~Chapter 36~

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I kissed him! What the hell is wrong with? After all this woman's liberation and empowerment speeches...you kiss the man!

"Tanaé? You okay?" He had the nerve to ask if I was okay.

No. No I'm not. The part that makes me even more mad...his lips felt so damn good! Okay woman up and face him

"Micheal I don't know what I was thinking. I just was excited. That, should have never happened. It was wrong."

"If it was so wrong then why did it feel so right?"

Oop...well...comeback of the season

"Micheal-" before I could finish, a team of doctors showed up.

"Ms. Wilson thank you so much for cooperating and coming out here to let us do our job. I'm the senior doctor here and these are a group of resident doctors. Ma'am I must tell you that what happened today, Science has yet to explain. I've never have seen such a thing happen. If you don't mind following me to my office so we can talk in a more private area."

We all walked down the halls of the hospital to the doctors personal office.

"So I take it sir, you are the father?" He looked toward Micheal and asked.

"Yes that would be me"

Oh so now he claiming kids...

"Well I must say that what I have witnessed here is amazing. I never seen someone lose that much a wake up without a blood transfusion. Now I have done some standard testing and looks as if Riley has suffered from ear damage. Now luckily in his case wearing a hearing aid will benefit him. He will be walking away with looks to be a broken leg."

Hearing all of this I know it's nothing short of a blessing. My child wasn't supposed to wake up. But he did.

"Now I do want to keep him here for another couple of days just to monitor him and make sure everything is okay."

We walked out of his office and started our way back to Rileys room. We waited for the elevator in complete silence.

We even got on completely silent...

But then.

"So Bella are we going to talk about that kiss?"

Bella? Really? Is he delusional or what?

"No Micheal. Because there's really nothing to talk about. I appreciate you coming here. Now that Riley woke up in his own you can go back home."

"I'm not leaving. I'm here for good. I need you and all of my kids in my life. I was foolish for letting you slip through my fingers."

Oh here we go again. Maybe if this came 3 years ago I would've believed it. But not now. He caught me during a weak moment but that's all it was.

"Micheal you are too late. We have been down this road before. I'm not here for the crap. You start off great and then you become so selfish. I have 3 kids that are counting on me to show them right from wrong. And this. You and me...we are completely wrong. My daughter will not go in life thinking that this what a relationship should be like. My sons will be slapped into another lifetime if they think this is how you treat women."

I will not go through what I went through with him. I can do bad by myself.

Before he could respond the elevator stopped. I'm claustrophobic...this won't end to well.
Micheal went to press the emergency button but it was not connecting.

"Great we are stuck. Micheal you know I don't do small spaces." I already began to feel the heat.

"Well you seemed to do just fine that one time in the back of my car. You did great actually."

How is he thinking about such a thing at a time like this?

"Eww you pig. You got problems. We are stuck in this God forsaken elevator and you talk about the time we had sex in your car?"

It was an amazing time though...the feeling of possibly getting caught intensified the whole thing.

"I was just trying to lighten the mood."

"Well don't talk about that. It's already hot in here"

Before I could think about what I said it came out the wrong way.

"So I still make you hot Bella?" He started walking towards me and cornered me in, putting both of his hands on each side of me.

Luckily I was small enough to duck underneath his arm and move around him.

When will the elevator be be fixed. It's getting hot

"I didn't mean it like that. I was just saying you talking is using up all the good air and your hot breath is making it muggy"

Shade? Maybe a little.

"You got jokes. Don't think I forgot what we were talking about. I know that I have messed up and asked for a second chance. I know that blew it. But now I'm asking you to at least let be in my kids life. I need them. I'm a changed man. I know what's important and what's not. Even if I don't show it I was complete when I had you all to come home to. I've been so empty without you guise. I love you and my kids. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to show that."
Y'all really came through with comments and my heart just swelled with happiness.

Y'all not feeling Micheal😂😂😂

Team Joshua v Team Micheal choose your pick...because I sense a little war on it way 😬🤐

Love you ❤️. Keep the comments and the votes.

Excuse any mistakes

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