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There was no turning back. A switch had shed light on a neglected part of me and the beam was so bright that it blinded me from seeing the coherent fragment of my mind. Nothing could turn me back to thinking logically and I got scared when I thought if he did decide to pull back I would take him against his own will. My body was a cloister writhing of flames that needed to be appeased this instant. With all those thoughts in mind my hands went to work massaging the one thing I'd been deprived of for such a long time it almost felt unreal. I never thought my hand could feel emotions until this day when I closed my hand around his volume firmly. A bonefire was tickling my hand and spreading vastly through the oil pumps freighted of gasoline that were my veins. 

I added more pressure, feeling the one thing that nearly made my knees give in. it was hard and the fact that it became harder and grew larger beneath my touch touched me in a strange way that made me feel all sorts of emotions from anger to happiness. Only one man could make me feel two antithetical emotions at once.
When I looked up at the man who roused this conflict, I caught him straining against me-the enemy. All that caution he was bent on mustering gave him an unintentionally sexy expression: eyes flashing hot and cold with anger, lip gnawed in consternation, chin lifted in anger and vein bulging on his neck in frustrated restraint.
The core of my chest began that awkward ache that always enslaved me whenever I was near Shawn this way, ensconced by total darkness. My mind reeled a cluster of words that I couldn't form logically because I was overcome with emotion. I wanted to laugh, to cry, to be grateful and hateful all at once. I didn't know what the fuck to do. My heart walloped against my ribcage like a prisoner gone mad demanding that I let it out, that I free it and let it express its anguish and pain before self-destruction demolished it. When I looked deeply into the eyes of the man I was still very deeply in love with, I saw all different flames of conflict.
Paralysis engulfed him and nary a muscle of him twitched but his definable jaw. His eyes writhed ferociously with a fire I could only explain like the one that had been slowly burning within me for these past four years, finally coming into its own. I couldn't stand it. I swear I was going to die tonight from flame consumption.
Still he made no moves. Seconds ago he was the taunting devil pushing me towards the dangerous pit of fire. Now that I was melting away in them into a puddle of mind boggling arousal, shock, and fear all he did was watch me with that same caution he had the very first time I asked him to be mine.
A nervous flare scorched me when I detected some sort of warning in the depths of his eyes. They seemed to ask me if I truly knew the dangerous magnitude of what I was getting into.
I didn't.
Which was what gave me more encouragement than I'd had in years.
Pumping his growing dick with more vigor, I leaned forward until my lips neighbored his ear, "What's wrong Shawn?"
When he didn't answer, I pressed on. Not satisfied but spurred on by his resistance, I opted to drop my voice to a degrading whisper, making sure my voice sounded as close to home for Shawn as possible,, "You scared babyboy? Come on, I promise I won't bite you hard. You scared that you don't have enough to put on the table?"
I felt his muscles tense beneath my soft flesh and a wicked smile flicked my lips when I knew I'd hit him.
I'd have to strike harder, give him all that hard work he was always preaching about.
"You still scared that you ain' gonna be good enough baby? Huh? Is that it Carter?"
Those were the reckless words that snapped that binding rope that kept him at bay apart, making him explode impetuously. Lunging at me, Shawn's speed demon hands ripped me from his augmenting manhood, thwacking me against the door with so much gumption that the hinges along with the door's other components rattled noisily.
He wanted me to feel pain, and I felt it. A pain that I found awkwardly delicious stung my stiffening back at the violent provocation. Circles of pain wound my wrists where his vast hands shackled them, enchaining me roughly to the door. The very door he'd shut on me the first time I came back and he claimed that he didn't know who I was. From the looks of things though, he was about to get to know me all over again.
"Imma show you what's really good." I heard him ground out the words out but even though I stared at him in the face I don't really remember seeing the words roll off of his lips. It must have been from the quick way his assaulting mouth came down hard, swallowing my gasp of pain and bizarre pleasure. His tongue stabbed me in a violation that confused me. It was so intimate yet debasing all at once. Wasn't that what love was anyway? Pain and pleasure all wrapped up in one fold? Because that's exactly what the kiss felt like. It showed me that like me, he didn't know what the fuck to do with himself or with me after all these years.
No part of my mouth was left unmapped. That tongue tore through me, sucked my tongue, those teeth bit on my lips with one intention-to restate and reclaim everything that he believed belonged to him. And the sounds that came from him were animalistic...crazed, a combination of the frenzy that clouded us.
The pitifully scant material of the halter dress I'd borrowed from Angie did nothing to seal me from feeling all of his sexual virility. Drenched in rain, the sensations I felt from him were more pronounced. My nipples had long since become hard, throbbing with a pressing urge for him to fondle them any way he damn pleased and ease that steady beat in it. Shamelessly I shoved myself entirely at him, reminding myself of unbelievable pleasure of a true male. The wonderful feeling made me imagine having all his hardness inside of me and I whimpered forlornly, my womanhood growing more and more wet with each passing second.
Shawn's desperation and angst weren't surprising, so was my reaction to him. My fingers clawed into the arms of his soaked jacket, bunching as much as I could to rid him of the obstruction. His hands surprisingly released my wrists giving me concession to abdicate him of the thing I normally liked seeing on him. Instead of binding me to the door again, Shawn's torrid fingers curled into the deep v-neck of the halter dress I sported and yanked me off of the door as he shred it in half with the effort one would use to tear paper.
A shocked yelp left me as I stumbled forward into the arms of the man whose heart I'd broken. Completely purloined of breath, we stayed like this with my agape mouth panting at chest and Shawn breathing just as raggedly, fisted hands clutching onto the dress he'd ripped. In an unforgiving push that came with absolutely no warning, Shawn had me up plastered against the door, stamping his hands on either side of me. I froze at the way he gazed at me. His suffering-induced eyes toured my naked skin. The more I stared into the eyes of this scorned man, the more I quivered prudishly. I remember once upon a time when I glorified in Shawn's appreciation of me but now even though I examined him closely I couldn't tell what he thought of me when he looked at me. Either way, I felt a strange sense of dirtiness. Dirty and not capable of being loved.
Shaking like a leaf in a desert storm I grappled at the ends of my tattered dress, not knowing whether to conceal myself or reveal myself. That action alone of merely placing my hands over something he'd wanted to do away with was deadly though. Before it even dawned on me what was happening my arms had been trapped in the vices that were Shawn's hands and he hurled me at him, crashing his lips to mine so roughly that the impact nearly made us lose momentum.
We kissed each other all over the place, not taking any time or trying to be romantic about the situation-it felt too hot for that. Hell if it was possible the heat off of Shawn could've exterminated that poor dress but he did it without much consideration. The roughness of how he did it made his blunt Nail scrape the skin of my forearm. I didn't complain. As much as I was grappling at him, I knew his one scratch was no match for the trillion lacerations I'd left on his smooth skin. I was so lost in this...thing we were enveloped in that I couldn't tell whether we were fighting to get to each other or fighting each other off. His hands squeezed every part of me that he could access tightly as though the tighter he squeezed the more reassurance he would have that this was real. All I knew was that in the strange universe we'd lapsed into, it felt good. Painful, but good.
In the crossfire of trying to catch up on all those lost years, in the battle of trying to remember what we both felt like, our feet shuffled and tangled so chaotically that I absently lost a shoe in the match. In our little impromptu, unseeing trip throughout the house-I wasn't sure what part-when we tripped over each other's feet this go around we bumped into something that eventually went to the floor with a deafening crash. But lo and behold nothing was loud enough to tear Shawn and I away from each other. The thought that whatever broke would slice my feet was a flitting one-I could be cut up into a million pieces as long as Shawn was touching me and holding me and kissing me the way he was I didn't give a flying fuck. Just as the thought crossed my mind, I felt myself being elevated soon to learn that Shawn's strong arms picked me up around my derriere in an effortless swoop as though he was somewhat mindful of not wanting me to get hurt.
Don't let me hurt you... the words flashed into my mind and I nearly broke down as it was easy for me to remember starkly where they came from.
At a will of their own my legs wrapped around his waist and clung tightly as did my arms over his shoulders. In that process I toed my other shoe off. Meanwhile I kissed him like death would kiss life-I kissed him because he was my stirring soul, reviving it from its tomb.
Everything was happening so fast, so furiously. The pain in my chest had deepened and the thumping of my heart had permeated all over that I literally felt that shit in my palms as I squeezed his muscles-or was that his heart beating in every part of him too? Hell I didn't care anyway because all sensibility was abandoned. At that point I didn't even care that Shawn had rammed his throat so far down my throat that I was nearly pillaged of breath; that he seemed to infuse all his anger, lust and pain on the lower half of his body as it grinded with spellbinding power against my soft flesh.
We careened into a wall and Shawn's weight on me was so laden I wouldn't be surprised if we'd left a crater there. Needless to say I may have been deemed crazy by all but I loved Shawn Nailing me to the wall in that way; heaving his entire weight on me to keep me posted and immovable. It made me feel safe, secure...made me know that he wasn't going anywhere.
The bands of steel that held my waist left, forcing me to use the wall to propel me upward as my feet reluctantly descended to the floor. Cradling my face in his hands, Shawn kissed me deeply and he did it so passionately that the tears I'd been trying to stave escaped and began to roll down my cheeks, sliding onto his rough fingers and hands...
Reflexively my hands closed around his wrists, squeezing to feel the strength he encased all the while crying through the arduous kiss. Oh lord my chest felt like it was about to burst. Air was eluding me and rushing into me all at once and I didn't know what to do.
"Why the fuck are you crying?" Shawn's lips had left mine shooting for my neck and his hands left my face bereft too, racing to my underwear. Stiffening a pinch, I sucked in a breath as he slid them off of me until I felt them ankle my bucking knees The hesitation and fear was short lived because in a matter lesser than seconds I wanted that little piece of clothe off of me. Wriggling the panties off of my knees I let them drop and girdle my feet so that I could kick the hindrances away. On their own accord my fingers scuttled along his broad shoulders before locking over his nape and pulling him down urgently. I needed him in this strange Hapless soft sighs floated out of me from the warm buzz his lips and tongue rained over my collarbone, tilting my head so that he could reach me wherever he wanted.
The pain in my chest worsened and I gasped, tears cascading from the incredulity of it all. I couldn't stop wondering why it felt so good and why hurt so bad all in one coalition. During all of those musings my hands left Shawn's neck when I knew he didn't need my guiding him and scoured over his toned arm muscles. All these years and his magnificence still left me in awe. It was so unbelievable, not only did he look good but he felt ten million times better. His bunching and flexing muscles were wonderfully unyielding to the pressure my hands enforced. It was so breathtaking and exhilarating for me that my hands began to convulse against his blazing flesh. He was all man, just as I had always known him but he was harder now and for a moment I wondered if it was because his emotional coldness surpassed his physical. Regardless of the answer my mouth watered and so did my eyes, allowing more downpour of tears.
At my deep panting Shawn paused, his hands molding my exposed hips gently. Feeling him boring holes at me, my tearful eyes flitted up to his to find a riot of worry and disdain storming his eyes. Aggravated by the concern and anger that shimmered lightly from him, I reached out for the hem of his moist shirt wishing it could burn into smithereens beneath my glare. With guttural groans of frustration I discarded it off of Shawn so roughly that my aggression made us spin and stumble so fast I didn't know if it was a backward or forward mishap. The dire initiation to get the impeding clothing off of him made us lose momentum and we both went tumbling onto whatever unknowns awaited us beneath. The heavy thud of Shawn falling followed by a groan of what seemed to be pain sounded. With him being my lifesaver I fell on top of him instead of whatever had caused that deep grunt of pain from him. The concerned alarms to Shawn's pain that began to go off in my mind became an afterthought when he sat up, shacked the dampened shirt from him and tossed it to some forgotten place in the darkness. Without a moment's hesitancy he secured the back of my neck with his large hand and made our lips collide once again. All coherent thought was once again incorrigible and I was filled with bursts of a delight that made me shake all over.
Throughout it all my pussy was palpitating with a vicious aching burn that needed to be quenched. Acting on instinct, I straddled him and began to undulate along his pelvic area even through his boxers, crying out in pleasure despite the fact that the belt of his sagged jeans briefly abraded my skin. Instantaneously Shawn moaned lustfully, hands gripping me with a tightness that nearly crumbled me into pieces as he pulled me down on him but I found myself to be enjoying that rough handling. It was raw and it was real. Nothing was planned out which made adrenaline course in heavy torrents through my veins. Feeling dents in a row the front portion of my leg acknowledged me that we were on the stairs. Even in the awkward slightly inopportune place wasn't enough to stop us. In fact it raised the bar of arousal and intensity, making the degrees skyrocket to sweltering.
He was so tempestuously hard that even the piece of cloth that was soaking all the wetness he'd created couldn't deny that. The feel of him electrified my womanhood, barreling through my quaking limbs.
Now our kisses were wet and unhurried, slow but not to be fooled with sensuality. This was all about getting to the nitty gritty and the thought that we were almost there made my toes tingle.
"You want this dick?" Shawn panted through a mouthful of breaths before snaking his tongue out and running it over my bottom lip, his fingers digging into me as he helped grind me over him. Goodness it had been so long...too long and fuck it felt better than anything in this damned world.
"Hurt me." was my fervid response, my voice trembling in reaction to the strong sensations rippling through me like the storm that rocked around this house. Shawn's smoldering eyes shot up to mine and held. The more he looked at me the more aroused and aggravated I got which lead me to roll my hips over him with more abandon.
"Hurt me you fucker!...Hurt me...isn't that what you've been dying to do all along? Make me pay. There's a cost for everything remember?" I demanded harshly, hot tears leaving a burning trail down my face as I engorged his drawers with my juices.
Not so much as a word and Shawn had me in the discomforting supine position with the jutting steps of the staircase digging into the lane from my head to my derriere. Kneeling over me Shawn kissed me brutally and I returned the kiss tenfold. Shawn's hands propelled me up some flight of stairs and my heels offered assistance when I blindly pushed at some anonymous step. I wasn't sure how many steps we'd cumbersomely gone up but a few of them later and my back was a terrain of bruises. Those thoughts were heaved aside though because I had one ambition in mind and my hands worked furiously at that ambition, knotting Shawn's boxers at the hips and yanking them downsouth. Somewhere along this crazy ride my legs had parted and Shawn was nestled in between my thighs. If delicious could have a feeling that's what it felt like when I felt his hard thigh muscles against the grove of my thighs. Pinpricks of welling anticipation and giddiness subjugated me when I readied myself to feel his length and size with my hand but I was no match for Shawn's wasp-like speed.
Planting his hands fully over my ass, Shawn jerked me from the step that gauged me, levering his elbows on the step that had carried my rear.
"Lets see how open all these niggas got you." Those were the last words I heard before the wind was knocked out of me and I was seized by something above and beyond. It was unseeing and unexpected but within a matter of seconds Shawn had shoved his entire shaft into me-no hesitations, no stops.
All of it at one go-drove right into me until he was nestled to the hilt...unprotected.
What overcame me was unimaginable-beyond dreams that would be considered over the top. Electrifying heat appended onto the sinful fire that already blazed in my veins. Breath circulation was clipped short and a mingling of heat from the fuel of pain and desire assembled in my abandoned lungs. My eyesight was no exception to burning in this heat that swallowed me, obscuring me of vision forcing me to clutch my eyes shut. Like an electric bolt would strike a person at one place and all places at once I felt him deeply sleek folds to up to the extent of my extremities.
The only time I knew I screamed out my pain was when I heard the echo of my shriek rebounding off of the walls.
"Fuck..." he grunted viciously, tensing all over just like I had, my starved walls clamping around him with a constricting grip. Air finally rushed back into me with the ferocity of a freight train leaving me with sharp gasps, breasts heaving pronouncedly against Shawn's solid chest. Despite all the heat that engulfed me a piercing cold nerve trickled down my spine when I suspected he now knew the truth of my condition. The tight way I closed around him was indisputably so.
There had been no one since him.
He'd always been the only one and I wondered if that knowledge was what had ceased his movements, his rugged breaths brushing the skin on my neck moistly.
All those thoughts and musings were of temporary value because Shawn did something I hadn't expected. Instead of nestling with his characteristic patience inside of me allowing both of us to adjust, the clamps over my derriere tightened and he plunged deeper. His action arose outcries of throes out of me when I felt him prick deeper and despite the pain pints of pleasure prickled my toes. Subsequently without warning I felt the axis of my world whizzing turbulently. At the unforeseen movements I instinctively reached to Shawn, my legs locked inseparably around his sturdy waist and my hands gripped his brawny arms. With him lodged up in me thickly, every single movement stirred pain but within that pain I began to feel the familiar twinge of pleasure. Throughout it all the wonderment of his monstrous girth filling up my contracting walls rendered me dizzy.
Perilously he carried me as best as anyone with a dick up in someone could, my feet curling at the fuzzy sensations in them. In no time I found myself wilting to the pain that had gnawed at me from Shawn's unexpected entry.
Bucking against Shawn with the selfish need to feel him some more only worsened our barely there stability. We struck some undefined wall and both groaned at the slippery junction that linked us together. With me up against whatever sturdiness lay behind me, Shawn trenched into me like there was no tomorrow, groaning under his breath.
"You want me to hurt you? That what you want? " he panted heavily as he infiltrated me with his spellbinding shaft. In the chaos my eyes flew open only to see his dark eyes pinned on me as he infiltrated me with his iron. Opening my eyes allowed me to see that I as up against the wall that comprised the hallway but those thoughts were irrelevant because as of now the place or the time didn't matter-all that mattered was what linked us together. Even if I wanted to answer him I couldn't because moans were all my voicebox knew at the moment. It had been so long since I had such close human contact that my mind was still whirring from all of this pleasure that I had once known, lost, missed, and had found once again.
"Huh?!" his demand was harsh as he drove into me, rediscovering old paths, leaping into undiscovered ones...
"You want me to hurt you Bey?" his fingers nearly pierced into my skin as he held me steadfast, "Just like you hurt me..."
I wasn't sure whether the last words were a question or a sad fact. Though my tears had long since stopped rolling my eyes smarted with new tears at Shawn's words as he gave me mind-boggling fruition that had me sizzling and freezing all at once.
"Huh?!" He aggressed into me, damn near flattening my breasts with the force he exerted, "Huh?!"
"Yes! Yes!" I cried out, for the first time literally feeling pleasure and pain seeping into the marrow of my bones. Pleasure in my body as I felt him teeming within my copiously lubricated walls, pain in my broken heart at the regret of what I'd done to him...to us.
"Yeah?! So that's how you want it?!" he roared loudly, plummeting into me, vacuuming my barely there strength. But unlike the young girl who gave up easily when caught with something overwhelming, I refused to let him know that.
"Hurt me!" I shrieked at him at the top of my lungs and his wild eyes widened before they narrowed dangerously.
"Hurt you?!" he bellowed as though he were still giving me an ultimatum and I glared at him, hot tears smearing my face.
"Hurt me damn you! Do it!" I goaded, denting his contracting arm muscles as I clawed at him, I kept myself upright.
"Nah...I'll fucking kill you!" with those choice words he rammed his sword so deep into me that my chest became concave as I gasped at lost breath and my back arched sharply when I felt him nudge my womb.
Without any time wasting Shawn muffled my moan with a blatant kiss, hauled me off of the wall with his arms while still embedded within me and swaggered us sideways. In our blind state of not knowing what lay ahead of us my thigh struck something with a sharp edge that nearly made us knock over. Thinking quickly Shawn whipped around and staggering somewhere and it was then I heard a clinking sound that I guessed belonged to his buckle and wondered furthermore if they were shackled to his feet. We bumped into something again and a loud crash followed but Shawn and I didn't care about the breaking of anything else other than our hearts. Mine was all over the place. I didn't know whether to hit him or hug him and I'm sure he felt the same way about me.
Unceremoniously, we seesawed like blind mice somewhere, I don't know where, my legs still clenching around his midsection as substantially as the rims of my pussy lips ensared his shaft. Carousing with no destination ahead, hating and loving each other jostling into certain objects, we made sure we didn't separate. Not that it would've been possible anyhow. He was so deep inside of me it was like he'd become one with my body.
Suddenly Shawn and I toppled over and my back pounced onto something soft and malleable. The shock of us being on his bed struck me, having me wondering how we'd made it here. But Shawn overrode that bewilderment. Instead of falling completely on me Shawn landed on his elbows to hover me, the smooth skin of his thigh soused with my love juices as he ground into me. My god I had never before been this wet. The flow of my juices was so abundant that I was percolating onto his thigh and knowing that only he could get me this way clouded my mind with bliss but twisted my heart with pain. The sleek contact of our mating felt so damn good and the intensity all over his handsome face nearly pushed me to my climax. I bit my lip to stifle a moan.
"Imma remind you where the fuck this pussy belongs." He spurted ruggedly, snapping something inside of me although all I wanted to do was splay my legs as far apart as possible.
Using all the strength invested in me, I pushed at Shawn's shoulder blades with the heels of my sweaty palms. My impromptu propulsion threw him off guard onto his back, making him slide out of me with a suckling sound that nearly drove me off the wall. Moaning and shivering because I felt bereft without him inside of me anymore, I followed his movements nonetheless, swinging my leg over the other end of his hip so as to straddle him.
Not really thinking but letting my sinuous body take control of my actions, I grabbed his dick at the base and furled my lips to sustain a whimper at how good he felt. So hard. So full. So smooth. Along my sweltering skin I felt the moist matted thicket of hair that nearly made me evaporate into thin air. He felt so good. Looked so good. It was sinful-evil-and horridly arousing. Noting my every move with his dark eyes, Shawn watched me impale my tight opening with him again.
Groaning deeply, Shawn hissed in a breath that made me tremble, biting his lip as he watched me glove him. I convulsed all over, sighing out a mewl as I returned him to his home. God. So hard. So full. So smooth.
So perfect yet so painful.
"Fuck..." Shawn cursed with a drunken look in his eyes that surpassed the most drunken day I'd seen him, reaching up hungrily for my hips. Although frenzied in the flames of paradise, vileness warmed back into my heart when I remembered his words, making me grab his wrists before his hands could have a hold on my hips and hammering them onto his acclaimed mattress where he'd probably laid other women.
The thought of him and another soul doing what we did made me so outrageous that I infused that into undulating my hips over him, milking him for all his worth like I was a bloodthirsty vampire trying to suck off all his blood. I couldn't believe it. Shawn and I were naked-naked to a T. No protection to shield us from one another. My blood began to bubble as a familiar ball of fire knotted in my gut, telegraphing hot sparks outwardly to the four corners of my body.
"Oh..." my arms almost gave out from the pleasure that surged through me as I pinned him down, "oh god...god baby that feels so fucking good..." Throwing my head back, I bit my lip, using more vitality by bouncing on him.
"Ah shit!" my suggestive rocking closing tightly on him, so wet that my juices dribbled onto him every time I rose and left a mark on his skin every time I landed...our skin met with clapping making my skin clap against his rippling muscle
Moaning the sexiest sound I'd ever heard, Shawn bit his lip, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he thrust his hips upwards to meet my movements which were barely mastered. I didn't exercise any caution or expertise. Fuck that. Right now wasn't a time to be professional. It was a time to let the steam of pain off. With the way he kept writhing beneath me, hissing and groaning, I knew I had to be doing something right and only became wetter if that was even humanly possible for me at this point. He'd made an ocean out of me already.
"Fuck yeah...yeah grl..." Shawn grunted, his eye transfixed on where our bodies collided, "gimme dat pretty pussy right there...bring that pussy back where it needs to be..."
Catching my breath at his crude words and wondering if he'd told them to another, my innards coiled indignantly and those damnable tears rushed back to my eyes.
"Is this what they've been getting?! Huh?! Do you remember where this shit belongs?!" I cried out woefully, channeling all my anger and frustration into riding the daylights out of him.
Amidst all the pleasure written in his mien, Shawn's eyes flew open with his eyelids still heavy as he breathed through parted lips.
Gasping laboriously, I tilted my chin slightly with a mirthless smirk before leaning into him letting strands of mussed hair loom over him, my sensitive nipples brushing against his chest, which was now a clean sheen of sweat.
Staring him deep into his eyes, his barely tamed breaths fanning my skin while mine puffed his face I spoke cunningly. Menacingly. And tears raining onto his face.
"It doesn't matter anyway because I already got you. This has always be my shit and always will be. No matter how much I hurt you."
As I spoke, a sole tear from my eye-the eye of the side he'd wiped off that day on the front steps when he'd told me he'd seen a shooting star-and rained onto his temple.
What happened next nearly killed me. I was lurched so violently onto my back my neck nearly snapped.
For a brief moment amidst the chaos, I caught Shawn's eyes-the madness-a mirror image of my eyes I was sure because that's what I felt inside. I felt like a huge ball of madness that burned.
Cuffing the portion beneath my knees with his hands strongly, Shawn appeared between my parted legs on his knees. He gave me one last intense look as he yanked my legs far apart before pushing them up against my aching chest and stabbed me into oblivion with his member.
His thrust was so forcefully that it propelled us to another part of the bed that resulted in my head lolling off of the edge.
"Corey!" I wailed so loudly the entire house might have crumbled from the strong timbre of my voice, tearing off his epidermis where my Nails raked as the pleasurable bolt of him nearly ripping me held me captive.
Words ousted, Shawn began horning into my gripping wet flesh with a determination I found so astounding that I could no longer breath.
No stops.
No shorts.
No apologies.
Just him. All of him.
He dove in for the kill. Dug into me like he was clearing out a grave and resurrecting the dead...Advanced in and pulled out like that was his inbred mission from the day he came into this world.
He didn't muster any control in his smooth strokes, drilling into me capriciously with. Everytime our pelvic bones struck, the impact collision would make my head flounder at the awkwardly dangerous angle it hang off the bed.
The ball of fire in my womb had grown...it had grown and spread...it was coming...coming...
"Oh god Shawn! Shawn!" I chanted through whimpers as sublime ecstasy enveloped me.
His moans had been libidinous and animalistic even when he splayed his hands on my hips and snatched me to a different angle on the bed that returned my head to the bed. I realized then that his arms hooked my legs as he fumed into me, his hands still holding them far apart to make his entry into me not only accessible but more than worthy. Once he'd implanted himself into me once again his hands slid from my legs to hold my hips in place and he began a dance in me that couldn't be taught from years of experience, but only be expressed from the emotion that was of the here and now.
"This shit can't be real." I heard a distant yet fervid whisper seep out like it wasn't meant to come to light and shivered all over. Wheezing for breath now as I felt the flames writhing within me reach their apex, I daringly fluttered my eyes open, letting more tears fall.
He was looking down at me, The first time since we'd walked through that door, time stopped and for once Shawn and I were the eye of the hurricane as we stared at each other.
"Tell me...." I croaked through a tight throat, trying not to yield in the pressure building in my chest and trying not to surrender to this exultant state he was placing me in.
"Tell me you love me!" my voice trembled and he faltered.
"Say it!" I pressed,implored even, watching his eyes shift from anger, back to confusion, to anger once again.
"What if I don't?! Huh?!" he grunted through clenched teeth, beads of sweat dribbling down his smooth skin.
"Lie to me," I sobbed from the exhilaration that swarmed through my veins and the pain that flooded my heart, staring at his blurry vision through helpless tears at the conflicting feelings rioting in me while trying to cling onto him but failing because sweat was now our enamel and he was slippery.
The fire...it kept building, spreading, killing me softly...
"Just lie to me. I just need you to say it to me Shawn..." was my pitiful whisper.
Letting out a constricted groan and clutching his eyes shut, Shawn buried his face into my neck. The rest of his response came with jarring into me so hard he might have done what he'd promised to do and stroked my heart because it leaped when I felt him deeper than he'd ever been. It was all too much, everything that was happening. From the way the bed squawked it wouldnt' surprise me if it lost its mandate and fell apart. From the way the headboard struck that wall you'd think Shawn wanted to break us out of these erotic yet sorrowful flames.
As he drove into me, giving me the best pleasure and the worst pain I'd ever known, the ball of fire exploded and I arched sharply off of his bed into him. I clung tightly where a male and female met. Despite my climatic region, he was relentless, robbing my breath and sanity as he reclaimed his spot inside of me. I couldn't seem to give him enough...he couldn't seem to get enough...
A transgression of fire leaped from my clenching gut; possessing every single part of my body as I clung to the only man I had ever loved, letting out a shuddering scream that put the thundering outside to shame.
I quivered all over beneath him as pleasure and pain burned me alive and held his headfast as he too stiffened and emitted his own release.
It was piercing what I felt soaring into my room. Hotter than anything I'd felt that night. The realization that this was the first time I'd felt Shawn in the flesh, the first time I'd felt his seed pour into me was...was...indescribable.
Unlike anything I'd ever known ...
This was it, my gift and my curse. This was the brunt and the peace I'd long since wanted.
My breath...I...I couldn't breath...
He had been right...
He was going to be the death of me...
And before I knew it I was abducted from the world and suddenly everything was painted black.

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