~Chapter 8~

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Monday , November 30th
12:00 pm

"Alright, what is on the Agenda for today." I look at my calendar on my phone and see that I need my boutique and I need to get Riley's presents.

My munchkin is turning six on the the 2nd. I'm hoping that Michael will be back before then. If not then he will have to deal with Riley. Let me call him to make sure.

"Hello." He answered like he got an attitude. I swear we been arguing non stop. Like he never makes the effort to call and see about his family. I always have to call him.

"Hi. I was just calling to see if you was gonna be back home for Riley's Birthday?" I get straight to the point, nobody got time for him and his man period.

"Ah shit. No I won't. This is taking longer than I expected. I won't be home now till Thursday and Riley's birthday is on Wednesday. I'll just have to make it up to him."

"You know what Michael, I am so fed up with you. Since you have been gone, not once have you taken the initiative to call and see about us. I always have to call you. Something could've happened to one of us and you wouldn't know. I get that your working but don't forget you have a family. First you leave out no where, then I have to see you having an intimate dinner with some female, you never call me, now your gonna miss your sons birthday." I'm not an emotional person but being pregnant is really making me feel a whole lot of emotions. I'm sitting here crying.

"Damn Tanaé, why are you crying? I said I would make it up to him. I'm trying to get things done for my family and you are making things just chaotic. Every time you call we have an argument."

"Forget you Michael. You can really miss me with that shit. You talking about you trying make things happen for your family. You haven't done anything for me and my son that I couldn't and can't do myself." I was way past pissed. He act like I'm just some hoe off the street.

"Oh is that right? Let not forget who paid YOUR way through college. Who paid off the student loans YOU took out while you were in college?Who gave you the money to open up your little Boutique? That was all me!"

"Excuse me dumb ass, I was fine without you. Yes I had do what I had to do to make sure that I got my degree. So you wanna throw some slick shade? Well Let me be the first to tell anyone that wants to know, yes I had to strip my way through my first two years of college. You are the one that came to ME talking about how you didn't want me in there anymore. So don't sit here and throw it up in my face. As far as you paying for my boutique, once agin YOU offered. I didn't come to you and ask for a dime. If anything I offered to pay you back, which you said no. If Riley and I are such a burden then we will be on our way." I can't believe he would say some shit like that to me. I can't even try to contain the tears.

"Tanaé you know I didn't mean it like that. What's up with all the crying. Did something happen? You crying over small words. Calm down."

"You just don't get it do you? Its whatever. I will celebrate Riley's birthday by myself." I just hung up. I hate the fact that my emotions are just crazy right now. I wasn't like this with Riley. I know that I can't be stressing though, it's not good for the baby.

Maybe I can invite Jade and Kai out to pump it up or chuck e cheese.
In the boutiques office
1:30 pm

"Hey Jade. How is everything?"

"Everything is going great people are loving the store. Our sales are threw the air right now."

"Awesome. How is the new employees doing?"

"They are doing great. They got the hang of things."

"That's great I had some interviews with some potential Finance Managers. I'll let you know if I find one that I like."

"Alright just let me know."

"So what you doing for Riley's birthday?"

"I wanted to talk to you about that. I wanted to know if you and Kai wanted to come to chuck E cheese and let the boys play."

"What about your family. I haven't meet any of them."

Jade doesn't know about my past. Nor does she know who my child's father is. For all she knows, I'm a single mother. I don't tell people what goes on in my household, I learned that skill back when I was in foster care.

"They cant make it down. So it's just me."

"Aww that sucks, but you know I'm there. Just send me the time, date and location. Kai will be more than excited."

"Alright I'll send you all that information."

"Ok girl. Let me get back to work."
Later I left the boutique I went to pick up Riley and now we are on our way home.

"So Riley, guess who's birthday it is in a couple of days?"


"Yup! Are you excited?"

"Yess!! Will daddy be back for my birthday?"

"Well you know daddy is working very hard so I don't think so. He told me though that he was going to make it up to you."

"Whatever." I seen him shrug his shoulders and look down at his tablet.

"You know that daddy loves you very much right?"

"Yes. You keep saying that mommy."

"I know. Mommy just wants for you to know that."

"Ok mommy."

To see my son starting to feel some type of way about his dad is really painful. It's one thing for me to pick up on Michaels absence but when a child picks up on it, the game changes.

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