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I haven't seen Luke since the day I was at the hospital. I didn't even come looking for him because he's to stubborn. I wanted him to see that this is what I need, that this might fix me again but it's like he ignored that. He thinks that i don't care but I actually do, a lot. When Luke told me he loved me I was so in shock but at the same time , it kind of was what kept me from jumping.

I couldn't find the words to tell him I might love him too but it's pointless now because he walked away from me.

I was packing today for the hospital. I needed to do this. It might make me better again.

I put the last bag in Jonah's care sighing as I shut the trunk. I didn't want this to end like this. I wanted it to end with Luke being there for me like he said he would, but he just proved himself wrong.

I didn't want to hurt him, I just need to leave. 2 months by be long but it can be the opening to something new for me.

I was ready to get in the passenger seat but I heard my name being called.

I turn around to find Luke jogging over to me. I walk over to him a bit confused. He quickly reaches in front of me just staring down at me.

Shortly after her moves in cupping my cheeks in his hands and pressing our lips together. I wrapped my arms around his neck to get up to his level, and deepen the kiss. I lips moved in synced and his lips felt familiar.

We pulled away looking at each other. "Im sorry for what I said, I was just in shock. I just want you to know that I want what's best for you, and even if it takes 2 months, I'll be here waiting for you, and when you get back maybe it can be a new chapter for us."

"Maybe." I nod a small smile appearing on my face. Luke right now was the only person that got me to smile again and that's how I new he's my happiness even in my world of sadness. I never actually pictured myself loving Luke but I kind of did along our way.


We hugged each other one last time tightly. We pulled apart and I started walking to Jonah's car which he was in waiting.

"Promise me something?" I say.


"That you'll stop your bad habits? That you'll at least try for me?" I say, I don't want Luke doing stupid things while I'm gone and no drinking. That only caused him problems and I wouldn't want that.

"Promise." Luke said hesitantly.

I was ready to get in the car but forgot one last thing before I go.

"Oh and Luke." I say turning around.

"Yeah?" He questions.

"I love you too."



It's only been a day and I kind of miss charlie. Im just glad she might be doing something she likes.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard my phone ring. I sigh picking it up, not checking the caller ID.

"This is not luke Hemmings." I say getting up from my couch and going to my room.

"Luke!" Calums voice rung from the other line.

"If your going to call me to criticize then please stop." I sigh. I didn't want to put up with Calum's fathering.

"No dude." Calum sighs. "Im sorry for everything, I was just trying be a good friend but I was just being a shitty one."

"It's alright." I sigh accepting his apology. I couldn't stay mad at Calum forever. Hes been there from the beginning.

"But I have some good news!" Calum says his voice filled with an excitement.


"We have an appearance on the Ellen show Friday, so we need you to fly into California." Calum says making me excited. I haven't been on nothing like that in what feels so long. I missed it a lot except for the paparazzi.

But I also didn't know if I'd be back when charlie comes out. I would need to because I promised her I'd wait for her. And that's a promise I want to keep.

"Well I be coming back to Australia after?" I questioned.

"You don't need to, we're working on some things for the new single and album in New York so we need you back dude, I hope your refreshed by now." Calum says. Luke felt really excited that they were starting things up again. But he wanted to be with charlie. But it's going to be alright because Luke would probably come back to visit her. And maybe he can bring her along for her to go back to her home city.

"Oh okay when's my flight?" I question.

"Tomorrow." Calum says.

"That's not a lot of time." I sigh. "But I'll make it, see you soon."

Calum said the last goodbye and Luke stood up and started looking around his room to see what to pack. There wasn't much to pack, Luke never settled in much.

He grabbed his suitcase and began packing up his clothes but was interrupted by a knock at his door.

"Come in." Luke sighs scrambling around for his jeans to pack.

"Hey- why are you packing." My mom questions furrowing her eyebrows.

"I have an appearance on the Ellen show tomorrow and I need to catch my flight tomorrow." I say.

"All of a sudden?" She questions. "Will you be back?"

"Um, only when charlie comes out besides that, i don't plan to, I'll probably have a tight schedule." I shrug packing up my shirts.

"Oh." My mom says with hurt in her eyes. "Luke," she sighs sitting on the edge of my bed, "you know im proud of you right?"

Luke shot up looking at her confused. She's never told him she's proud of him. This was something new and it kind of made Luke happy.

"You have accomplished so much." She says. "But please don't let all of it get to your head again, you were doing so well here, don't ruin it please."

I wasn't going to go back to old bad habits. I promised charlie I would try and I will. I was hesitant at first because drinking makes me forget but I can't break our promise.

"Im going to try." I say. "Im just siked to get started again."

"Yeah, I'm sorry we didn't bond at all." My mom sighs. "I know I was such a shitty person to you before but I want you to know im here, and no matter what time it comes, your my first priority, even over max."

Those words shocked me. My mom last time told me she chose him and now she's saying she prefers me. I had so many questions in my head but I pushed them to the side and wrapped my arms around her as she did the same.

"It's okay." I sigh pulling away. "I was a dickhead to you and I should of respected more."

"No it's alright, it's in the pass now, let's live on whats going on today and what will be coming tomorrow." She says giving me a smile and I did the same. Im starting to feel things change in a good way. Things are solving out a bit and soon enough I'll have charlie with me, and then everything is a brand new start.

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