~Chapter 29~

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"Mommy?" Eden asked
"Yes baby."
"Are you sure that daddy really love us the way you say he does?"
I swear if I have to answer this question again, I'm going to find that piece of shit and cut his balls off.

"Babies, I don't want none of you thinking about that. I love you and you love each other. We are one big happy family, and that's all that matters from this point forward. Understood?" I just had addressed it once and for all.

"Okay" they all said in unison

"Mommy do you think we can go to the quarium?" Eden asked me so politely.

"Tanaé?" Someone from behind me spoke before I could answer.

I turned slightly and almost fell out of my seat. It was the beautiful creature made by God Himself.

"It is Tanaé right? We met a couple of days ago at Grass Valley elementary." He said now directly in front of the table looking down at me.

All I could focus on was how his huge muscles looked like they just wanted to pop. Once again he had on a white tank just showing everyone what he was blessed with. I wonder what it would feel like in those arms. To have them wrapped around my waist as he ate 😉.

I could jump this mans bones right here right now

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I could jump this mans bones right here right now. I mean I could literally could be undressed in seconds and have him under me.

"Maybe I have the wrong person"

"No no sorry. Yeah it's Tanaé. Your Joshua right?" I say trying to gather myself.

"Yeah. What a surprise to see you here. Oh wow are these your kids?"

"Yes sir. These are my pride and joys. This is Riley, Christian, and Eden. Who is this little pretty girl" this pretty little girl stood next to him now trying to hide behind him.

"This is Emilia. My daughter. Milia say hello" he told her trying to push her from behind him.

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