~Chapter 34~

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I know I know, a lot of you guys think I have been a complete ass to Tanaé, and I would agree. However, I'm a changed person. I know it shouldn't have taken this long but, I'm going to step up with my children...and hopefully Tanaé.

I walk in to the hospital and find my way to the elevator. I can't believe she moved all the way to Los Angeles. I hope we can move past the past and find our way to how we used to be.

I walked off the elevator and find my way down to the room Riley is in.

I open the door and I the most beautiful picture. Tanaé is in the bed with Riley in her arms and she is completely knocked out.

I can't believe I have let this go to waste.

I need to get my family back.

I was dead tired after Joshua left. The chairs they have here is not working for these hips I got. I called the nurse and asked if it was okay if I got in the bed with Riley and she told me yes.

The moment I got in the bed my arms instantly wrapped around him and I fell asleep.


When I walked in Rileys room, all I felt was guilt. I have missed so much and I let my family down. She was the only person that I could be myself and around and I let her slip through my fingers. I can't believe that I have down my children. 2 out of 3 of my children don't even know and it was all my fault. I hope it isn't to late for me and them.

I walked up to the bed and lightly shook Tanae

"Tanae, i'm here. Wake up"

She move a little but didn't wake up. I sure she is tired form everything that has happened over the night, so I decided to let her sleep.

I walked out to the cafe and I grabbed us both some coffee and some breakfast.

I walked back up to the room and the nurses where in their checking on Riley they must have waken up Tanae because she was no longer in the bed. However I didn't see her.

"Excuse me, did you see where his mother went? She was in the bed sleeping." I asked the nurse who was walking out of the room. When she noticed me, she really tried to flirt with me and was smiling way to much.

"Oh yeah she went to the restroom down the hall. Do you know her?" This dumb broad.

"Obviously that is why I'm in this hospital room. I wouldn't just walk into a room without knowing the people in the room."

"Yeah I guess that was a stupid question. How about I make it up to you" she was trying to twirl her hair on her finger but It was too stiff. I almost laughed. She wasn't an unattractive person, but she just didn't do it for me.

"No thank you. My wife will be in here shortly. Thank you but no thank you." I told her as politely as possible

"Well a wedding ring, which I don't see on your finger has never stopped me, so if you change your mind just call me" she told me handing me a piece of paper with her number on it while pushing up on me.

Women like this bother me. Like really she has no respect for herself.

"Yeah no thank you ma'am" I told her once again politely trying to get away from her but everywhere I moved she moved the same direction.

"They all say that but things change" she put the paper in my jacket pocket and walked out.

I swear this women are crazy. I only have eyes for one women and one women only


I was woken up when the nurse came in to check on Riley. I walked down to the bathroom that was for the public because we couldn't use the one in the pediatrics rooms, they were only for the patients.

I finished my business in bathroom and made my way back to Rileys room. I wonder when Micheal will get here. I probably should call him just to see.

I don't know how I feel about see Micheal again. I just know that I might have to bite my tongue so he won't back out from helping Riley.

I got back to the room and seen a man standing over Riley. I was a little startled because I couldn't see his face. When The door shut it made a little noise, that's when he turned his face and looked up.



Oh he looks different...but in the most sexiest way a woman could imagine
Okay I can explain the long Hiatus...I was feeling better after the surgery then Finals week slapped me in face...got a 91% on my Math final...that's an A for people with other grading systems 😆🙂😜🤗.

Excuse Mistakes😘😘😘

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