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"That girl better stop looking at you like that." I told my boyfriend, as I looked at a girl who sat at one of the round tables that filled up the mall's food court. We stood in line to a well-liked Chinese fast food restaurant. I stood directly in front of him, and he had both arms wrapped around me.
"Hmm? What?" I heard from atop me and tilted my head back to get a hold of Shawn's concentrated view on the neon banner with its menu. I then continued to glower at the Puerto Rican girl who slobbered Shawn with her eyes.
"That bitch. She keeps staring at you." I told him with a frown and dared the girl to look at me so that she could meet the wrath of my gaze.
"Now why she got to be a bitch Beyonce?"
"Cause! Look at her! She has a lot of nerve!"
"You trippin' mad hard for no damn reason." Shawn simply said and I made a disgusted sound at him. Shawn knew how girls reacted to him but he acted like he didn't care. I was the one who had to suffer for it. I'd nearly gotten into a fight with one girl at a party—a girl who I didn't even know.
"I'm just really irritated from what happened earlier." I explained, turning away from her and focusing on the displays of tantalizing, but unhealthily greasy food.
Earlier today when we got to the mall, I went into this retail store with Shawn to do some shopping. When it was time to take our clothes up to the registrar, the girl behind the counter had the nerve to try and flirt with Shawn while I was there. Of course Shawn remained unresponsive, but I couldn't believe the gall of that girl to do that while he stood behind me with one arm wrapped around me. She saw that he was with me but she did it blatantly. And I was irritated because that wasn't the first time something like that transpired.
"Just ignore her. She ain' got shit to do with us so why bother." Shawn murmured distractedly, clearly focusing on what he wanted to purchase.
Sighing heavily, I told myself not to be bothered by it. I realized that my irritation came more from the paranoia of having some other girl take Shawn away from me. I don't know why I felt like that, I just did.
And we'd only been dating for a month.
The line moved slowly and when Shawn and I got there, he stated what he wanted to eat to the cashier.
"What you gonna have babe?" he asked me and I warmed up to the name-calling.
"Um...just the vegetables and a bottle of water please." I told the cashier and on my back felt the rumble of Shawn's disapproving grunt.
"What?" I asked reproachfully, twisting my neck to look up at him.
"Are you tryina starve yourself or something?" he asked, nudging me with his thigh to walk forward since I hadn't noticed the line moving.
"No. If I eat that kind of stuff I'm gonna be fat and frumpy and you wont want me anymore."
"Fuck outta here Beyonce." He wrapped both arms around me as we waited for them to fix his food. Mine didn't take long to build up with its simple ingredients.
"Seriously Shawn. That stuff is bad for me."
"Then it must be bad for me too." Shawn said, and I was about to tell him it was okay when he did it because he didn't eat these types of foods everyday, but I refrained from saying that in fears he would mishear my intentions.
"Whatever Shawn...I'm still not gonna take it. And anyway, my ass is big enough. If I eat that stuff, it's over for me."
Shawn's throaty laugh shook my back and his arms wrapped more firmly around me. I soon felt his warm breaths against my ear.
"Yeah Imma have to agree with you on that one."
"Hey!" I wailed a little bit hurt even if I knew he was only doing it for the sake of humor.
"I'm just kidding ." he said with a smile that should've passed as angelic but I didn't buy it.
"You know I hate it when people talk about my butt Shawn." I confessed, smiling at the lady who handed me my plate of vegetables.
"I don't see why. That ass is the most beautiful thing a nigga ever seen."
I let my held fall back so that he could see my frown. He laughed before apologizing and leaning down to peck me on the tip of my nose.
When we got to the cashier, the lady handed us our drinks.
"For some reason, I don't think your weight is why you're saying you can't take it." Shawn said as he got his wallet.
"What other reason?"
"You probably don't think I can afford buying you anything." He said as he handed the payment to the lady and I rolled my eyes irritably at him and started heading for a table for us to sit.
"Don't start with me Shawn." I grumbled petulantly.
"I'm just saying." I heard him from close behind me
"Well stop saying that." I vituperated upsettingly as I sat on the table I picked. I started to think that some things about Shawn would never change the way he thought about me. I learned from Ojay that the day he bought me icecream—the first time we skipped—he'd used up all the remains of his money. I didn't want him going out of his way for me like that, and even if he didn't, I wouldn't have minded. The first time we went out and I wanted to pay for myself, he got really upset and offended. So from then on, I never offered to pay for my own meals. Even when I wanted to pay for both of ours he'd refuse me to and even though I was famous for wearing Shawn down, that was one issue I never succeeded in.
I had always been meticulous about what entered my digestive system. I don't know what teenage girl didn't. Maybe few, but most weren't that carefree. It was hard though with my stomach growling the way it was, especially with the delectable
Once we were settled, we ate quietly for a few moments. I noticed Shawn was one to concentrate fully when eating and that was somehow the most endearing thing to me.
When he was quickly done with his entire plate, I felt him staring at me from the corner of my eyes as I imbibed on my water. He had a desirable look in his eyes that made me feel shy all of a sudden. Ceasing my drinking, I capped off my bottle and looked at him strangely.
"What?" I asked blushingly.
Shawn stared at me with a smirk before shaking his head. His arms were folded atop the table and he looked so good sitting across from me that I was surprised I hadn't jumped on him already.
Finally, he shook his head and looked to the side.
"Nothing." He said.
"Tell me."
He swung his gaze to me and held my eyes for a while.
"You sure?"
"Iight iight." His smiling eyes held mine for a while before he spoke, "I was gonna say I like the way you drink water." He said, his eyes fastened to my lips now.
"Huh? I don't get it."
Shawn laughed as he stood up, "Good. Hand me your plate."
"Wait, what did you mean?"
"Nothing." He shook his head as he left the table and went to the trashcan, me following close behind.
"Shawn, just tell me what it mean—" I stopped myself short and thought of the only connotation that his words may have had.
Let's just say that image the words painted in my mind was graphic. When he turned from the trashcan and saw my expression, he laughed.
"You're not a good boy Shawn." I said as I linked my arm around his.
"Never said I was."
We spent the rest of the afternoon me doing most of the shopping, Shawn doing most of the window shopping. We got to this store that had the girl's stuff on the left and the boy's stuff on the right. I caught Shawn looking over his shoulder at the male's section countless number of times before he excused himself and went over there.
I didn't mind even though I wanted his opinion on my clothing, valuing it moreso than my own. When I was done shopping, I walked up to pay for my clothes and when I was leaving, I saw Shawn staring at a very stylish jacket that was in. it had all these abstract colors, and of course, since it was Shawn, had a hood.
I walked up behind him and slid my hands around his waist. His back stiffened until he turned his head fractionally and when he saw that it was me he relaxed.
"You ready?" he asked me, making no moves to leave.
"Mhmm...you like it?"
"Um, I didn't see anything that you bought."
"No silly," I laughed softly, "The jacket."
I reached forward for the price tag and wasn't at all bothered by the numbers that some would've found atrocious.
"You want it?" I asked hopefully.
Shawn tensed before slipping out of my hold. He was looking at me with that guarded expression of his.
"You can have it you know?" I hedged, obviously indicating that I'd get it for him.
Shawn's expression became hard and I frowned when he simply reached forward and grabbed a hold of one of my many shopping bags.
"Let's go." Those were his last words to me before he started walking out of the store.

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