~Chapter 5~

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Thursday 26
3:00 pm

"Riley bring your behind over here, I done told about that. You want somebody to snatch you up?" I asked him trying to scare him.

"Sorry mommy. I don't want people to take me away."

"Ok then. You stay by my side at all times."

"Ok mommy."

Since it was Thanksgiving I decided to go to the store and get some Thanksgiving food. Since Michael isn't here it will be just Riley and myself. I think I should take Riley to the park or something. I haven't talked to Michael since he texted letting me know that he was in New York.

"Ok ma'am your total is $32.98." I handed her some cash and got the bags with Riley's help.

"Mommy can I call daddy?" He asked me as we walked to the car.

"Of course. Let just wait till we get home."


"Mommy what's wrong?"

"Nothing mommy just has a little stomach ache."

Out of now where my stomach has been hurting. After I finished cooking, I started feeling real lethargic and slow. Then my stomach starting hurting to the point where I couldn't eat. I'm pretty sure I caught Riley's stomach bug.

"Ok mommy. Can I still call daddy?"

I totally forgot about that.

"Yeah munchkin. Get my phone." It was cute, because I have the iPhone 6 and don't fit in just one of his hands so he had to carry it with both hands.

I find his number in my phone and dial it.

"Ciao you reached Michael Giovanni's voicemail. Leave a message."

"Hi daddy! You not love me anymore. Why you leave me without saying bye? See you later."

I told Riley that his dad wouldn't be here for a couple days and would be back but the fact that his dad didn't say bye to him kinda hurt his feelings.

"Awe Riley, daddy didn't even know he had to leave until it was to late. Daddy does love you. Don't think otherwise."

I try and comfort him with a hug but the sudden movement had my stomach turning. I rushed to the bathroom.

Luckily I made it there in time. I had a ponytail holder on wrist, I used that to pull my hair up to make sure the vomit didn't get on it.

"Mommy! Are you ok?" He said with a lot of concern.

"Yes baby. I just don't feel well." I'm trying to not talk so much so I can mentally stop myself from vomiting anymore.

"You sure? Is my baby brother in your belly?" He asked with so much innocence.

That got me to stop vomiting real quick.

"Riley, what do you know about babies being in bellies?"

"My friend at school said his mommy had his baby brother in her belly."

The things kids talk about. Why can't they talk about Dragon Tails or Little Bill hell, some Hip Hop Harry? Nope, they talking about parents having kids.

"No baby I don't a your baby brother in my belly."

"Awe man! Maybe next time." Then he walked off.

It was about 6:30 and I was thinking about what Riley said. He never said anything about wanting a sibling. I guess I'm not against the idea of having another baby. Then I start thinking about the past few times Michael and I had sex.
We haven't used condoms in about 2 months. I had to stop with my birth control due to health issues, I was supposed to go back to talk to my doctor about different methods but I just never went.

Then I really start thinking. I'm a 2 weeks late. Oh shit, I might be pregnant.

"Riley, put your jacket and shoes on!" He was upstairs in his room.


I'm trying to calm myself down. I'm really nervous though. What if I'm pregnant?

Ok Tanaé, just sit down and wait. Stop stressing.

I had to mentally talk to myself clam down. I just took all three test and now I'm in my room just waiting. I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared and excited. It's just I already do a whole lot between Riley and my boutique, adding another baby might make me overwhelmed. You know what, if God gives me a baby then it will be a blessing, there are a lot of females out there who can't have a baby.

So I took three different test. I took the clear blue, ept digital, and the first response. I guess it's that time.
To be continued...

Alright I'll stop here. I know it's extra short.
As usual forgive any mistakes.
~Thanks for reading. Later~

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