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It's been 3 days since Bridgit and I's date. I've been over thinking what to say to her and even written it down a couple times but it's not helping. Now I'm desperate and im actually going to go Wing it. Charlie's been Telling me to just talk to her but I never payed attention to that but now I am. I feel mad at myself for leaving her there. I hate the stupid paparazzi for ruining my whole night. I just hate it all.

I slide on my beanie making my way out the door.

"Hey Luke." Max says as I pass by him on the couch.

"Fuck off you perve." I say walking out the door and slamming it. I don't get how my mom can lay next to him every night. He's such a horrible person and my mom doesn't see that and I really don't know why.

I pace back and forth in the hall way the finally decide to call Bridgit.

After a couple rings she finally picks up.

"Hello?" She says threw the other line. When i heard her voice it just made me even more nervous. I felt so upset of what I did, then right after I went to drink away my anger.

"Bridgit, can we meet and talk?" I say after a moment of pause.

"I don't know Luke." She sighs.

"Please, just hear me out." I say getting into the elevator.

"Fine." She sighs. "I'm here with my grandad, meet you in the lobby in 5." After that she hung up.

I made it to the lobby, making my way out the doors and sitting right outside. I don't know how i was really going to tell her how sorry I am. I was just stuck and didn't know what to do.

Shortly after I feel her sit next to me making my heart beat faster.

"Look, I'm sorry I left you behind back there , paparazzi drive me insane and all I wanted was to have an amazing night with you but they ruined it and I was upset and hurt they found us and now everyone on Instagram is going crazy and I'm so sorry." I blurt out. The words came out of me so quick like a word vomit.

"It was a shitty move." She says shrugging. "But I forgive you."

"Really?" I say shocked. I really didn't think she would forgive me, I just did it hoping she would at least know why I ran off.

"Yeah. I get it." She nods a small smile appearing on her face.

"Thanks for being so understanding." I say smiling back. I felt much happier knowing she wasn't mad at me. She's so caring and sweet and that's why I really like her. She's my perfect type.

"Yeah, but you owe me." She laughs.

"I will find a way to make it up to you." I reply nodding.

"Well the Halloween party I told you about a while ago, is coming up in 2 weeks and I would really like you to go." She says shrugging, biting down on her lip.

"I'll be there." I say nodding. I wanted to be there to make it up to Bridgit. Maybe I can even kiss her for the first time there and have fun. It can be a reliever.


I make my way into the apartment shutting the door, well more like slamming it because I didn't care. When I walked in I saw my mom standing there looking angry with Max next to her.

"Luke, we need to talk." She says sternly.

"Later." I say ready to walk away but she stops me.

"No, now." She says walking closer to me, Max behind her.

"Did you call max a perve earlier?" She questions crossing her arms over her chest.

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