~Chapter 19~

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"Bella please don't say that. I love you. I love my kids. I know that I didn't show it but you got to believe me. I'm sorry for the way that I treated you and the kids. I'm sorry for not being here for my kids. Baby please don't say your done."

"Michael I....

"Michael I can't be with you. You have hurt me to deep. I don't see myself ever being able to trust you." I can't even cry anymore. All the tears are dried up.

I'm not going to lie though I really do love this man. He has cut me deep but you can't help who you love but I just can't give him another chance.

"Baby please don't do this. I will do whatever it takes to get you back." He told me.

"You know what's so funny?"

"What Bella?"

"This whole time you have been saying you want to be back with your so called family but you haven't even asked about the kids. For Gods sake you don't even know the twins. You haven't even asked about Riley. You can't possibly love this family. Michael just go and please leave us alone." I Moved away from him.

I can't believe him. He's here just talking about him and I getting together, once again it's not about his kids.

"I do love my kids. I don't know about the twins because you never let me know anything about them."

"What the hell are you talking about asswhole...you know what, just go. Its no point. You don't have rights to none of them and we aren't legally married so that makes it much easier for me and my kids to keep it moving."

"You aren't taking my kids away from me."

"Oh, so you have kids. I didn't know that."

"Stop being such a smart ass. If I have to I will take you to court to get half custody of them. You can't take my kids away from me."

Did he just say he will take me to court over children that he doesn't know.

"You must have forgotten who you talking about. Your talking about court, when you don't even care about the kids. Very funny."

" what the hell are you talking about. I do care about my kids." He raised his voice.

"Oh really. Let me ask you this, what's Riley's favorite color?"

I watched him look around the room and down at his hands.


"No you ass. It's yellow. Let me ask your this...when is the twins birthday?"

"That's not fair because I wasn't there."

"THATS THE POINT! Look all that I ask is that you be here for your kids. As of right now there isn't an "us". You have three kids which two of them you don't know so much as their name. Them having a father is more important, than anything."

It's a shame that I even have to tell him that.

"Can I meet the twins. Where is Riley?"

"Riley started preschool. I have to go and pick him up later today. Follow me to the twins room."

I lead him down the hallway to the twins room. I looked back and seen that he looked a little nervous.

"Why you look so nervous?"

"I don't know. It's just what if they don't like me?"

"Michael there just babies. Calm down."
I watched as Michael held Eden in his arm. Christian was still sleeping. I was a great feeling to see him actually interact with the twins. She instantly feel in love with him and vise versa.

"Can you tell me about them?" He asked me.

"Of course. Eden is older by two minutes. Their birthday is June 3rd.
Eden Marie Wilson. 6lbs 3oz
Christian Kyle Wilson. 8lbs 6oz. They came out with the strongest pair of lungs I have ever heard on babies."

"Tanaé I'm really sorry for the way I've been. I don't know what happened. I really do love you AND my children. I'm going to whatever it takes to get you guys back. I need you and the kids in my life."

"Michael. Just take one step at a time. It's not about us anymore. I'm not going to lie as much as I love you, you have caused so much pain I don't know if I can ever fully trust you. You need to focus on the children."

"You think I could pick up Riley from school and spend some time with him. Just him and I?" That surprised me. Maybe he's serious.

"Publicly?  Are you sure?"

"Yes Tanaé. I'm going public about my family. It's time people know about you guys."

"What about your family. Your mom, and that Aria chick?"

"Aria is no longer in my life. I told my mom that I had a family down here who I love very much and wasn't willing to lose. Tanaé I'm going make you trust me and love me again or die trying."

Well damn. What am I supposed to do now?
*Short I know.
*Excuse any mistakes.
*Thanks for reading.
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