~Chapter 1~

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Thursday November 19
5:30 pm 
Tanaés POV

This has been a very long day for me, first my "husband" and I got into argument about our son Riley and...

"Ms. Wilson? Ms. Wilson?! Tanaé!"

"Oh my! I'm so sorry Jade, I kinda spaced out for a minute but what did I say about calling me Ms. Wilson? What going on?"

"Well I was just bringing you those papers you asked for."

Jade said completely ignoring what I said about the last name thing.

"Oh! Good. Jade you don't know happy I am to have you as my assistant. I don't know what I would do without you."
She is truly a help. We had been so busy lately at my  boutique. We both needed a break so I decided we can go home early.

"As a matter of fact, go head and take the day off, we have been working really hard this week preparing for this grand opening. Just be here tomorrow at 9:30 am Oka-"

"Girl you don't have to tell me twice! Bye have a nice night and I'll see you tomorrow." Jade said damn near out the door.

I laugh at that. I guess I have worked her half to death. I'm sorry, I haven't properly introduced myself. Well my name is Tanaé Wilson (pronounced Tah-nay)...well...it's supposed to be Tanaé Giovanni, but we will get to that a little later. I'm 27, I own my own boutique, spoiled is the name, we are having are grand opening on Saturday. As ya'll know I have a son, Riley, he's 5 going on 50 if you know what I mean, but he's the reason I wake up everyday. I'm not supposed to tell you this but I am married. I'm from Louisiana but currently live in Georgia. Well I have to head out and pick up my son from daycare.

6:00 pm
At Riley's daycare
Tanaés pov
"HI Riley!!!" Kissing my baby all over his face.

"Mommy stop! I big boy!"

"Oh really? That sucks because I was going to get you some ice cream with sprinkles on it, but since your a big boy I can't get that for you anymore. Oh well, we will just head hom-"

"WAIT!! NO! I just kidding mommy! I no big yet!"

I laugh so hard. He loves himself some ice cream with sprinkles.
"Are you sure?" I asked him

"Yes mommy! I am."

I laughed because he was shaking his head yes, so hard you'd think his head was going to fall off.

"Ok baby we can go and get some ice before we go home."

"Can we get ice cream for daddy"

"Yes we can get some for daddy"

"What kind do you think daddy wants, Riley"

"I don't know, can we call him?"

"Of course"

I reached for phone which was in my purse that was in the passenger seat.

"Put it on the loud thing! I want to hear"

"First are you asking or telling me, secondly it's called a speaker not an loud thing"

"Swory mommy. I mean, can you put on...what was it? A spec, a spok? That one one ting"

I must laugh so hard. " A speaker".

"Hey baby"

"Hey Mic-"

"HI papá! Guess what! Me and mommy are going to get ice cream!! You want some?" Riley said so happy snatching the phone from me.
I decided to ignore the disrespect my son showed for the sake of not getting into another argument with my "husband".

"Hello bambino! I would love some ice cream."

"Good! What kind of ice cream you want dad"

"Uhm it's to hard to choose from, how about you pick the flavor for me?"

"Awesome! It's gonna be so good , promise."

"Ok bambino. Give the phone back to your mom"

"Ok Michael we will be home in about 20 minutes." I told him as I pulled into the ice creams place.

"Ok but hurry and get back home Im starving!"

"Michael how can you be so hungry? Our refrigerator is filled with food. I just went shopping."

"Oh so you want to play games my little feisty one? You know what I mean. Just wait till Riley goes to sleep, you are going to be screaming my name over and over. Since you couldn't stop yelling at me this morning, I won't stop till you cum...let's say four times maybe five since you've been a bad girl."

I moaned but quickly covered it up with a cough, hoping that Riley didn't hear me. I look back and he's dosing off. Thank God. My panties are soaked and I have to walk in this place. Like for real Michael.

"Damn daddy I have to walk in this place and my panties are soaked. Not fair."

"Well then hurry home so I can do something about it"

"Ok I'll be right there"

There's something about my husband that no matter how many times we argue, when he gets like that I can't help but let all that anger go. Like the sex between is beyond amazing. Like his tongue game be making me fell like I'm in heaven and that Di...

"Next in line!"

" Riley baby, which one do you want?"

I watched as my son looked at all the ice creams as if he's going to get something different, yet every time we come here he get the same, Vanilla with sprinkles. Any other time I wouldn't mind but today I do. I have a just as horny husband at home waiting for me.

"Come in Riley hurry up!"

To be continued...
Hey people! I hope you liked it. It's my first book so tell me how was it. Is it something you would want to read. I do like CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Let me know what I can change so far.
And please forgive all mistakes I try and correct them as I go but you know...

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