~Chapter 4~

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Tuesday November 24
8:30 pm

I just put Riley to sleep thank the Lord Jesus Christ. My poor munchkin has the stomach virus bad. I want to take him to the hospital but Michael keeps saying that all they gone do is prescribe him the same medication that I'm giving him now. It's just so sad see my baby curled up like a shrimp.

It's almost thanksgivings and usually we don't really do anything but hang at the house, I don't have family. I was put in foster care at the age of 4, my parents were in a car accident. Then I went with my aunt and then she died due to committing suicide. So basically all I got is Riley and Michael.

Holidays are usually just us three. Michael doesn't have any family either. His parents were in some terrible shooting. That's all he ever told me. Anyways I just got out the shower and I start putting on my pajamas, then Michael comes up behind me.

"Hi baby" he said as he pulls me closer to him by pulling at my hips. Then he starts kissing on my neck. He knows exactly what he's doing, that is one of my turn on spots.

"Michael move, I'm still sore from yesterday." I said back trying to wiggle out of his embrace. I am trying not moan. Once I do, it's all over for me. 

"I promise to be gentle"

"No! Get away."

"Baby please" he said between kisses

"Michael if you don't move right now, you not getting none for 1 month"

"Ha! Your funny. If you think you can keep me from what belongs to me, you got another thing coming"

"Boy please. You can have many different seats." I said finally getting out of his arms. 

I walk to the bathroom and start to wrap my hair. He took advantage of both my hands being up doing my hair and came behind be and start touching me.

"These belong to me" referring to my breast.

"All this is damn sure is mine" thrusting himself forward so I can feel his little...I mean Big friend.

"Let's not forget my name is written all over her" now rubbing my girl downstairs.

I have on a red satin tank top and shorts pajama set. Damn I knew I should worn something that didn't show my skin. He seems to not be able to control himself.

"M-M-Michael S-S-Stop." It came out more of a moan than anything.

"You sure you want to stop?" He ask still rubbing my pussy, just a little faster. That made me weak in the knees.

"No" I say still moaning

"I mean yes!" Quickly trying to fix what I said.

"No you don't. I can tell because you are wet like Niagara Falls."

That's it, I don't want to stop but I'm like legit sore.

"Michael stop. For real for real." I tell him in a more stern voice.

"Fine. But believe me when I tell you, the next time you want some, I'm going to give you a fat NO."

"Whatever MichaelAngelo. You say all that now and the moment I say baby I want some, you come running. So don't try and play me." I tell him finishing my hair.

"Oh really? You don't think I can hold out?"

"Nope" I say popping the p.

"Ok. Let's make a bet whoever cracks first has to do whatever the winner want them to do. Deal?" He says while putting his hand out for me to shake it.

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