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It's been already 1 month since I've been here. It gets kind of hard each time. I keep telling myself to try and keep things together, and that things will get better but things don't. I'm just depressing myself even more. I like to over think everything a lot and it sucks.

I've also haven't had a flashback since when I was in the bathroom the day Luke kissed me. It was one of when I was at a party dancing and laughing and it made me upset. It made me upset because I was so happy back then, and I smiled so big, and now I can't even flash a smile.

Also that day when Luke kissed me I was really angry with him because he shouldn't have invaded me like that. I understand he's trying to help me out and stuff but it was weird. The weird thing was that it actually helped me calm down. It stopped my panicking and shaky hands. I try and push the thought of that day to the side.

Right now I was just sitting on the grass of the abandoned park. I've started to really like this place. It was a little damaged but I didn't care. I was away from everyone. No one comes to bother me. There was just some chipped off paint on the playground set, the swings don't shine, the fence isn't built up perfectly, there's some graffiti on the benches, but I didn't care. Not everything's perfect. Sometimes broken and damaged things are more understandable to me sometimes.

I laid back on the grass looking up at the clouds. There was just different shapes and I liked thinking about them. Like a horse, or a cat riding a dog, I don't know.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when Luke lays next to me staring up at the sky too. This kid could never leave me alone. It's like he watches me where I go.

"That's a penguin surfing." Luke said pointing up to a cloud that didn't look at all like that. I could see that he was also smoking as he took a puff of his cigarette and exhaled.

"Your blind, it's obviously a polar bear on skates." I replied.

"No it's a penguin surfing." Luke said shaking his head. He took on last puff of his cigarette and threw it off somewhere, running his fingers threw his hair.

"It is not." I shook my head. "That ones a dragon with a long tongue." I said pointing at a cloud.

"Eh, sorta, it looks more like a worm." Luke shrugged.

"It's like the same thing." I said looking over at him.

"No it's not dragons are cooler." Luke said looking back over at me.

"I'm on the worms side on this one." I say turning my focus back on the sky.

"Why?" Luke ask placing his arms behind his head.

"Because it's misjudged." I say. "And not appreciated enough."

"You know we're talking about a worm right?" Luke questioned a laugh escaping his mouth.

"I know." I rolled my eyes. "Your so stupid."

"I mean I guess." Luke chuckled.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked.

"Well, I didn't want to be home so I thought why not bother charlie wonka for a little since she hates me." Luke smirked.

" don't call me that! I do hate you-." I shrugged.

"Jeesh thanks." Luke rolled his eyes making me smirk. "You smiled!" Luke said sitting up. He made a really big deal about it.

"I don't smile. I just smirked." I said sounding more like a question as I sat up with him.

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