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After Shawn told the man where to actually go first and the man glanced at me questionably, I'd been too dumbstruck to answer him and Shawn smirked while telling him that I was headed where he was headed.
Before Shawn could even try talking to me I was staring out of the window, trying not to be irritated by this whole situation. His last words still confused the hell out of me but this was Shawn--trying not to figure him out was actually the smart decision.
Trying to imagine that he wasn't in the car, I trained my eyes to the windowpane where I confirmed to that the drizzle had evolved into steady rain.
No matter how hard I tried to tell myself I didn't care of his presence, it didn't last.
Getting in the backseat of the cab with Shawn had me getting extremely nervous. It all seemed too confined. Too small. Air was indubitably elusive so I could hardly breath. My palms were sweaty, fisted under against my sides. I couldn't control the unsteady beating of my heart. It was so loud that for a moment I feared he would hear the vociferous beating and know how nervous he was making me.
I smelled it emanating off of him. The blending of alcohol and his heady, spicy cologne and that black filled my lungs up to capacity, leaving room for nothing else.
It was quiet for a while. All we could hear was the steady rhythm of the raindrops hitting the car.
"Why you seated all the way over there? You scared? You scared of me now Bey?" his voice was hoarse, slurred and bleary like that of a man who was detached from the world. 
From the way I clumped my thighs tightly together, I also knew then that as long as he talked, I would get more turned and more turned on. I found myself praying that he wouldn't talk...and strangely at the same time, that he would talk...
It was insane the things this man did to me. One minute we'd been arguing the next I was yearning for him.
"Huh?" he demanded, a bit harshly, and I flinched reflexively, feeling more moisture pull in my center and tingle. Immensely flushed by his behavior and moreso by my reaction to it, I licked my lips hastily, staring at the place where my fingers clung to keep them from shaking.
"I don't know." I responded inaudibly for lack of better words. My voice was as light and as easy to break as my senses and morals were. All he had to do was nudge a tad bit and I would shutter right before him.
A string of short, quiet chuckles administered from the other side of the car, sparking a tingle in the bottom of my gut. He sounded good, so good. He was always so incredulously sexy when he was tired, worn out and just completely dazed and out of it. His voice was usually rough and deeper than normal. Damn this man had me terribly and I wished he didn't because fighting him off was harder than anything else I'd ever fought in my life.
Suddenly, I felt and heard him shift until he was seated beside me. When his thigh was pressed snuggly along mine, my insides trembled alarmingly and I stiffened. I couldn't hear what the alarms were warning me because my heart's erratic beating was loud in my ear.
"You wanna know what I really like about you Beyonce?" he asked, his breath hotly caressing my ear. Shivers cascaded through my body and I closed my eyes as the torrential waves flowed from the follicle of my hair to the tip of my toes, making them curl.
"No..." I found myself saying, my voice shaky, not because the cub driver had the air conditioner on full blast of course. It was shaky because it had been so difficult to lie. Of course I wanted to know what he liked, but the consequences of it would leave both of us getting hurt.
With that thought, I finally heard the warning that had started earlier and scooted into the safety of the other end of the car until my side pressed firmly against the door. I did not want to be near Shawn. Not considering the circumstances we were both under.
Although I was a little bit tipsy, I was very conscious and aware of what happened around me unlike Shawn.
Even when Shawn was a little bit buzzed he didn't hold anything back despite anything, even the watching eyes of God.
His chuckle was deep and very manly against my ear and I grimaced because of how it made me think of all the possible things he could make sound so good. Damn it Shawn...
He leaned closer and I quavered once again when I felt his arm drape warmly over the back of the chair.
"That's just too bad cause imma tell you anyway." Shawn murmured, purposely giving me the torturous pleasure of rubbing his lips against my ear as he spoke. Biting my lip, I stifled a groan, willing my senses to help me remain poised.
"S-Shawn. I don't want to know. Please..." I stuttered, lying through my teeth.
"Your lips. Fuck..." he hissed while inhaling breath and when he nuzzled my ear, I nearly arched against my own will, swallowing a moan when I felt the burning urge, "I just love them things. I love the way they look. Especially when you got them all soaking wet...from...licking...them..." the next thing I knew my earlobe was being tugged at by nipping teeth. I shuddered, biting so hard on my lip that if I bit any harder blood would've oozed out. In an attempt to minimize the erotic way he was making me feel, I clutched my eyes painfully shut.
Don't like it Beyonce, I coached myself. Don't like it. Please don't...
"S-Shawn. Please...stop..." I begged him softly, not only in fear of what he'd do, but how easily I'd be receptive to it.
He groaned into my ear and flicked his tongue over my earlobe, making me gasp in surprise and delight that I wished wasn't there.
"Shit makes a nigga so fucking hard I swear..."
"Shawn..." I breathed out agonizingly, darting my eyes at the cub driver's rearview mirror in panic. He seemed rather intrigued and my shaking nerves heightened in their instability.
"Yeah..." he hissed, his teeth trailing from my ear, right beneath it, "That's somethin' else I like about your lips. Hearing my name...come...from them..." the way he paused when saying the word 'come' led me to believe he meant something totally different than its universal definition, "'specially when you moaning and screaming it..."
My mouth went dry and a conflagration sparked in between my thighs. My armor was slowly melting away and it was all because of Shawn's all pervasive heat. He was so fucking hot, I could feel him. He was making this really hard for me and seemed to be enjoying the hell out of it too. I was getting weaker and weaker by the minute. When I tried to move my head away, Shawn only eagerly moved closer. Now I was trapped, backed into the corner with nowhere else to go. The only way I could ask for liberation was if I asked him.
I tried to tell him to give me room, but the words couldn't come out. Something was barricading them. It must've been my heart because it had rocketed to my throat.
When I heard what sounded like him licking his lips, I breathed in deeply and bit my lip. Then when I felt his fingers plow into my hair, I nearly whimpered from the hypnotic way he massaged my scalp and fluttered my eyes shut with a sigh.
Shawn's breaths were suddenly rugged and harsh, hot and causing a moisture on my delicate skin.
Habitually and incautiously, I licked my lips and sighed, hoping that would quell the flames that began to flame inside of me. Shawn groaned in gratification before gnawing gently at my jawbone.
"You askin' for it Bey..." Shawn's voice was gravelly and muffled dew to his consistent biting; his fingers still working wonders on my scalp, rendering me drowsy, "Don't ask for it unless you really want it..."
"Shawn..." this time I couldn't help but moan his name pleadingly. First of all, Shawn knew how much I loved writing. Then he knew how much I loved words. His words had me reeling, driven off the wall and nearly into a state of insanity.
Words had always made the erogenous parts of my body sizzle, and Shawn seemed to know all the right damn words...
"Fuck," the curse word was so poignantly that I thought I felt him acting out the word's meaning rather than just saying it, "That's right. That's what I like. When you say my name like that..."
I was about to moan his name again upon impulse but bit hard on my lip to prevent it, moaning still...
"But you know what I really, really, really like about your lips Beyonce?"
I didn't answer him. I couldn't. The seductive way in which he asked it let me know whatever he said next would drive me over the edge.
When I said nothing, I felt the tip of Shawn's fingers close around my chin and turn me to face him. Nonplussed, I opened my eyes and wished I hadn't because I realized then how close Shawn and I were. His hooded eyes with the finely furled lashes were directed on my lips. When I saw the moisture on his lips and the lust in his eyes, an unquenchable inferno began in my womanhood.
"I asked you a question ma..." he demanded in a surprisingly soft voice, his lips precariously close to mine now. My heart began to thump loudly, desperately against my rib cage, scrupling for release before it burst into flames
"What..." I breathed out despite myself. I shouldn't have asked him, but for some damnable reason I wanted to know.
I was panting for breaths now, my chest heaving alarmingly in effect because I was starting to suffocate from his nearness, from that sexy, rugged scent of him.
"How fucking good your lips used to look on me." Shawn said like he was swearing.
I gasped sharply as the shock of what he said and shock of how my womanhood stung longingly flayed me. Gaping so widely with my mouth served as a hazard because Shawn's tongue was thrusting madly into my mouth, the back of my head thrashing against the windowpane of the car door.
I was slipping. Falling, falling deeper from the rhythmic way his tongue rammed into me and back out like he was...
My senses rushed back when a pressure began to surround my burning, pulsing pussy and I somehow managed to find the will to push Shawn gently away from me.
"Stop-" I began but had cut myself off when I saw the look on his face. A sexy, lopsided grin graced his lusciously wet lips from my nectar and his eyes, his eyes were dark pools of lust and wanting. Damn it turned me on to the point of oblivion the way he looked at me. His heady scent turned me on. His rugged, hot breaths against my skin.
Biting his smirking lips hungrily, Shawn lifted his hand to my face and cupped my jaw. I shuddered. I'd longed days and nights to feel him touch me like this. I watched agilely as his thumb began a sensuous stroking on my bottom lip, spreading my nectar all the way he wanted. I couldn't stop quivering and the flames in my gut were well on their way to writhing. I was on the brink of no return if I didn't fight hard enough.
Don't speak I prayed. He knew what words did to me. If he spoke, I'd become undone.
His teeth released his bottom lip and he leaned forward while licking his lips again. An electric jolt zapped through me and I felt my flesh ache and ache, waiting to be relieved of that ache.
"Used to look so fucking pretty...wrapped around my dick..." He said through a husky groan. I gasped when the blood drained from my head and rushed to the place where my thighs met.
That was it. My sensed were purloined. I was gone.
"Shawn." I cried helplessly, pressing my hands against his firm chest and pushing, fighting the need to clutch onto him and draw him closer. I should've been offended. I should've been mad. I know that I should have been all those things. But the only reason why I was mad was because of the way my panties were soaking wet now. The only reason why I was mad was because with every single word that left his lips, I was getting more and more wet.
"You'd close them around my dick," Shawn growled, "Into that fucking hot, wet mouth of yours-"
"Shawn, Shawn," I implored, my eyes closed as if that would alleviate the situation, but Shawn's hypnotizing strokes on my lip had hastened, "Don't. Don't. Please don't-"
"And you'd start sucking my shit with those soft lips," his breaths came quick, and though his voice was deep, it was just above a whisper, "You'd suck real...fucking...slow ...Fuck! That shit would turn me the fuck on. And when you'd do that thing you do with your tongue...my fucking gotdamn...and start pulling harder, sucking harder...."
"Oh god..." I groaned through strained breath, "Stop...please..."
"And I'd brush your hair away from your face just to look at you. Shit Beyonce do you know what the fuck you used to do to me?"
"I don't care." I muttered tremulously, flicking my tongue over my trembling parched lips nervously.
"When you get your lips all wet like that I think about my other favorite part of you."
My mind was going far away. I was loosing it. I couldn't handle it. I didn't want to. Not anymore. I was tempted to ask the cab driver to pull over wherever we were and let me out. Even in this drenching rain, I didn't mind getting lost in the torrents. Yet at the same time, a larger part of me was tempting me to listen to what he had to say. My heart's anticipated beating was a large indicator of that.
"It used to make a nigga go crazy when I got you on the bed and your legs are far apart. And your pussy is right in my face...and your lips would be soaking wet," he chuckled bawdily, "Fuck man I would go crazy. Not just crazy. In-fucking-sane."
"Stop!" I nearly screamed because I liked it. His words made the imagery vivid and hard to ignore in my mind. It sparked up memories so intense that I could feel every sense of that moment. I remembered how he'd felt inside of me, I'd remembered every scent, every sound, every single swear that he'd groaned out of his mouth as I'd pleasured him. Now his very efficacious words were like a writhing, blazing fire and I was molten. Because of my weakness, I was a puddle of arousal for him. If I didn't fight harder, then...
"And I swear on my fucking life I'd never tasted anything so-"
"Stop!" I repeated frantically and pushed him away from me with all my might. Shawn surprised me when he stopped and pulled away from me slowly. My eyes fluttered open to find him surveying me drunkenly. He licked his lips real slow and I stiffened a sob. He had to stop doing this to me. It wasn't fair. To Shawn, I was probably just another fuck, like one of the many commodities he'd accustomed himself to right now.
To me, Shawn was my damn life.
Shawn's eyes suddenly dropped to my lips and he licked his again, leaning forward like a panther zeroing on his prey. I cowered beneath him and shrank, my heart's palpitations increasing.
"You sure you want me to stop?" he asked lowly, placing his hand lightly over my kneecap. Splinters sparked through me when he touched me. His fingers were so warm they nearly singed into my skin.
"Yes. Stop. I don't like this. I want you to stop." I said with asperity, slapping his hand away from me even though what I truly wanted him to do was for him was to quest further and inch higher up my thigh.
Shawn chuckled lewdly with that lazy, sexy smirk to die for, and slurred with a cocksure shake of his head as he shifted, "You don't want me to stop."
The cockiness he possessed not only galled me, but made me tremble all over as a chain of erotic flames writhed within me.
"Yes I do." I lied sternly, my hard eyes dropping to his lips where his goatee was. Then I did something that plunged me deeper into the dark hole I continued to fall into. I looked at his jaw. The sudden, strong urge to rub my hand against his stubbly jaw to see how rough it actually was struck me so overwhelmingly that my hands clutched into tight fists until my Nails were digging sharply into my palms.
"No you don't," he pressed, inclining himself closer to me, speaking in a taunting voice that somehow set me more on fire than I already was, "Cause I know you Beyonce. If you wanted me to stop, you wouldn't be so fucking wet right now. And you are ma'. You ain' lyin' to nobody."
The hairs on the back of my neck spike up the way they did everytime he used that verboten word. With wide eyes and a parted lip, I stared at him in shock. The heat in the car was sweltering despite the gushing of the air conditioner.
Then all of a sudden, everything went cold. His words had made me break into a cold sweat. I started shifting uncomfortably, thus proving Shawn's words of my sappy womanhood. I gulped hard, turning away from his mischievous smirk.
"I just know it..."
"How do you know?!" I cried out, pressing further against the door, hoping I'd become one with it. Then I bit my tongue, wishing I hadn't blundered and asked him how he knew. The sly smirk that lifted his lips, which had to have been on of the sexiest things I'd ever seen, told me that he had nothing innocent to say to my question.
"Cause I know you. Every time you bite your lips, every time you squirm like that...I know that your juices keep flowing out of you," he snickered smugly and sat back a little, speaking arrogantly, "I'm surprised your ass ain' cum already."
Cheeks flushing hot and cold, I tried to turn away from him again, but Shawn caught my chin to turn me back to him and brought his lips to mine not sparing me a chance to protest. The moment his tongue snaked into my cavern, I moaned and literally started molding beneath him. My hands shook from the resistance I continuously tried to keep. The kiss was sweet, but still raunchy and uncanny, which made the tingling inside me upgrade to tormenting flames. He touched the roof of my mouth, delved further and stroked my tongue so sensually a cadence that I began to feel myself shake. Only Shawn was able to get me off on just kisses. I hoped now wouldn't be one of those times. For a few long moments I just stayed there while he did all the work, all the discovering, but I couldn't help but caress his tongue everytime I got a chance. It felt so damn good it should've been characterized criminal activity.
"You and I both know my pussy is wet," he muffled amidst the buttery kiss, "It's still my pussy right?"
My answer was neither a yes or a no. Unable to answer him verbally since darkness continued to close around my mind, all I could do was respond in a weak, helpless moan.
"You probably drippin' right now..." Shawn murmured, and I squirmed beneath him, wishing he didn't have me feeling this way. When his lips left mine, my hands with a min d of their own despite my inhibitions uncurled, reaching to place him back where I wanted. But when I felt soft, moist kisses along my throat, I was throwing my head back to provide him more navigation and my hands clamped down hard on his muscular, broad shoulders, pulling him closer. It felt so good, so damn good I couldn't contain myself. When Shawn's tongue flicked over me and he began sucking steadily on my collarbone, a sharp gasp escaped me and I clasped my hands around the back of his neck to pull him closer.
The restraint and willpower I obtained was thinning out, drifting out of my body and being replaced with everything that was Shawn. His scent, his touch, his voice...I was lost.
"I wanna see how much though." Shawn grunted gruffly against my neck and the vibration of his voice and lips shook my insides so much that I didn't really think about what he said. The next thing I knew, Shawn's fingers were grazing feather-lightly up my thighs agitating, up my skirt. My womanhood throbbed more achingly and I thought I would lose my mind.
I murmured a protest and wiggled against him, but that only drove Shawn higher and finally to the wet mound in the crotch of my panties. I gasped loudly and stiffened, my hands dropping from Shawn's head to his shoulders, making to push him away. Shawn groaned while leaning closer, pushing the wispy piece of clothing that shielded my burning desire from him.
Rampant desire exploded in me when Shawn's fingers slid languorously along the sodden lips of my pussy. My eyes went wide and my entire body went rigid when the splinters returned, sparking throughout my body.
"No no no...Shawn don't..." I begged through heavy pants, shaking my head stiffly. Then, my body melded beneath his and was moveable once again. My hips agitated in volition, yielding towards Shawn's touch, aching for more.
Shawn's groan was elongated, deep and music to my ears, and his mouth continued to kiss lower over my rising chest, "Shit...Feels better than I remember..."
Before I knew it I felt a hot mouth closing over my clothed nipple and yelped out my shock and desire. When he started slow pulls, the digit of his finger teasingly rubbing tiny circles my clitoris, I slipped into unmitigated bliss and my mouth fell open when the sensations traveled through me.
"Shawn no...." I panted after inhaling deeply between gnashed teeth and as I felt the ball of his finger probe my opening. Soon Shawn's lips were back to over my lips while I wriggled restlessly beneath him, my hips thrusting forward wanting him to test the waters.
"You were supposed to be my girl Bey." Shawn grunted hoarsely and all I could do was moan and cling to him.
"That whole till death do us part shit. But damn..." I yelped out when I felt his thumb stroking my beady clitoris and felt Shawn groan deep within his throat, "Our shit died before we ever fucking lived." he murmured against my lips and without time wasting, shoved his entire finger through folds that were tight and had been abandoned for a long while.
"Shawn." I flung my head from side to side, releasing one arm of his and using it to guide him further into me when I couldn't take it anymore.
Never in my life had I hated the phenomena of timing so much because that's when the cab came to a jarring stop.
I always wondered what it would be like if my mother or any other third party ever walked in on Shawn and I having sex and when I realized that Shawn and I weren't he only ones around, I didn't have to wonder anymore.
I hated the feeling as my entire body jerked violently and a startled shriek escaped me. With everything I had in me I pushed Shawn who gazed at me coolly as he licked his lips.
Horrified, I glanced at the rearview mirror and collided with the taxi driver who had amusement carousing his features too.
Engulfed in embarrassment, I barreled out of the taxi cab mindless of the heavy downpour of rain or the fact that I was basically escaping to the chamber of my doom. Uppermost in my mind though was getting away from Shawn.
That's all I cared about but in that caring as I tried to move my weak legs I realized how soaked up my mid section was and grimaced at the harsh reality that I was in that stage of arousal where no placating other than the sexual act itself would calm me down.
By the time I got the front door I realized that as long as I'd been staying there Shawn had never given me a spare key but he didn't really have to. Marissa was always there to open the door for me and if not she then he.
Shaking as though the windy effect of the storm was the bearer my stomach plummeted to my gut.
My eyes closed as I heard his footsteps even against the heavy pitter patter of the scorned rain and the guttural thunder from the heavens that eyeballed us.
Something iron and hard gauged into my lower back. Stiffening from the steely feeling, I clutched my eyes tightly as the image of Shawn's piston sparked up in mind. Then I felt his chest impress on my quivering back and was soon scathed with the moistness of his hot breath, more vapor than usual because of the enraging storm. His hands flattened on the door front door, only for me to nearly lose my mind when I saw his wet fingers. When I remembered what they'd almost done to me, I bit my lip to keep me from crying out.
"Give in Bey. You know you want to," the deep growl taunted into my ear, the confluence of rain thunder and darkness making it all the more as illicitly appealing as the devil's own.
One of the hands dropped and when I heard some jingling sounds that I knew where the key, I sidestepped the restricted space that I was in trying to escape.
Clamps of steel thrashed me up against the wall so roughly that my breasts hurt. It was then I realized that Shawn had trapped me on his front door and his manhood was nearly making a hole through my clothes from the way it dug into me. Panting for breath, I wondered why in heavens I was enjoying his weight on me and his bawdy deep laughter in my ear.
"Or maybe you wanna run again." Shawn deliberately censured teasingly and I knew then that he was giving me an ultimatum.
On his own will he released me and stepped back.
His mocking laughter shook the air more than the storm itself and in split seconds I felt his lips suck some rivulets streaming on my neck. My knees buckled at the feel of his warm lips and the flicker of his hot tongue.
My god.
"Maybe," his voice vibrated on my skin and I swear I felt it on my pulsing womanhood, "Maybe you ain' the big girl you claim to be. Cause big girls don't run. They handle shit."
Before Shawn parted he bit hard enough on my neck to send a sting that jolted straight to my gushy center.
I managed to marshal myself enough not to cry and when Shawn opened the door and stepped in like I wasn't even there. When he turned around and lifted his chin, smoldering eyes leaving a fiery trail in all the erogenous parts of my body, I bit my lip and lowered my eyes away, praying that god would let this absurd form of erotic torture come to an end.
Timidly I ensued into the house like an injured animal that had no choice but to return to their owner with no place to go.
Ignoring him, I trained my feet passed him, thoroughly intoxicated and only breathing through deep breaths.
"Maybe you can't take all this dick up in you no more like you used to...Is that it? That the problem babygirl? You scared Bey? Yo ol' #$%^&* scared you of the dick now?"
And just like that, I snapped.
No thoughts, just actions.
With one quick turn and one violent push I'd thrashed all of Shawn's mightiness against the door, my hands determined on the sole goal of getting the impediment that was his hoodie off.
"Well then Carter I can see that we have a problem. It's either been too long since you had me and forgot who the fuck you're dealing with." he could've tried to shield the amusement and confusion that graced his features to anyone but not me.
A sleazy smirk through a few snickers issued from him and I knew he got he impression that I was bluffing.
He opened his mouth to speak but got cut off and froze when my hand left his damp jacket and lowered to cup that handful of his manpower.
He wanted to play rough, then we were going to play rough.
After all, it had been a long time coming and the day was finally here.
His eyes widened at my outlandish act when I began adding pressure to his steadily enlarging member and I leaned in speaking with the same taunting words he'd bullied me with.
"Maybe the only way to shut you the fuck up is to remind you where this dick learned all its tricks."

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