~Chapter 30~

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Dedicated to Royray & pinklovefax

5:00 pm
"Wait a minute you going on date girl?" My hair stylist, Wynter asked in aww. She's kind of like my best friend since I've been in California. She knows all about my situation.

"Yes girl and he is fine. I mean, forgot about your religion type of fine. And he has a daughter, and girl he treats her like a princess. I mean, why can't Michael be like that?" I say with the biggest smile.

"Well girl I'm happy for you. You need it baby girl. Hopefully he can clean up them damn cobwebs down there." she said playfully popping me with the comb. I'm really appreciative of the relationship I share with her.

"Whatever. Can you watch the kids tonight?"

"Mhmm, trying to change the subject. Of course I can watch my babies. But what you want to done to this hair of yours?" She ask playing in it

I have been letting it grow out natural. It's all the down to the middle of my back.

"I'm thinking I want to cut it to my shoulders. Add some highlights of burgundy. Then wand it with a big braid going across the front" I say getting excited about this date.

"You got it baby girl. Let me go get the hair mix mama"


I can't believe that I'm about go out on a date. I haven't been on a date in years. I mean that's if you even count what Michael did as dates.
A couple of hours of later, we were done and I was definitely felling myself.

(A/N: shoutout to moknowshair; I love her YouTube channel)

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(A/N: shoutout to moknowshair; I love her YouTube channel)

I'm loving my hair color and my curl pattern is bomb.
7:00 pm
It's now 7pm and I still haven't found anything to wear. Yet my closet is full of clothes.

The kids are over a Wynters house and I've been looking in my closet trying find something to wear for the past hour. Then I finally found this cute sweater looking top that I bought a while back, and I saw a cute little black floral skirt, with my black heels. I'm sure I can find a black purse. With my rose gold bangle and black ear rings.

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**7:45pmSo I got 15 minutes before Joshua should be here and I'm starting to feel the nerves

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So I got 15 minutes before Joshua should be here and I'm starting to feel the nerves. Right when I went to go to the kitchen, my phone rang and it was Wynter FaceTimeing me

"Hey girly, how's it's going? You ready?" She asked eating on ice. She stay eating ice as a snack. Like this girl will choose ice over real food.

"Yeah I'm pretty much ready. I'm just going to have a glass of wine to take the edge off" I say pouring just a little wine in my glass.

"Well you hair looks bomb AF. Who did it?" I laughed. She don't need no ego boost.

"I don't know. I forgot her name. She okay though." Waiting for her to react.

"Bitch...don't try me. My name is all on that. Don't even" she said in her ghetto voice. I swear this girl is crazy. Don't trust a female who eats ice as a snack.

"Girl bye. You know you did damn thing. The kids sleep?"

"Riley is knocked, but Eden and Christian are up watching hip hop Harry. Here"
She handed them the phone and instantly my face lit up. I absolutely love my kids. They are my everything and then some. It's so funny because the twins look more like me while Riley definitely is his dad's twin. The twins only have his eyes and Christian had Michaels smile other than that, they are my mini-me's.

"Hello my babies!"
They didn't even look at me. They were so into whatever they were watching, the camera was facing more towards the ceiling than anything.

"Eden and Christian, I know you not gonna just ignore me" my feelings a little hurt

"Mommy we watch hip hop Harry. Shhh" Christian say back still not looking into the phone.

"Fine give the phone back to Auntie Wynnie" not even about to mess with these kids tonight

"Alright girl have fun on your date. Don't even worry about the kids. Definitely do something I would do tonight." She said still snacking on her ice. Her mouth has got to be freezing by now.

"And what exactly would that be? Get pregnant?" I said smiling looking at the time. I only got about 5 minutes.

"Yup exactly" she is to much to handle.
8:00 pm
Exactly at 8 my door bell rung. I can definitely appreciate a man who is punctual.

When I opened the door, all I can say was I had to get a hold of myself and do it quickly. He was looking amazing and then some. He had on this amazing tailored suit, sleek shinny shoes, and a diamond studded Rolex.

"Wow Tanaé, you look amazing. Not that you didn't look amazing before but your hair looks great." He said sorta rambling. How cute.

"Thank you. You look great your" play it cool mama, I have to tell myself.

"You ready?" He ask hold out his hand

"Yup" I said looking the door  then taking his hand.
2 Chapters within 24 hours 🙀🙀

Felt too tired to write the date scene

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