~Chapter 33~

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"Family of Riley Williams" the doctor finally called us up.

When I got off phone with Wynter, Joshua high tallied us to the hospital, it took us 20 minutes.

"Hi yes I'm his mother. Is my child going to be okay?" I ask leaning on Joshua for support. I can't handle it if something happens to my child.

"Well ma'ma is definitely a fighter. He had some internal bleeding. In most cases people drown in there own blood and die, we were able to go in and stop the bleeding. However, he's only 8 and he lost a significant amount of blood. We had to put him into a coma. He is going to need a blood transfusion. Do you know his blood type?"

"Uh uhm, yeah he-he is B-B positive." I stutter a bit trying to collect my mind. My baby is in a coma. I feel Joshua wrap his arms around me and give me a comfort squeeze. Wynter was standing to my left holding to my hand. Eden and Christian, are sleeping in such an awkward position in the seats behind me.

"Perfect. Do you you blood type ma'ma?"

I knew that out of Michael and I, Riley had Michaels blood type.

"His dad has the same match." I say already picking up my phone getting ready to call Michael.

"Okay can you get him down here and then we can go from there. Ms. Williams, I have hopes that your son will make it through"
"Hello?" Michael answered the phone a little confused what number was calling him. I changed my number a while back.

"Michael. It me Tanaé" my voice was still raspy from crying

"Bella! Baby what's wrong? Have you been crying?" He asked not stopping allowing me to answer.

"Michael, I need you to get to memorial children's hospital. Riley was in a car accident and he lost a lot of blood and is in a coma. You two share blood types." I say somewhat desperate. He hasn't seen Riley since 5, what if he's not willing to give blood?

"Oh my Gosh! Of course I'll be there. I'm in New York right now, but I will take the family Jet down to Georgia. I'll text you when I land to get the information about the hospital. It's going to be okay Bella" I hear some moving around on the phone, I appreciate him being willing to be there for Riley.

I haven't told him that I've moved to Los Angeles yet though.

"Michael, I'm not in Georgia anymore. The kids and I moved to Los Angeles" I told him hoping he wouldn't question me about such a move.

"WHAT!! When did you move? You know what never mind. We can talk when I get there Bella. Talk to you soon." With that he hung up.
I walked back over to the waiting room where Wynter, Josh, and the kids where.

"Hey did Riley's dad answer? Is he coming down?" Josh asked taking me into his lap giving me a tight hug.

I'm so happy he is here. Having a shoulder to cry on is something I needed.

"Yeah. He should be here sometime tomorrow. I know that you need to get back to your daughter. If you want to go, you can." I told him. It was 10pm and I didn't want to intrude on his plans that he had to get back home.

"No no. She's fine. She is with my sister. I'm not leaving you in this state of mind by yourself." I lean into his embrace and just take in the moment.

Having him and Wynter here is the only way that I'm making it through such a situation.

"Tanaé, Do you want me to take the kids to my house so they can get a proper sleep. I can swing by your place and get you some regular clothes?" Wynter came over and asked me.

"No!" It came out a little bit more snappy than I intended.

I know that it was the most logical thing to do, but with one of my children fighting for his life, I want the other two, near me where I can keep an eye on them.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that it's just that I want them as close as possible."

"Tesoro, your friend here is right. They are going to be so uncomfortable if they sleep in waiting room chairs all night long." Josh told me looking down in my eyes.

"Okay. I guess you two are right. Is your car in good condition Wynter?"

"Yeah the passenger side is banged in but I can still drive it. I'll text you when I get them home. In the morning I'll stop by your house and get you a change of clothes and bring them by. Love you girl. Riley is going to be okay girlfriend" she said kissing me on my cheek and picking up Eden

"I'll help you take take the twins to he car. I'll be back" Josh said picking up Christian

All I could was nod my head.
The Next day

It's been a whole day and I don't know if I can handle see my child in a coma. As much as I dislike my children's father, he's Rileys only hope.

Speaking of Micheal, he texted me a couple hours ago and said that he is LA on his way. I don't think I want Josephus here when Michel gets here. Just because I think it would be a little to intense and he has to get back with his daughter

"Hey Josh. I just want to say thank you so much for being here with me all night. I don't think I could have dealt with being here all night. Rileys dad is on his way. I should be fine from now. I know you need to get back to your daughter."

"Are you sure? I can stay until his dad gets here"

"No I'm fine thank you" I really just want some alone time with with Riley

"Okay. I'll call you later on today. If you need anything don't hesitate to call me" he kissed me in my cheek
"Dear Lord I know I haven't took the time to talk to you, but please protect my child." I said a quick prayer holding on to Rileys hand.

My phone rung and it was Micheal

"Hey I'm at the hospital what room is it?"

"287 on the 6th floor."
"I'll be up in a minute"

I can't believe I'm going to this man after 3 years. I'm a little nervous. What is he going to think of me...not that I care a whole lot.
I really didn't know this chapter didn't go up. I thought I updated but I guess not.

* Michael is back🤗🤗
*Joshua is in🤗🤗
Team Micheal? or Team Joshua?
Excuse mistakes

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