. I wish I could say Shawn was bluffing, but hell he had a reason to sound so sure. My stomach muscles were tumbling over each other, tangling and untangling.
"N-no. But... T-there's other people here...and-and..." I held onto my last receding senses.
"Shit ain' ever stopped you before." His deep voice vibrated against my skin where his lips and tongue worked and he aggressed himself back to me until I was flattened against the wall again.
Nipping on the spot beneath my ear, Shawn whispered as he continuously ground his front into me, his hands holding me steadily by gripping my behind.
"I miss this shit girl..." he whispered against my, flicking his hot tongue over my skin, grinding with more pronunciation against me flooding womanhood, "You remember what it used to feel like?"
"Shawn." I whimpered timidly as I clung onto his arms not knowing whether to pull him closer or push him further away. Too many emotions were zipping through me all at once. I couldn't handle it-all these conflicting emotions. They were confusing me, testing me almost.
Pushing at his shoulders with garnered strength, I smiled shyly and forcefully sidestepped him before escaping from the issue that was he. I wanted him-God how I wanted him more than anything else in the world.
But I couldn't. Not when I knew he'd regret this later. He was drunk. He didn't know what he was doing or thinking.
When another voice pestered me, telling me that his guard came down when he was drunk and his true feelings gushed and flooded the masses like the breakage a dam, I ignored them.
God I felt like a highschool girl who was being teased by her biggest crush.
Deep chuckling sounded from behind me and I nearly melted in a puddle from how good he sounded.
"Imma let you go this time...But imma get you."
Hurrying down the hall as fast as my weak legs could carry me, I tried not to listen to Shawn's haunting words.
There was a promise to them that sent a chilling drop of fear...and anticipation trickling down my spine.
Before I could make it past the foyer to the livingroom, I was grabbed from behind, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and his lips close to my ear.
"And when I do...imma beat that pussy up." his voice was a coarse whisper that made me so damn aroused I nearly screamed out my sinful pleasure.
Gasping sharply not only at what he'd said but because of the electrifying buzzing in my womanhood, I found the strength to push down the barricades that were Shawn's hands and glowered at him only to find him staring at me with that unrepentant smirk on his face as he walked down the hall with his hand holding up the front of his pants.
"Imma get you." he said through a teasing smirk with his free hand wiping off the remnants of his kisses. The sight made me that made me so fiercely hot I nearly melted into a submissive puddle before him.
Turning away from him before he could say anything else, I nearly tumbled into the living room, trying to escape not only from him but the urgent throbbing in between my legs.
Schooling my features into a barely believable calmed expression, I smiled stiffly at Ojay and Angie who were seated at the table, eying me confusedly due to my jumpy behavior.

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