~Chapter 31~

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Dedicated to khamira1256
Votes: 12+
Make it happen 😘

We have been driving now for the past 15 minutes and I noticed we are going in to the "expensive" part of L.A.
Now I've come a long way since back in the day of my stripping to survive days, but I'm not rolling in dough. My 2 boutiques have been doing great. The Atlanta location, has made a name for itself in Atlanta, and I opened my L.A location a couple of months ago, which is taking off.

"Why are you so quiet la mia bella amore?"
Oh my gosh another Italian. The Italian man is just to sexy for me to say no to. My mind instantly went to Michael.

"Uhh. If you don't mind, please don't call me that. My ex, use to call me that. I was just thinking why we are going to expensive side of L.A"
I say looking out the window in some what of an aww at the view of this of L.A
"An Italian man did you wrong? Sucks for that human. I'm taking you to a restaurant called "IL Cielo" it's in Beverly Hills" here we go again with the expensive dinners. I know that I can't let my guard down like I did with Michael. I'll be damned if another man throws in my face that's it's "his" money.

"You know you didn't have take me out to a big fancy restaurant. I would've been okay with Applebee's or The Outback Steakhouse"
(A/N: I'm always down to go here🙋🏽)

"You know Tesoro, multiple of times you have mentioned the things that I don't have to do. I'm only going to say this one more time, I'm a full blown adult. I know what I do and don't have to do. If I wish to treat you and take you out then it will be the way I plan. Understood?" He said real chill like, with one hand on the wheel and the other on my knee.

Now on a normal day I would be irritated with the directness, but coming from him was just a complete turn on I think I can make an exception.

"Yeah I understand." I said barely above a whisper but loud enough for him to hear.


"How far?" I ask trying to recollect my myself.

"Are you trying to get away from me so soon Tesoro?"

Hell yes! The tension was thick.

"No it's not that. I'm just a little hungry. I didn't want to spoil dinner, so I haven't eaten since earlier today." Which was partial true.

"Well good because we are here. Don't open your door Tesoro, that's my job"

I looked out the window and in complete awe. The building itself from the outside is has lights going everywhere. It reminds me of when you first drive into the city of Las Vegas at night. It was a beautiful sight.

Joshua came and opened my door and helped me out of the car. We walked up to the receptionist desk, while the valet took the car.

"Ciao prenotazione per Gagliardi"
(Hello reservation for Gagliadri)

My knees almost gave out. This man was just doing things to me...or was I just long overdue?

"Proprio in questo modo"
(Right this way)

She walked us back to this area that was lit up with hanging lights. It was truly beautiful sight. We sat at this table with rose pedals with the menus already on the table. This is so nice. I just kept looking around at all the interesting details.

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