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I finally arrived in New York. I have really bad jet leg and I just wanted to get some rest.

I pull up in the hotel the boys were staying at and grab the card they left me for at the from desk. I slide in the card into the slide thing on the door. I grab my luggage stumbling in almost falling over but manage to stay up.

I throw my things on the ground sighing.

"Huke Lemmings!" Michael yells pausing his game and running over to me pulling me into a hug.

Cichael dickfford." I joke pulling away making him laugh.

"Miss ya man!" Michael says patting my back and going back to his game.

"Lukey!" Ashton yells walking over to me bringing me into an embrace also but tighter.

"Loosing oxygen!" I laugh pulling away.

"Just missed ya mate." Ashton laughs moving to the side to find Calum walking over to me with a shy smile on his face.

"Cal." I say bringing him into a hug. Even though he was bossy and way to caring I still loved him. He was my best friend and I know he was just trying to make me better and I feel like I am now. I was way different when I left than now and I'm kind of happy. I might of went threw quite a lot but it's made me who I am now.

"Missed you." He says pulling away.

"Yeah, I missed all of you guys." I say sitting on the edge of the bed whoever it belonged to.

I kind of missed charlie but I knew shes somewhere getting better and I hope I get to have her in my arms soon. I gave her a quick visit before I left. I had to run off because one of the security guards saw me, but at least I explained to her and she understood.

"So how was home?" Ashton questioned.

"It's was horrible, besides charlie of course." I sigh running my fingers threw my hair.

"Charlie? Who's that?" Calum questions.

"His side hoe." Michael scoffs his eyes on the television.

"No, it's a girl I have developed real feelings for." I say.

"Yeah okay." Michael scoffs.

"Im being honest." I say. "She's helped me threw a lot."

"So you left her behind?" Ashton questions.

"It's not that girl that tricked you right?" Calum ask also.

"No, and she's kind of in a mental hospital." I shrug. I didn't want to go into detail. It wasn't my story and if charlie ever wants to tell them her story in the future than she can.

"Wait what?" Michael questions pausing his game and turning to face me, all eyes on me now.

"She kind of had some baggage but she had to go there for 2 months to get better. Soon I'll have her here with me." I assure checking quickly my phone then turn it back off. I had a weird thing where I would check nothing but the time on my phone. Right now it was 11:00am over here. We had our interview soon and I was so tired.

"But if she has so much baggage why do you want her?" Michael questions laying on the couch.

"Because she's different, and she was there when no one else was, it took me some time to realize, but she's the one for me." I assure rubbing my eyes. I just wanted some sleep.

"Aww Lukes in love." Ashton mocks.

"Shut it."

"How about we celebrate and get a drink?" Ashton ask getting up from his seat.

"No, I promised charlie I wouldn't drink." I sigh. I knew that one beer isn't anything we on but I knew once I had one in my system I wouldn't want to stop.

"Wow he is in love." Michael laughs.

"Maybe." I say laying back and getting comfortable. I needed some sleep or I wouldn't make it threw the interview.


"So luke, how's Australia been?" Ellen asked turning the question to me.

"It's been something." I scoff.

"How does it feel being back with the boys?" She ask.

"Um, it feels pretty great, they're brothers to me and I missed them lots." I said as the crowd awed.

"We saw the video and were so sorry for you, what do you have to say about it?" Ellen asked and I kind of saw it coming. That's all people are talking about on Twitter and it's getting ridiculous. I should of knew Bridgit was a scam.

"Um, it was a really bad time, she kind of tricked me and was working with the paparazzi and I just hate the subject." I sigh.

"Sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, Me too."


"Luke your doing great man! Australia did help you." Calum says patting my back as he took a sip of his water bottle while we were walking out of the building.

"I guess." I shrug. "Im trying to get rid of all these bad habits."

"That's great." Calum says. "Good to have you back."

We were interrupted when we stepped outside and all we heard was screaming which made me smile. I missed seeing so many faces like this.

All of us took a couple photos with a couple of different girls, I even took a photo with a guy.

I finished up with the last person, as I thought, until I saw a girl that we passed crying. I stepped back for a second. "You alright love?"

"Oh my god." She said wrapping her arms around me. "I love you so much."

"I love you more." I smile winking.

"Can I get a picture? sorry." She ask as I smile and nod. I pose for the selfie and she screams once she looks at it making me laugh.

I wave goodbye to everyone and get in the van with the rest of the boys.

"I missed this so much." Ashton says waving to all the girls on the other side of the window.

"So did I."


"I want pizza." Michael says.

"But we always have pizza!" Calum groans.

"Because it something you can eat anytime." Michael laughs as we get down from the car and walk into a pizzeria that michael made us all go to. I missed so much hanging out with the boys. It feels like old times again. The good times.

"I bet you can't eat like 3 full pizzas." Calum says to Michael.

"Oh I bet he could." I laugh.

"Is that a bet I hear?" Michael says cupping his hand by his ear and moving into calum.

"If you can eat all three of them, Calum has to streak around our hotel." I say and ashton agrees with me.

"And if Michael doesn't he has to streak." Ashton says.

"Deal, I know I'm not gonna be streaking streaking." Calum scoffs.


"I can not believe he fucking at 3 pizzas." Calum says holding his towel around his waist.

"You wanted to bet." I laugh.

"Cmon cal, are you ready?" Michael says patting his back which is shirtless. All Calum had on was the towel around his waist.

"We should have everything packed, I think we will get kicked out again." Ashton laughs.

"Ready cal?" I question but meant it more like a statement.

"Here goes to teenage memories."

And the towel dropped and the streaking began.

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