~Chapter 9~

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Riley's Birthday
2:00 pm

I'm sitting here with Jade at Chuck E Cheese watching the kids play around. She brought her son and two other children with her. I'm glad that Riley is having fun on his birthday. I don't think he is old enough to really understand what having a birthday really means. To him it's just a day that you get presents and eat cake.

Though I'm really upset right now because Michael hasn't even called Riley to say happy birthday. If your not gonna be here in flesh at least call. Sometimes I fell like he forgets that he had a child and wife.

"Girl you alright? You looking like you stressed." Jade asked me bringing me from my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking about some stuff. I'm fine though."

"Well ok. I was just gonna say thanks for inviting the kids. They are having a good time. I'm happy that my sister and I are on good terms again. You know I went through that rebellious stage and ended pregnant with no family, so it's nice to start having a relationship with at least my sister. My parents on the other hand I don't know about them yet."

"I happy that you do have some family now. When I meet you had so much anger toward family and to see that you are starting to open up is a really nice thing to see."

Jade and I are some years apart. While I'm 27 she's only 23. We meet 4 years ago, one night at the dance club. I was in my last year in college and when I seen her come in I just knew that it was not he right place for her. So being that I was a veteran dancer I decided to take her under my wing. When I met Michael, which wasn't to much later after she came, he told me to stop dancing which left her there. I was still involved in her life though because I knew how it was there, them females was all about drama. So I finished college and started my boutique and asked her to be my assistant, now she is the store manager.

"Yeah I just felt that they took the easy way out. Yes I was a rebellious teen but you don't have to kick me out. Then when I got pregnant with Kai at 19 they just disowned me all together. So there I was 19, no job, and a baby. So I'm not so cool with my parents. My sister on the other hand, I did fell a way when she didn't open her doors to me. For you to be my older sister you supposed to be there for me but she wasn't. The reason we started talking was because she somehow got my contact information and reached out to me."

"Well I'm happy about that. At least you have someone from your family that Kai will know."

"Yeah. That's true. What about your family, you said they couldn't make it."

Ok I know I said we was close but I don't like talking about my parents and my family to people. But I why not, Jade is my only friend that I've hade since moving to Georgia.

"Well um...to be honest my parents died when I was three. I went to live with my aunt for only a year because she committed s suicide. So I was put in foster care. I went from home to home. Then I was at this home that really was just bad, I was mentally and physically abused. Then I said that the only choice I had was to hurry up and finish high school so I could go to college. So I finished high school when I was 17. I got into college but had no money. The financial aid wasn't going to cut it. So I got a fake id and started working at the club and the rest was history. Thankfully I was only 17 for a couple months and during those months the club didn't get raided by the cops."

It felt good getting that off my chest. Michael doesn't even know all what I just told. He just knows that I had no family and I worked in a club. He doesn't know all the details. I felt free for the first time in a long time. I hate reliving my past though. I've been through a lot.

"Damn girl. I'm sorry to hear you had to go through all that. I'm happy that you decide to go and get your diploma and not just stay in that home."

"Yeah me too."
9:00 p.m

I was just about sleep when my phone went off. I look at and guess who it is...go head a guess. Yup its Michael. I'm real tempted to let it go to voicemail but apart of me wants to hear his excuse.


"Don't start with the attitude Tanaé. I'm on my way back right now."

"What is that supposed to mean to me?"

"It means you don't need to give me any lip about being away. I'm on my way home now."

"Oh now you have a home, you sure it's not just a house because your heart isn't here"

"I just said don't start. Nothing is good enough for you. Why are you acting like this? I have been on many businesses trips before. You never acted the way you have been acting."

"Because it's the first business trip that my son really realizes things. Riley really thinks you don't care about him. You never call, at least before you would send a text message saying are you okay. Not this time. Anytime we talked it was because I called you. It's like you went up there and forgot you have responsibilities down here. As a mother I don't want to see my son crying and saying that his dad doesn't care about him. While I'm sitting here telling him his that's not true you do everything you can to contradict what I'm saying. You didn't even call him for his birthday. When I told you weren't coming he simply shrugged it off. When you get back you need to fix the damage you've caused with not only him but me. How dare you hang my past over my head. That was a low blow. I did what needed to be done for me to have a future! I didn't and don't have a shit load of money like you have. I was 21 when we meet, my last year in college, best believe that I had made through those three years and I was gone make it through that last year without you. So yes I have been more bitter and bitchy towards you, but you played your part."

I had to get everything off my chest. I've just held it in and it really not good for the baby. He still doesn't know. I'm pretty sure when he comes back he will though. I have gained more weight and you can start to see my belly getting rounder and protruding out. Before I got pregnant I had a little pudge but you can actually see a pregnant belly.

"Hello?" I didn't hear him speak for a while after I said what I needed to say.

"Yeah I'm here. I'm about to board the plane. We will finish talking about this when I get there." Then he hung up.

Wow, that's all he had to say. I'm so over it.
Excuse any Errors.
~Thanks for reading. Later~

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