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We all sang out gleefully when the main doors flew open and they stepped in. A laughing Ojay clapped his hands like a few participants in the party at his startled and confused friend. With Ojay's high priced camera in tow, I snapped Shawn's priceless expression, grinning happily as I did so. Light, though very lacking, filtered the room proportionately but it could've been pitch black and I would've known every angle that made up Shawn.
Shawn twisted his mouth at Ojay knowingly with his chin lifted and eyes narrowed before nodding. Although I couldn't hear him I decoded his lips, 'Iight son you good. You good. Ya'll got me.'
Ojay gave his friend a dab and hugged him. When they stepped back from each other I finally caught Shawn's expression after the initial shock had weathered away.
Beyond my control my eyes smarted with tears when I saw the genuine happiness on Shawn's handsome features. The hood atop his head that shadowed parts of him room couldn't shield that from me.
My heart ached the way it always did whenever I saw him happy.
Just thinking of all he'd been through, of all he'd come from, all those days I saw him walking in tired as hell from work to the point he could barely even see straight, thinking of all the people who had doubted him deciding he would sell his soul to the streets like every other young man like him...just to see him come from all of that to find him standing across from me, the one true epitome of success with one of the most sincere smiles on his face that I had seen in a while gave me one of the most genuine smiles I'd had in a long time.
Telling myself that I was getting way too overemotional, I blinked away the tears that confused me and breathed deeply to lessen the awkward pain centering my chest. I wanted to go to him and wish him a happy birthday, but everyone swarmed around him like he was the honey and they were the starved bees.
I would tell him later-when he was alone and I was sure that the rest of the world wouldn't disturb us.
In no time music was rocking the building and party goers wasted no time in getting the excitement swarming through their veins. Making a short trip to the bar for something to make me relax more, I returned to my designated spot isolated from the crowd so that I could just watch while sipping meagerly at my drink.
The life of the party himself wasted but a minute getting himself loosened up to the jovial spirit filling up the air. He looked so sexy in that jacket and the aplomb swagger he carried around with him gave me a visual pleasure that no one else had ever been able to pull off successfully other than him.
"Why are you standing around smiling at him when you can go get him?" Angie's voice jolted me out of my reverie and I didn't even realize that I was smiling until she vocalized the fact.
"For a pregnant woman you surely do move fast. Last time I saw you, you were standing all the way over there."
"Go get him." Angie ignored my attempt to switch topics.
"I'm good." I murmured easily, getting slightly annoyed.
"He asked about you. Of course he tried to be slick about but he asked if you were here."
My cheeks heated and the grip on my glass was no longer loose.
"Whatever." I murmured tonelessly, trying to appear unaffected taking another sip as I rested my back on the bass-vibrating wall.
"No way," Angie grabbed my hand and started tugging me to the blithe dancefloor, "You did not come all the way here to stand up against the wall. That's what we call illegal up in this bitch."
Her words were folly because a few songs into Angie and I having a good time dancing, most of Ojay and his crew, Shawn included were posted up against the wall preying on all the fish in the sea. I avoided all eye contact with Shawn but my gut told me he was staring.
A few songs down when Angie and I were all sweated out, she grabbed my hand again and when I saw she was leading me to the men posted on the wall I hesitated but was no match for her eagerness.
"Ya'll fuckers need to get up off of the wall." She castigated, her words mainly aimed to her husband-to-be who smirked adoringly at her.
"I see you was putting up a nice show for daddy. I have to say, I'm impressed."
As Ojay and Angie's banter teetered from arguing to flirting to loving, I stood there awkwardly staring at Shawn.
Prudishly, I looked over at him to find him glancing at the life of the party. Damn he was so handsome.
"Happy birthday." I tried not to sound as breathless as he'd actually bound me.
At first he didn't react, just absently bobbing his head softly to the tempting beat. Then as if feeling my riveted eyes on him, he looked my way, raised his brows while dipping his head lower. That's when I caught a whiff of his cologne and my mouth watered.
I repeated myself.
"Oh," he smiled faintly but sincerely, "Thanks ma."
Oh the greatness of butterflies. My arms went around my midsection as if that would keep them from fluttering. I wished that Angie hadn't forced me to get rid of my drink because now with nothing to hold I felt awkward and I had to fist my hands just to keep me from commencing my habit of rubbing my hips.
"I bet you didn't see this coming huh?" I said conversationally.
Shawn chuckled easily, "Nah I didn't. Ya'll pulled it off."
"This idiot had no fucking clue." Ojay injected suddenly and we looked at him to find Angie wrapped in his arms as she smiled at the two of us.
"Yeah and he tried to say we'd never get him again after the first time. Well fooled you twice nigga! Shame on you!" Angie said with an enthusiasm we couldn't help but all laugh too.
"Iight woman enough talk," Ojay started walking them towards the dance floor, "Time to put those dance moves you was teasin' a nigga with to work."
"Aw snap honey let's go!" Angie complied with that free spirit of hers with the 'go-wherever-the-wind-takes-you' attitude of hers.
"We gon' show ya'll how a real couple gets it iight." Ojay crowed arrogantly to both Shawn and I with a playful wink.
"Nah," Shawn muttered with an unimpressed expression and shake of his head, "Nah, them tricks you and Angie be playin' are for kids. We more into that grown folks shit you feel me."
Ojay was an explosion of laughter while murmuring, 'iight son. I ain' mad at you'. He then lumbered away with Angie who hadn't heard anything because she was talking to a friend that she'd crossed paths with, leaving Shawn to snicker and brand his friend a fool while I blushed, wishing there hadn't been an undertone of joking to Shawn's words yet humbled by the fact that he wasn't being serious.
It couldn't have been quieter if the assigned DJ turned the music off and commanded everyone to silence up as Shawn and I stood there with one another-me not knowing what to say and him just being typical inscrutable Shawn. My heart rattled restlessly in my chest and my feet were barely survivors in the tag of war rallying whether to give in or stay strong.
"I got you a present." I blurted, not knowing what else to do with myself.
A slow easy smile elongated his full kissable lips but he didn't look at me just yet and I had no idea whether he was acknowledging me or not.
"Really," he muttered before wresting his eyes away from the thriving crowd and looking at me inquiringly, "What you get me?"
Under the pale darkness that swarmed the room Shawn's dark bedroom eyes were sharp whirlpools that couldn't be ignored.
I felt myself blush against my own will, lowering my head and unfurling my arms from around me to fumble with my fingers.
"Um, well it's not anything fancy. It's just something small." I murmured self deprecatingly.
I wasn't looking at him but I felt his eyes roaming hotly around over my face.
"You didn't have to get me anything girl." He said calmly but somehow I could tell touched if only for a diminutive moment.
The words that nearly expelled for my mouth would've catapulted us into another fight-me asking if he was saying that because he thought I couldn't afford it-but I swallowed them into abeyance.
"Yeah well," I bravely glanced up at him but it was brief because when I saw how his hungry eyes were roaming over my body I couldn't stand to look at him, "It was something real small so it was no biggie."
"Thanks babygi-"
"Shawn!" I was bumped into and tumbled into the background before I saw Stacey throwing her arms around a caught off guard Shawn's shoulders.
What was she doing here? Who would invite her? Those were the only thoughts running through my mind. And obviously the wish that I could pull out a magic wand and cast her away into oblivion.
He accustomed to her immediately because his arms went around her and he hugged her till her feet ascended the ground and laughed when she wouldn't let him put her down yet so that she could lay a buttery kiss on his cheek.
I couldn't have been more jealous if the goddess of envy showered me in green colored rain. The easy cop out would've been to think Shawn was doing this to render me emulous but that wasn't the case. The bond he and Stacey shared had been and on going relationship before we met, while we were together and turns out even after we parted. Almost immediately he forgot I was there or at least the deficiency of even one degree of his attention led me to feel that way.
She began blabbering on and on to him about something both of them were very akin to because they laughed and joked about the issue like the old friends they were. Then as though I were an afterthought Stacey's fogged up eyes landed on me right when I'd made the decision to flee this humiliating scenario.
"Oh Beyonce! hey girl I'm sorry I didn't see you standing there." Lachrymose leaked from her eyes due to the constant laughing that would not bereave her, "I just had to tell my boy Shawn something. How you been?"
"I've been great and you?"
"Good. Yo you're gonna love what I got you playboy. Better than what anyone else got." Stacey promised pompously, forgetting she'd started a conversation with me.
Shawn chuckled mildly. I remember how back in the day someone offering Shawn something would make him extremely nervous but now he didn't seem to care if he got anything of materialistic substance or not.
"Thanks but aye I'm glad you here though. I thought you were gonna be out of town."
"Boy please! I had to cancel. I wouldn't miss one of my homeboy's party for the world!"
I couldn't take this anymore. With a bitter lump couched in my throat and a bitterness that made my face a pit of flames, I left them, remaining as invisible as I was when I stood there. I was hurting and refused to acknowledge why.
Isolating myself once again from everyone else I sat at one of the vinyl stools by the bar and wallowed with another drink. Most of the people here I didn't know and all the guys who made passes at me only did so in good fun but probably not because they wanted me.
Just to save myself from feeling bad and trying not to feel dumb about feeling disconsolate I didn't look at Shawn or find out if Stacey still gripped his attention like a newborn curled onto a finger. In due time I mentally told myself to just chill and let go. It was apparent that he didn't care about me but unlike many times before I couldn't stop thinking about how he said he'd needed me.
I brutalized myself with the reality that he'd been drunk so it didn't count.
"What you doin' sittin' here all by yourself ma?"
I knew who it was without even looking. The casualness of his voice abraded me and for the first time I wondered where the bullying arrogance had run off to. He was talking to me normally. Isn't that what I wanted?
I chancily looked to my side to find Shawn with his elbows resting on the counter as he leaned forward and awaited the beer bottle he'd ordered. I knew that that first beer was a list of any but that was a receding thought.
He stared at me like it really bothered him to see me aloof. To Shawn me being a loner was so far from the character he'd known me to be that I was the least bit surprised by his expression.
"Nothing. I was just having a drink that's all."
It was apparent that he didn't believe me and although he wasn't going to say anything about it I saw that he was pensive as he wrapped his hands around a cold beer and stood straight up and began to back up. Upon his thoughtfulness Shawn's eyes marinated over my remorselessly exposed bustline.
My cheeks inflamed as I turned away, but not before I gave him a much needed thirsty once over of my own.
"Shawn!" someone yelped, making both of Shawn turn to find an ecstatic female cantering towards Shawn with a cheeky smile. The way Shawn's body relaxed along with that welcoming smile and easy tilt of his head let me know he was well acquainted with this girl. She was the type of girl who had a sweet innocent veneer but her scanty clothing spoke different languages.
"Yo what the fuck are you doin' here Trina?!" Shawn incredulously asked her as if his eyes were deceiving him, all the while with unpretentious enthusiasm, "I ain' seen you since I graduated."
"I know! When Ojay called me and told me what was up I just had to come," grabbing his hand without permission she began to lead him away, "Come on. Dance now, catch up later."
I watched her saunter them to the dance floor with Shawn's beer bottle still adjacent. A small frown curved my lips as I watched the girl wrap her arms around his neck and sway her midriff suggestively around him as they talked. Being a man, Shawn didn't seem to mind, only moving his head a little bit as he let her feel the curves of her body through her lecherous undulating. . He was just watching, standing spellbound with a sensuous smirk as he watched that girl go to work for now, but the more he kissed that beer bottle and the more that alcohol comingled with his blood, he would loosen up and become as wild as everyone.
I wanted to see him happy, but there were two types of happy with men and the one that was a cause reaction to females was the type I didn't want to see.
I couldn't look and when I did, all the aversion in the world was crammed up in me. Angie and Ojay were teamed up enjoying themselves and apart from them I didn't really know anyone. It wasn't as enjoyable as I thought but as I sat there and brooded over a couple of drinks on my own, I realized that I wasn't getting anywhere being a naysayer like this. I started to realize maybe the reason why Shawn was able to move on in life in more ways than one was because he tried to. I'd once been bold enough to try everything but now I was too scared to put my foot in the door much less open it.
Sliding off of my stool stirring my margarita with the pint sized straw, I opted to try and enjoy myself if only for a bit. I'm not sure if it was because the alcohol that I'd taken had relaxed yet agitated me all at once or if it was because of this self revelation. All in all I took it in stride and tried to take things as they came. It didn't mean dancing all up on some random guy but it meant not breaking my neck trying checking for Shawn's every move.
Like he'd said. I was my business and he was his. Simple as that.
With my newfound attitude, though forced, I was holding a conversation with a nice looking guy. I liked that he wasn't particularly looking for me to freak him on the dancefloor because he appeared rather comfortable talking to me while I occasionally sucked on my straw and lightly swayed my hips while he generally bobbed his head. It went on like this for a good while. The only time he insinuated that he wanted to dance was jokingly telling me to put a little 'umph' in my step and even then I knew he was joking. I was really starting to dig this guy up until one moment when he said something I found funny and laughed throwing my head back that I came in contact with Shawn slobbering and the trick that had stolen him away from me nearly chocking from regurgitation. Shawn had a thoroughly amused expression on his face while his hand leveled a girl's lower back with her rear end shaking her dignity away at his pelvic area. Even when he took a sip of from his beer, Shawn's eyes never left the feast view that he was getting of the girl's assets.
Without a will of my own I'd stiffened with fury at the site and all that hard work I put into trying to forget him became worthless. Undeniable jealously rocketed through me and I turned away from the scene that bruised my eyes, excused myself from the guy that I was talking to and abruptly walked off. Shame engulfed me and I knew then I'd had a drink too many because regardless of what I tried to make myself believe Shawn was in the back of my mind.
This whole thing was just phony. This life-trying to have a good time when I knew I couldn't-all of it was fake and the thought of that depressed the hell out of me.
Once I made my way to the hallway where the restrooms were located, I retreated into the 'women's' room to find two women who glanced up at me suspiciously like they'd been caught with their hands in the jar. Too preoccupied with my own mishaps, I went and handled my business. When I came back out the girls were still there looking as circumspect as ever but I ignored them and washed my hands with the foamy soap. Just as I shook the excess water from my hands and raised my head to look at myself in the mirror, a glint from the corner of my eye shacked me and I froze at what I saw in the mirror.
White powder being divided by a silver razor on some wrinkled pieces of paper. And like the trapdoors of heaven that had released rain his evening, it was like trapdoors from my previous habits were released out came the bugs that caused an itch that started in my arm.
Although I lived around a drug infested area, I always made sure to steer clear of anyone or anything so that I wouldn't have to face these silent murderers everyday. Hands still damp from wetness I closed one over the arm where the needles normally went and started to back up.
I could no longer feel or hear my heart so I couldn't tell whether I'd just died or if I was alive and everything that was happening was real.
Noticing my presence one of the girls looked at me before bending over to take a whiff and smiled something close to demonic.
"Wanna join in on the fun? There's room for more."
The scary about that entire night was the fact that I actually considered what she had to say-people say the first step is agreeing to partake in the activity.
I think it's the fact that you even consider it that's the first step to destruction.
Then like it normally happens, my mind shut down and the only thing that I could see was the one thing that would make me feel better. My right hand shook with longing to reach out for it but my fingers closed so tightly around my arm trying to fight it that the circulation of blood stopped in that area.
"Come on, it's not gonna hurt you." The other girl goaded with a smirk that asked why I was taking so long.
Then the light that had short-circuited in my mind suddenly came back on when I heard the ringing of some distinct laughter that I recognized instantly. My heart raced erratically when my respite rushed back into me and the image of Shawn behind a wall which was the only thing separating us struck in my mind.
Shaking my head violently as tears stung my eyes and bringing my hand up to my mouth in disgust of what I was about to do, I tried utmost to pull myself away from what was only a hand away from me-I thought I'd been through shit but turning away from that had been the hardest thing that I'd ever done. I swept out of that one single thing that would ruin my entire life.
Subsequent to barreling out of there I run my hands along my convulsing arms, blinded to anything that may have been around me. I knew Shawn was somewhere close but I couldn't face him right now. My heart was beating so loudly that it was probably the reason why I never heard Shawn when he grabbed me-he'd grabbed me so roughly that in my panic I wondered if he knew what I'd almost done.
When I looked up at him to find a lewd smirk stamped on his lips I thought I would relax since I had evidence he hadn't seen me but I didn't. I was still antsy and uncomfortable and mad. What would have happened if he wasn't walking by here? What would've happened if I hadn't heard his voice?
"Come on girl I know you hear me." Shawn's hands had snaked dexterously around my waist and pulled me so close to him that I could feel his bulge on my stomach. That didn't strike a cord as hard as the alcohol I smelled reeking off of his breath which was a sharp indicator that he was gone but not completely like a few nights ago. He was on the brink tough.
"Where you been hidin' girl I been lookin' for you." The way he dipped his head low until I could feel his lips nipping at my neck showed that he didn't care either way.
I would've melted under his kisses if I wasn't so traumatized by what I had done and I closed my hands over his brawny arms and pushed. Seeing what I had seen and nearly partaking in it made me feel dirty and I suddenly wanted no one to touch me.
Let alone the fact that he'd been touching up on other girls like this. When we were younger it was easy to enjoy things like this because I knew I was the only girl he did this with. Now it didn't feel so great knowing that his hands had been on another woman in the same way.
"No. No Shawn..."
He held tighter-so tight that my waist began to hurt-and started running his tongue over my neck, speaking gruffly, "You don't mean no..."
"Yes I do. Just stop it. I said no Shawn!" I pushed so viciously that he stumbled back, staring at me stunned.
With that alcohol in his system, it didn't surprise me when he flipped like a switch and was suddenly seething.
"The fuck you mean no? no? Oh so what you think you still too good for a nigga or something?"
I couldn't deal with this. Not today. My mind was still cluttered with too much of what had happened in the bathroom.
Spinning around on my heels, I started to walk away, ignoring the few people that eyed us dubiously. I also ignored Shawn's heckling laughter.
"Look. There she goes running off again. Where you finna run off to? Another nigga?"
It must have been that painful throbbing in my temple, or that burn that itched me all over, or the lump in my throat, but I turned back around and swung my hand across the closest thing available-Shawn's cheek.
"Fuck you!" I spat as he stumbled backwards with his jacket stained of beer now. Not caring enough to view the aftermath I turned back around and fled the scene that we'd both caused as fast as my legs could carry me.
Before I got far Shawn grabbed me back again. Powerless against his strength my back hit the wall he slammed me into with a great impact. Shawn towered me with ire twisting his features and they didn't soften even as tears rivered down my face.
"Are you fucking crazy?! Huh?! Don't you ever put yo muh'fuckin' hands on me again! Ever!" Shawn's bellow was loud enough to burn my ears and they only made the way I was feeling worse. He was so angry that a vein was bulging on his neck and he kept on advancing to me even though there was nowhere else to go because he had me backed up against the wall.
"Why can't you leave me the fuck alone?!" I tried to push him but to no avail when Shawn held my wrists so tightly I thought the bones in them would crack.
"The fuck I tell you? What the fuck is wrong with you?! You tryna test me or somethin'? I hope you ain' that muh'fuckin' crazy Beyonce-"
"Oh shut the fuck up and leave me the fuck alone!" I screamed at him at the top of my lungs, twisting against him.
"Nah, I wont. We made a promise remember...? Oh wait nevermind," Shawn shook his head, with a malignant smirk and a wild look on his face that said the alcohol had in fact gotten into him more than I thought, "Our time came too soon...came before it fucking started right?"
My blood run cold at his words and our eyes locked while we were both gasping for air.
Right at that moment a hand clamped on Shawn's shoulder and pulled but Shawn didn't move. He looked like he was set to teach me a lesson and when a stroke of fear sliced my heart I started to sob again. I started to wonder if this was the same person I'd known years ago.
"Look at this girl yo. Look at her. She still thinks she's too good for me. Is that is? Is that what this shit is?!"
"What the hell do you take me for?!" I cried out to him, twisting wildly against him and when Shawn said nothing but glared at me I continued without abandon.
The furious storm on Shawn's face eased and the hold he hand around my wrist lessened but he didn't let go.
"Who the fuck are you?" I asked him tearfully, "Who are you?! I don't know who the fuck you are anymore and I sure as hell don't like strangers touching me! So let me go!"
"Come on dawg what the hell is going on?" Ojay's soft but confused and concerned voice intervened as he pried his friend away from me to stand in between us. I saw Angie from the corner of my eye watching us with a frown.
"Yo what the fuck is up with ya'll two? Didn't you work this shit out?" Ojay asked us both and he looked so exhausted by the rollercoaster that was Shawn and I.
"Man both of ya'll need to grow the fuck up. One of these days ya'll will have to let this shit go, let it die. Some motherfucking day because this shit is getting tired look how ya'll done caused a scene And you muh'fucka it's your own party and you're making yo girl cry."
"I'm not his girl and times like this I wish I never was." I forced the painful words out of my quivering body, my hands rigidly to my sides as tears streamed from my eyes unchecked.
Not sticking around for anyone's reaction I weaved through the crowd and out the front doors. What met me outside pinpricks of rain and when I rolled my head back to look at the sky it was nothing but a pale sheet of slate blue. I didn't let that deter me. I was set on getting away from that place quick, fast and in a hurry.
Folding my arms, I walked out of Ojay's parking lot, not once looking back. Soon I was out on the sidewalks of New York's nightlife. The lackluster clothing I had coupled with heels and a tear stained face were a deadly combination I knew. The feeling was so eerie that another case of shivers afflicted me-these ones stemming from fear. I'd been this way before, roaming the streets with no particular destination in mind looking for something, anything to take my mind off of my woes.
Standing amongst a loitering crowd that hailed taxis, I did the same. As I awaited a taxi to stop for me, I looked cautiously and flinched in surprise as dread engulfed me. Shawn was gaiting slowly himself from a bystander, walking in my direction with the hood over his head and hands stuffed in his pockets. Though his movements were measured and calculated I was impressed nonetheless how he was able to move when he was drunk. The look on his face though was a killer and it showed he had a mission that no one was to mess with.
With each step that made him come closer to me I got more and more aggravated because he was looking around him casually as though this were a normal stroll in the night and he had no worries in the world.
"Well then if you ain' getting in then I will." A squeaky voice interrupted me and when I looked at the source I gasped at the old lady with a wool sweater entering a taxi that had stopped smack dab in front of me.
Could my night get any worse than this?
"Hey! That was for me!"
"Not my fault! You were too busy eyeballing your sugar daddy!" She riled at me with a scowl, shutting out my scream startled gasp and scream that she was a bitch by closing the car door.
"She's just an old lady man. Why she got to be a bitch..."
Turning, I saw Shawn had stood a few ways beside me, his eyes inscrutable. Rolling my eyes, I folded my arms firmer around my midriff and ignored him.
"Why you here on your own? It's not safe."
I didn't answer and it was a while till he spoke again.
"Where you headed'?"
I didn't answer him again.
"You cold?" his voice was deep as he asked that question and I raised my hand to try and flag a taxi but failed.
"I can guarantee you you gonna get sick dressed in that little strip of clothing." his words annoyed me but i tried not to show it. I heard some shuffling sounds followed by a flicker that made me look at Shawn to find a black jutting from his furled lips, his hands on a burning lighter that cast a warm glow on his face.
I was just about to ask him what he was doing smoking a black in the middle of the night-I mean I knew Shawn smoked but it wasn't something I saw regularly-then I remembered that I was ignoring him so I turned away from him.
"So you just gonna ignore me."
I cackled into bitter laughter.
"And lookey here he's calm once again and going to act like he didn't just cuss me out in front of the entire world. Tune in next time to find out what Shawn Corey Carter's next unexpected persona will be. Know what your new name should be Corey?" I looked at him and tilted my head with a questioning hitch of my chin, "SchizoShawn. It fits you to perfection." Shawn's expression remained bored and unbothered. "Tell me how much longer till your screaming at me and throwing me around? Matter of fact, how close were you to hitting me?"
Shawn's features hardened and he seemed to freeze; if he had been moving to begin with, "Hit you?"
I turned away from him because he looked so sexy when he got serious.
"You thought I was finna hit you?"
I looked over at him briefly to find him trying to hail a taxi while blowing out smoke through his nostrils and mouth. My knees buckled but I paid them no mind. Just because he looked sexy doing certain things didn't mean shit.
"Don't even bother," I said to him loftily, "Nobody's going to stop."
"So just cause nobody's going to stop I should stop trying."
"Okay Oprah Phil save those life changing quotes for someone who gives a fuck." I murmured frustratingly, keeping my head averted.
It was quiet a while longer before Shawn zapped me from trying to ignore him.
"Better get in before you let someone else take what's yours again."
His words made me turn around to find a cab rolling to where I was stationed.
Rolling my eyes because he'd been successful in all the places I failed in, down to catching a damn cab, I started making my way for the cab-which he'd opened the door to. I paused, hating his courteousness.
"Thanks." I murmured under my breath, the pungent smell of tobacco filling up my lungs as I walked passed him. Just thinking of all the girls he would go back to though made me tight with suppressed anger.
"Hope you have fun fucking around." I bit unable to help myself sliding into the backseat and at my well wishes Shawn's brow knitted at my words, clear shock striking him. Turning away from him I told the cab driver to drive me over to Hunter's Chase no matter how much I didn't want to go there and slid further into the seat. When the cab driver didn't go and I never heard the door closing the cold out of the car, I turned towards Shawn who still stood with no plans to leave. It looked like he considered the words because a small smile tugged his lips as he lowered his eyes and examined the hand that held his black.
"Thanks ma," he drawled lazily and dabbed the tip of his black where the ashes drifted to the ground, "Funny. It's real funny cause I was just thinkin' the same damn thing."
Confusion struck me when he stashed his black back into his jacket pockets and dove into the backseat with me, the thumping of the door shutting behind him finalizing our confinement.
"But aye it's iight though cause you know what they say...great minds think alike."

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