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I'd just hang up the phone from speaking to my mother and told her that I was spending the night at Angie's. Although she'd hesitantly agreed to letting me stay there, she'd lectured me on the importance of school and pointed out once again how she was worried about my outing habits, also questioning me about rumors she'd heard of whom she'd heard I was seeing and such. I very rarely lied to my mother, and when I did, she usually had a way of finding out. If by chance, by rare chance, she never found out, guilt would force me to tell her the truth.
I'd told her this lie two weeks ago. The guilt I felt wasn't the same kind of guilt I would feel if I'd lied about something else.
I felt that these lies were worth it because they were giving me a chance to be with someone who was very special to me.

"Hello?" she picked up groggily.
"Hey Angie, if my Mom calls you-"
"Yeah yeah. I'll cover for you. I'll talk to you later girl. I'm so tired. Girl," she drawled out suddenly, "Ojay laid that shit down on today man I'm so sore..."
"Ugh," I muttered in disgust despite the smile that graced my face, "I don't need to know about ya'lls nasty business. Bye."
"Bye." She said with no conviction and hung up. I shook my head while snapping my phone shut and placed it beside the sink. Picking up a brush that came from my purse, I began grooming my hair in an attempt to tame my nerves. Even though it was half past one o'clock in the early, Saturday morning and I was aching all over from a long tiresome day, the anticipation I had waiting for Shawn kept me very much awake.
Also, because there had been something running through my mind all day that got me hot and terribly bothered whenever I thought about it. It was something that would make my parents loathe ever bringing me to this world and hurling me into a dungeon.
I bit my lip as the thought crossed my mind and at that very point, my toes curled as an excited tingle went through them.
He was to arrive any minute and I could hardly wait for his return.
A few minutes into passing the brush through my now sandy-brown dyed hair, I heard the door open and close. The doors shook the painfully thin walls of the house and every molecule of my body shook along with it. Placing the brush in my purse, which was located beneath the sink, I opened the bathroom door and stepped into the hallway.
"Who's there?" Shawn asked and I smiled at the sound of his voice. Lord, it was so sexy. Gruff and deep just the way I liked it-especially when he was tired.
Deciding to play with him a little bit, I remained quiet and waited for him to see for himself. The apartment was anything but spacious, so it didn't take long for Shawn to see me when he stepped into the corridor to see who had made the noise. His eyes widened with shock when he saw me-and a flicker of happiness before it diffused and confusion lit up.
"Beyonce? What you doin' here?"
I couldn't answer him right away because his appearance had immediately caught me. His wifebeater-for the first time I was viewing him with a white one-was etched all over with dirt. He wore baggy khakis that also had the same, muddy smudges that his wife beater had. His timberlands were tattered and old, but still added more to the edge that I found undeniably sexy.
As opposed to everything that seemed so roughened up, Shawn's face was smooth and clear. From the shirt in his hand, I surmised he'd wiped off the sweat since every other angle of his body was shiny with his pespiry enamel. A pool of moisture gathered where my thighs met.
"What you doin' here? Who let you in?"
"Mom. Right before she stepped out for her new job." I answered with a small smile as I walked over to him. I could see it on his face that he wasn't too happy with my being here. He'd given me the lecture that coming here unannounced wasn't the safest thing.
"You look tired baby." I commiserated with him as I wrapped my arms around his midsection and rested my chin against the solidity of his chest. I wanted to bite it but I knew he would cuss me out. He got really cranky when he was very tired-but who doesn't?
"What I tell you about coming here without me knowing?" He asked with a disappointed frown, "Imma have to tell Angie not to drop you off whenever you ask."
If he wasn't so tired I knew he would've been yelling at me by now. Shawn hated for me to come to this neighborhood without his supervision. Even if I came here with my own car, he had to be somewhere close with his.
He was afraid because 'girls like me' usually attracted 'guys like him' who he said weren't the right guys. At first I thought it was adorable when he spoke like that because I liked my man being overprotective over me, but then it was just starting to get on my nerves.
"Aw hush Shawn I can take care of myself." I said as I pressed our bodies together. When I felt his hardness, all male and masculine, I nearly melted. He shook his head at me before glancing passed me. His eyes were wary with exhaustion. It took all of me not to smile at how sexy he looked.
"Marissa asleep?" he asked, his gaze dropping down to me and again the awkward angle he was looking at me reminded me how much taller he was than me.
"Mhmm," I felt a warm fuzziness as I pressed myself against the firmness of his chest, "She said she had a good time at her auntie's place today."
Shawn's body stiffened, "She didn't tell me that."
I tried my best not to roll my eyes. Marissa had been acting strange, mostly quiet lately but I simply thought it was because she missed her brother since he worked so much.
"She doesn't have to tell you everything Shawn. She said she had a good time." My arms uncoiled from him slowly and I took a step back because I knew that he was upset. He was so overprotective over her that I was surprised he even let them out of the apartment.
"You can't be letting her go places on her own like that." he rounded me with a dismal shake of his head.
"Shawn, this is your auntie, not some stranger." I folded my arms and followed him.
"That hasn't stopped them from mistreating her before." he griped while peeling the shirt from his body. A surge so strong went through my womanhood at the site of his muscular bare back that I had to bite my lip to keep me from moaning out loud.
Lord, it was just a back...but this was Shawn Corey Carter's back we're talking about.
Shawn turned around with a questioning glance.
"Damn baby, you're so fucking hot." I told him truthfully when I couldn't restrain it any longer and bit on my finger as I slid my eyes to his perfectly defined torso.
"Beyonce..." he groaned, shaking his head tiredly while tangling his wifebeater into the shirt that was already in his hands, thus allowing the veins of his strong hands and forearms to bulge.
"Umm," I muttered distractedly and opted to look at his face as if that would've been a better option.
Huge mistake.
His heavy lidded eyes sparked up thoughts so illicit that my knees got weak.
"Iight. Imma take a quick shower and then drop you off-"
"What?!" now at least he'd gotten my attention away from his glistening body.
"What do you mean what." He growled in an impatient tone that was meant to make me quiet down but it didn't work.
"Oh gosh..." I muttered when the peeved expression on his face turned me on all over again.
"What?" Shawn turned away from the door and faced me in clear annoyance, "Yo, I ain' tryna fight with you Bey. I'm taking you home now."
"You can't drop me home. I came here on my own."
Shawn's posture straightened and he stared at me with a small frown that I rolled my eyes to.
"What did I tell you about that?"
"Shawn? Let's not argue. I'm here now. I'm staying unless you make me leave. You want me to leave? Make me leave. And by make me leave I mean physically drag my ass out of here nigga. Now there's a snack for you in the kitchen in case your hungry. I'll be waiting in your bedroom."
Not sparing him a reply, I whipped around and headed for the bedroom, only to feel a closing around my upper arm, hauling me back.
"Yo, what are your parents gonna say about you bein' here all the time?" Shawn asked with a furrowed brow.
"I took care of it. They think I'm at Angie's. Speaking of my parents, when are you gonna meet them?"
"When I'm not busy." He hedged while averting his eyes, letting go of my arm. He didn't want to meet my parents and I knew it's because he worried what they'd think about him. From the talks we had, Shawn was certain I'd never dated someone like him. I didn't think my parents would mind much that he didn't have money-especially as hard working and as smart as he was, they probably wouldn't even give a damn and love him more than I did.
"Come on baby..." I slipped my arms around his waist with a smug smile, wishing I could run my tongue along his smooth skin, "Mommy and Daddy wanna know who's fuckin' their babygirl every night..."
Tensing, Shawn stared at me with pale shock all over his face, making me laugh.
"I'm just joking."
""Man why the fuck do you have to say shit like that Bey?" Shawn asked with a deep frown that made me laugh again because he looked so damn cute.
"I'll be in the bedroom." I said as I stepped back, reluctantly letting my arms fall to my sides.
Moments later, I was resting supinely on Shawn's bed with my notebook in front of me. I was reading this story that I'd started out a while ago. Without much of a goal, I'd just started writing scenes that popped up spontaneously in my mind. I had over ten scenes and I barely knew where the story was going or what it was truly about.
After a while, Shawn finally straggled into his bedroom. My heart skipped a million beats at the site of him wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants and different boxers than he had on earlier. His skin looked so temptingly smooth, like chocolate that was just waiting to be licked, tasted, and savored. Unlike most of the scrawny, pencil thin boys I was surrounded with, Shawn's brawny arms and corded muscles that made up the firm plane of his stomach screamed how much more prime and mature he was than them. I guess that requirement for him to stay fit had its quirks and this was definitely one of them.
Biting my lip I followed his every movement with an owl watch as he moved throughout the room with a drag. God, he was so fucking perfect it was crazy. No human being should've been this perfect.
My womanhood began to sizzle, its thirst needing much quenching.
Sluggardly, Shawn dragged his feet heavily to his desk and looked over at me through bleary eyes. I nearly jumped on him for looking so good but somehow managed to keep myself at bay.
"I'm about to sleep." He murmured and I knew his reason for telling me was because I was using the lamp and he needed it out to sleep. His announcement disheartened and agitated me. I for one didn't want to sleep but by the exhaustion that came off of him in heavy waves, I knew he was going to sleep at any costs; Shawn was notorious for loving and valuing his sleep.
"Okay." I gave in with a small huff that I hoped he didn't hear, slipping my notebook back into my bag pack.
Once the lamp went off, the room resorted to pitch darkness save the streetlights streaming in from his window. Winter was right around the corner so it was a chilly night but I was too hot and bothered to care. Since Shawn worked in a stifling, muggy factory with terrible ventilation, he always came home burning up so he didn't even mind the fact that the heater wasn't working-he'd saved up to by Marissa a small, portable electrical one though for herself.
When I felt the man of my dreams plopping onto the space on this stiff bed beside me, my heart stirred. It didn't matter that we could possibly freeze to death. It didn't matter that I could feel the springs of the bed digging into my back. It didn't even matter that I could get grounded for life if my parents found out I was here. All that mattered was that I was with him.
And damn...I wanted him so bad... I hadn't had any in about a week and I was about to lose my freaking mind. I remembered dolorously Angie's warning of how once you met someone who was good at sex, you'd want it all the time, anywhere, everywhere. I used to think she was embroidering the truth up until I had my first time with Shawn and in truth I couldn't get enough of him even if I tried.
Amidst my blasé contemplations, I felt an arm rest itself along my waistline, soon to feel controlled, gentle breaths caressing my nape when I was nudged closer. Shuddering because of the electric sensations crackling through me to his touch, I pressed myself against him only to disclose that he was as hard and hermetic. A wistful smile lifted my lips at arousing thoughts filled with all the images I'd recorded and saved of him naked in my head. Groaning at my actions of brushing him with my posterior, Shawn groaned and murmured something fathomless to me as he moved a safe slight distance away.
"Um...baby...you're hard..." I remarked cumbersomely, feeling bubbly and fluttery inside just from being beside him.
"I know." He answered, his gruff and voice low oh so turning me on to the point that I wanted to cry.
"Why?" I heckled.
"Been thinkin' about you all damn day."
I don't remember the last time I'd blushed so profusely.
"So you were hard the entire day?" I asked smilingly and felt him nuzzle my nape with a deep groan as his response.
"Want me to take care of that for you?" I asked him hopefully.
"Some other time babygirl. Right now, I'm tired as fuck..."
"Never too tired to fuck though."
"Marissa's in the next room anyway ma..." he muffled into my neck, his delicate lips rubbing moistly against my skin. My toes curled. Just by the way his voice sounded I knew he was simpering. The image of him smirking that infamous sexy smirk of his got me so hot that I didn't even care about someone else being in the apartment.
Helplessly, I receded to feel the hard assuring line of his body, and pressed my dorsal further, letting out a small moan when I felt him dig into me through the t-shirt of his I'd taken from his closet without asking.
"Babygirl, chill yo..." He warned in a strangled voice that only moistened my throbbing womanhood furthermore.
"Keep holding me like that and we're gonna fuck whether you like it or not Carter." I told him and it kind of scared me how serious I was when the words drifted from me.
Laughing softly, Shawn eased off of me and the bed squeaked as he moved away, leaving me bereft and needy.
"Whether I like it or not huh?"
"Yes." I asserted.
"What...So you gonna rape me?" I heard him ask smilingly and smiled despite myself.
"Fuck yeah...keep playin' with me like that and I will." I told him somberly and all Shawn did was laugh, muttering that I was crazy in a slumbering tone that said he was about to take a trip to lala land I realized with trepidation.
"No Shawn...I'm serious. I'll rape you." I told him seriously with a straight face. Shawn continued on with his sublime sleep, utterly unaffected by my warnings.
Biting on my lip nervously, I placed traced along the line of his waistband. Acting on impulse, I curled my fingers into the waistband and pulled downwards to reveal more of the skin that I wanted to see so badly.
"Yo..." Shawn murmured softly, his hand reaching out to keep my hands from questing. When I looked confusedly up at his face I saw that he was looking at me strangely.
"...are you fucking serious?" he asked gazing at me unsurely at me as if he was wondering whether my mental state was in the right place or not.
"I never thought I'd say this but yes Shawn. I think I'd truly rape you if..."
Shawn only smirked with a meager shake of his head before drifting back to sleep. He really thought I was bluffing but I was really serious because the intense way I wanted him was damn near abnormal.
The room resorted to remote, pin drop silence save the unmatched, unsteady breathing from me. Shawn seemed to have calmed down to his normal range of breathing.
Feeling vexatious and antsy, I rolled onto my side only to find him sleeping supinely with his hands ensconced behind him. For some reason I had a feeling he was tucking them there for safety because the tent-like bulge of his sweatpants made it seem like he wanted to partake in other, much noisier, animalistic activities.
Nonetheless, his serene sleeping told me that he was tired enough to sleep through his constrained needs.
"Do you wanna get under the covers?" I asked him idly when the quietness got too loud, keeping my voice hushed and light while running my fingers lackadaisically over his firm chest, loving the hard, male feel of him.
Shawn simply shook his head with a, "I'm too hot."
"Yes the fuck you are..." I murmured desiringly more to myself than him but Shawn smirked in his sleep regardless.
The only source of light came from the unmasked window of Shawn's bedroom window. Other than that we were suffused in complete plenary darkness. Too hot and bothered by Shawn's audacity to lie in bed beside me in nothing but some sweatpants, I tried my best not to do something about it. I thought that he was doing all of this purposely, but he'd made claims that he was feeling way too thermogenic from work and I knew it wasn't a lie because he perpetually told me about how hot work was.
I knew he was tired and I understood it too, but what I couldn't help was getting severely turned on just from watching him sleep. The light streaming in struck his toned, brown arms, making them gold and pronouncing the contours of all his impressive muscles. They looked so delicious with their chocolate covering of smooth skin. His profile even in his sleep could make any woman starve with longing to explore him by touching and tasting him. Squirming because of the unsteady throbbing of my womanhood, I turned away from him, but only for a second.
Pushing all demarcations to the back of my mind, I lifted my top thigh and planted it on the far side of him so that I could straddle him. Sighing quietly, I rested my panty-covered aching womanhood over the iron projection that I'd seen on his pants earlier. Blood drained from my head and I nearly fainted from the dizziness that assailed me from the marvelous sturdy feeling of having him beneath me. Fuck...it felt so good it was all I could do to keep myself from undulating back and forth to get more of a feel.
Cracking one eye open, Shawn shut it again while removing one hand from the back of his head. Trapping my waist with that large hand, he pulled me so that I was settled on his navel instead of the place that I truly wanted.
"...What the fuck do you want..." he grunted agitatedly, shoving his hand back to the niche behind his head.
"Just a little bit." I mewled, shifting backwards until my ass rested against his hard pelvis once again and I tingled all over at the feeling. Shawn shifted so that I wasn't feeling any part of him again. All the while, his eyes were closed, and he looked so damn good doing that even if it was his attempt to block me out.
"No. Marissa's in the next room and you're too fucking loud for your own good."
"Please baby. She's asleep. I'll be quiet...I promise..."
It's crazy how someone can have power over another. I usually didn't beg, but I noticed I'd started doing that a whole lot since I met Shawn.
"No." he said firmly.
"But I need it!" I nearly screamed as if that was the most sensible logic in the world. But I wanted him. He knew it. Sometimes I think he knew he was way, way too good for his own good. No wonder these females were trippin' out on me being with him...he was damn good.
"You can hold off for one damn day. I'm too fucking tired and I got to be up early Beyonce." He groused.
"But...you're so perfect." I quibbled sheepishly, biting my lip, running my eyes over his deliciously naked tenement, still unable to believe this man was mine. Shawn chortled softly before shaking his head.
"No babygirl...some other time...now shut the hell up." He said in a finalizing tone that told me conclusively that I wasn't getting any tonight. Damn!
Sitting on top of him helplessly, I watched him in all his fine glory as he slept. God, there was something about him lying beneath me with a body calling me to appreciate it in all ways possible that drove me to the brink of insanity. My mouth watered as I cursed myself and ran my eyes down his perfectly muscle toned body, his smooth skin, his chest as it rose and fell while he breathed gently.
My hands began to itch with a pressing urge to feel the greatness of him, so I started running them delicately down the path of his neck. Then when I inched lower, the perfectly toned curves of his chest and arms generously filled up my palms as I felt him. My fingers sizzled every time I discovered each gradation of skin. I assessed, pressed, squeezed gently at the sturdy flesh that remained firm to the pressure I made as I toured him.
Meanwhile, Shawn kept on giving me the perception that he was sleeping like a baby.
"Baby..." I gave a woolgathering sigh, "You have such nice skin...lawd. You know what your body is good for?" Shawn didn't respond but I continued incessantly, "Tattooing. God you would look so fucking sexy with tattoos...you should get some..."
No response came from Shawn and he shifted indolently, abiding with his blissful sleep and ignoring me dexterously.
Moistening lips that were parched from heavy panting, I leaned forward and barely touched his bottom lip when I kissed it with a soft suckling sound.
Still no reaction.
Cupping his jaw with both hands now, I pressed my lips on him before parting his lips with mine, slipping my tongue past immovable lips into his hot wet mouth. Moaning, I let my tongue soar through his hot cavern, feeling all of him, tasting all of him until I educed a groan that began deep in his gut, hummed in his throat, only to be muffled by my hungry kissing when it tried to leave his mouth.
Shaking his head out of the kiss, Shawn's eyes opened like headlights flicking on. Pure lust filled his orbs before he lowered his eyelids peevishly.
"Iight now you're tryna fuck with me and I ain' into your games. Let me alone." He attempted to sound cold but the rousing haze in his eyes said differently.
"Okay okay okay." I wailed nonetheless, obediently sitting up. Then I waited till his eyes closed again.
Unable to help myself, I leaned forward started by nipping hungrily at his angular jaw, making him swivel his head to the other side.
"No." he murmured sternly and when I raised myself to look at him, his eyes were still closed and his brows were knitted in irritation. It was the cutest face I'd ever seen him make and instead of pushing me away, it spurred me the hell on like I was trying to run a race.
"You ain' got to do shit...." I hissed and watched him quietly as he tried to catch some sleep.
"Leave me the fuck alone girl...damn. Go read a book. Write a story...somethin' just get away from me....'" He groused irately and when I gasped sharply, he smirked in his sleep at my theatric reaction.
"Well before I leave can you help me review this scene I was thinking of writing?" I asked him but he continued to sleep serenely.
To show him out, I ducked my head once again into the home of his neck and run the tip of my tongue from the base of his neck up to his jawbone, which I sucked on hungrily because it was one of the first things that had drawn me to him. Shawn didn't respond, but I was very much aware that he was breathing more deeply now as I loved his neck and jaw like a starved animal that wouldn't be satisfied until they got the whole steal.
Ripping my lips away from his jaw, I kept them close to his ear, breathing heavily through my mouth because I was on the edge of losing myself completely.
"Okay here goes...once upon a time...there was a guy and a girl...and they liked to sex a lot..." One persistent hand combed down his convex chest and raked around there dallyingly. He felt wonderful. Hard, relentless, unyielding to pressure...his body was just an emblem of the strength he inspired.
"So they were in his room and they were horny as fuck..." my sensitized fingertips now cascaded over his ribcage. By now Shawn was shifting, but very lightly, still trying to maintain his calm. The corner of my lips wiggled with the knowledge that I was seeping through his wall degree by degree...all I had to do was be patient.
"And she wanted his thick, long and hard dick to slide into her tight, wet pussy until he was buried all the way, deep...deep inside of her..." my fingers lowered to his enticingly robust stomach where his muscles rippled beneath his smooth skin, tensing to my touch. My smile widened.
"But first..." I tickled his belly button before slipping underneath the elastic band of his boxers where my fingers scurried along the slough of springy hair and descended further until my hand closed around the hotly throbbing, premium jackpot. Stiffening at first, Shawn let out a low, deep groan that tickled my beady nipples from the vibration coming from his chest.
"The fuck is wrong with you..." Shawn's throaty murmur tapered into a moan when I began measured, but imperative strokes. He was so hard I wondered if he'd explode any minute, and just thinking he was hard and ready to erupt because of me heightened the nuances of desire I felt for him. Biting his lip, Shawn plucked both hands from behind his head and gripped my derriere tightly holding me down to him when before he'd been trying to get me off. Lord, the rapturous look on his face was priceless. Reeling, nearly falling weakly on top of him, but I sustained my strength using the elbow planted beside him to keep me suspended above him so that I could see every reaction his handsome features created.
"She loved pleasing him so much that she wanted to taste him...so she licked the precum off of him first before taking him all the way into her mouth..." I continued in a seductively quiet voice, hoping that he loved the words I spoke. Adding more pressure, I massaged him in my palms with more titillating progressions.
Emblazoned by his hissing and deep groans, I used the pad of my thumb to find the head of his penis and that's where I felt the moist evidence of his arousal and bit my own lip when my womanhood pulsed longingly.
"Fuck..." Shawn hissed through clenched teeth and tightly clutched eyes, arching his neck slightly as if beckoning me to ravish him.
Moaning deep in my throat, I haplessly buried my head in the curvature of his neck, inhaling his heady scent, stimulating the drippy tip of his penis with more intense, whimsical rubbing of curve of my thumb.
"Fuck...babygirl...stop..." Shawn groaned in a strangled tone.
"You don't want me to stop..." I taunted huskily, altering my strokes into an up and down motion that made Shawn let out a long, sexy growl that made me shiver all over. I was going to lose my mind because of him.
"And...and she began to suck him real hard...cause all she wanted to do was to make her baby feel good..." I relayed through a whimper, feeling jubilance streaming through me in currents so strong that I couldn't finish my words.
"Stop that..." his hoarse plea sounded like a melodious tempt that my lips wiggled to a tremulous yet smug smile at how I had rendered him powerless to me.
Damn, if my parents or anyone else who knew me was aware of what I was doing right now they would skin me alive. But...there was something about him that just, just had me so open, so willing to explore anything beyond the limitations I'd set for myself in life.
Being with Shawn had awakened some carnal parts of me that I hadn't known existed before. I remember after the first few times we did it, I'd be struck with abundant shame afterwards, but whenever I was in a velvet-dark space with him, I wouldn't even remember what that shame felt like. Nobody had to know what we did. No one could see us...maybe hear us...but no one could see us. All imprudence, all blasphemy...all of it was veneered by the dark realm that would engulf us and I would be free.
Whenever me, darkness and Shawn came together, there were no rules for anything that we partook in...The only thing we had to do was fulfill one another's desires, quench each other's thirsts, leave each other satiated and weak...
"He couldn't take it anymore, so he pulled out of her before he came all over the place...pinned her to the floor...thrust all the way into her like she'd wanted and fucked her senseless until-"
Before I could even assemblage what was going on around me, my hand had been yanked from his boxers and I'd been flipped over until my back was aligned with the mattress. With a head spinning crazily in confusion at the chaos, I felt my hands get pinned to the mattress and when I blinked into focus I saw Shawn hovering me.
His lips collided with mine instantly and without question I hungrily accepted him, we slipped into a fiery, passionate kiss that stole us away from time. His hands left their restricting grip on my wrists and found my waist quickly. Feeling his rough fingers dig into my skin as he curled into the waistband, he'd rid my impeding panties from me quicker than I could even blink, all the while tongue-fucking me with his with his agile tongue, garbling my moans into puny muffles. I nearly melted into a pool of arousal from that moment.
Tearing his lips away from mine, Shawn migrated to my neck where he sucked strongly, urgently, while parting my restless thighs with his knees before nestling himself comfortably in the home he'd created of me. Holding my hip immovable with one hand, Shawn trailed the other up the tunnel of my ajar thighs until he was sweeping across the shores of my engorged pussy with light yet eager strokes that set me on a crazy ride where everything was made of fire.
Biting my lip to swallow my moans and surprised I was still mindful enough to do that, I clawed desperately onto my man's arms, pulling him to me, appreciating that he was mine and no one else's.
I was one lucky lady.
"Oh fuck Shawn...yes..." I hissed breathlessly when I felt his fingers lovingly gliding along the sleek pussy lips that had been yearning for him to touch as if that was what they were made for, "Fuck me...Fuck me baby..."
I felt, rather than heard Shawn chuckle deep in his throat.
"You really want me to fuck you don't you?" Shawn's voice was gruff, breathless as my own, and spiraling me further into my crazed state. If I ended up with a lost mind, it would be this man's fault.
"Fuck me..." I demanded rather than queried, wanting him to do me until I was too weak to do anything else.
"Iight, Imma fuck you...but you got to promise to be real quiet Bey, real quiet..." he murmured, grating his teeth deliciously along my collarbone. There was something so sexy about the way he said it that nearly made me fall apart.
"I promise..." I whispered vaguely, only giving my oath to him because under these intense stipulations if I said anything else then I wouldn't get what I wanted.
"Iight babygirl..."

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