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I paced back and forth hoping charlie would come home soon but then she hasn't came back. She bursted into tears when she got the news. Im just afraid she might do something stupid.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard ambulance sirens stop in front of the building. I can feel my palse quicken.

I quickly step out of the apartment into the hall way seeing it has catched everyone's attention. Even Lukes mom as she eyed me.

"What's going on?" Liz asked as I shrug. I see the ambulance guys running up the stairs. I felt my heart race go quicker. I quickly run up the stairs even passing the guys. I quickly make it all the way to the top of the building out of breathe quickly running on to the roof seeing Luke cling onto something hanging over the roof.

I quickly run over to him seeing charlie trying to climb back up. I quickly help them out helping her up back to the ledge and away from it.

I felt like crying. I couldn't believe it would lead to this. All I wanted was for her to know that I'm here for her and she never wanted to except it. I don't know what I would of done if I lost her. I would of went insane. She's my little sister and im suppose to be protecting her but I guess she just slipped out of my hands.

"Luke what happened?" I question. Luke just hugged her tightly like if he was afraid to loose her.

I turn to see that the paramedics quickly pull charlie away from Luke.

"What are you doing?" Luke questions getting up from the ground.

"Taking her to the hospital." One of the paramedics said taking charlie.

"But she's okay now!" Luke yelled.

"We need to check her out!" The guy said pulling but charlie tried to pull away from there grasp.

"Charlie it's okay." I tell her trying to stop her from fighting them.

She tried pulling away and now another paramedic grabbed her arm.

"Let go of her!" Luke yelled moving in but I quickly hold him back. I don't know what just got into him but it's like he's not thinking.

"Calm down!" I say pushing him back.

"But she's okay." He said finally stopping.

"There just going to double check, remember she tried to commit, it's not like there going to let her go back home right away." I say. Luke sighs calming down and following me following the paramedics. I just wish charlie would of came to me first before she caused all this.



I couldn't stop thinking about charlie. It was like one thing after another. I couldn't go into her hospital room because I wasn't family and I kind of lost , and the nurses sent me home until I get a phone call. And I haven't got a phone call. Im literally sitting here in my living room just over thinking everything. How I almost lost her. How she wanted to die. How I told her I love her. How Bridgit isn't the person I care about anymore. Im just so stressed out right now.

"Luke." My mom questions snapping me out of my thoughts.

I just ignore it hoping she would go away. This wasnt the time for her bullshit.

"I know you care about her, and im so sorry for what went down." My mom says sitting next to me. "I just want you to know im here, I might of made a couple mistakes but I'm here Luke."

I could really use someone right now but when I'm this upset I don't like being around people when I get emotional, I rather drink because all people do is fuck with you more.

"Im okay." I lie getting up and making my way to my room. "But thanks." I last say as she gives me a small smile and I shut my door, locking it.

I pull up my window and lay down on my bed, lighting a cigarette and just laying there trying to relieve this stress. Every time I took a puff I felt more empty each time but it kind of made the pain barable.

All I wanted was to be with charlie and know that she's okay and hope that she's happy. She's so broken I have no idea what would fix her. Im afraid I will break her more.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rang. I quickly shot up taking one last puff of my cigarette and throwing it out my window. I quickly pick up.


"Yes is this Luke Hemmings?" A lady asked threw the other line.

"Yes it is." I reply.

"Your allowed to come in now." The lady from the hospital said. I said okay quickly hanging up and making my way out my house as quick as possible. I just wanted to see her.


I sat in the chair next to Charlie's bed. Jonah excused himself something to do with calling someone and I was left alone with charlie which was perfect.

"Charlie?" I sigh grabbing her hand in mines.

"Im sorry." She said tears still staining her cheeks.

"I can't believe you would do that." I said shaking my head.

"I didn't have any other solution." Charlie said staring down at her lap.

"Yes you do!" I say raising my voice a bit. "You could of came to me!"

"Luke im sorry Okay! I didn't know who to come to, I was afraid and you told me to disappear and im delicate with people these days." She says tears falling again. "So stop yelling at me okay, I'm fucking going insane enough."

"Im sorry." I say sighing. I did kind of raise my voice a bit with her and now I feel bad. Im just starting to see I care and it kind of sucks. "Im just still in shock."

"I know." Charlie nods. "Luke im going to a program, it's going to help me, with my problems. Im going to be away for a while."

"Wait what? How long?" I ask taken a little back.

"It's 2 months, it also depends on how quick I progress."

"What if you don't?" I question getting a little worried over this.

"Then it might be longer." Charlie shrugs.

"I don't think I can be that long with out you." I say shaking my head. That's to long for me. It was only a couple days and I already missed her. Im going to go insane without her. I don't know why, my Bridgit hole was closed because of charlie, and if she's gone then i don't know. I developed some deep feelings for her all of a sudden.

"I have to do this." Charlie says sniffling.

"I know." I sigh. "No you can't leave please."

"Luke, I have to do what's best for me." Charlie says finally looking up at me.

"What about us?" I question feeling my my heart kind of break again.

"Luke, I won't give up on you, I just really need this, why can't you see that?" Charlie says shaking her head. "Your kind of being-"

"An asshole?" I finish up letting go of her hand. "Maybe I am, but I can see you don't feel what I feel for you, so I'll let you go." I say getting up and making my way towards the door.

"Luke don't do this." Charlie cried. I had my back to her I don't know why but I can feel the tears leaving my eyes too. Now I see what an asshole I was. I could never get anything threw my stick skull. Maybe I should let her go, she doesn't need me, but I need her and that was my problem.


Hey guys! Okay so I'm sorry if this story is sucking , it's one of my first stories! But thank you so much for reading this far! Xx

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