~Chapter 18~

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Before I start I know most of you don't like me. I just want to say, I really do love Tanaé and the kids. I just fucked up. Now here's my side of the story.

I just finished this important meeting when my phone rang.


"Hi. Is this Michael?" I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. This was that sexy ass striper that I met a few days ago.

"Yes. This is he."

"Oh. I don't know if you remember me. I'm the girl you meet a couple days ago. You told me to call you when I can."

"Yeah I remember you. What's up?"

"Nothing much I was just giving you a call."

"Good. How about this weekend I take you out?"

"I don't know about that I just met you. You could be a serial killer or something."

"Then why call me?"

"Well smarty. I called you from a blocked number. So you still don't have my number. I control when we talk." She got me there.

"I'll give you that."

"Well the only way we are ever going to get to know each other is if we spend time together."

"I guess. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Just wear something that will keep you warm."

"Okay. You want to meet at the Louisiana Bistreaux?

"Alright. That's fine I'll see you tomorrow."

I can't wait to take her out. I'm going to take her to my home in Florida. I know she will like it.

It's just gathering all my stuff in my office when my phone rang again, I looked at it this time and it was my mother. I should just let it go to voicemail.

"Hi mom. What do you want?"

"That is no way to talk to your mother. Listen you need to stop being so stubborn and come back to New York. You don't belong down there with those people."

My mother had a tendency to be a little racist. It's gotten worse as the years go by.

"I actually like it down here. I don't have to worry about you all being in my business other than what you hear and see on TV."

"Michael your almost 30 and still don't have a wife or children. Your going to die alone."

"Mom I'm only 26. I think I still have time before I die."

"You know what I mean. I meet this really nice Italian model, her name is Aria. Her family is just as important as ours especially in Italy. I gave her your number."

"You see this why I don't want to come back. I don't need you setting up dates and giving out my phone number. I'm very well capable of doing that."

"Yeah yeah. Just talk to her and see what's she's about."

"I have to go mother. It was not so nice talking to you." I hung up before she had the chance to say anything else.

I was born in Italy but my family moved to New York when I was about 16. I moved away from New York the first chance I got.
Next day
It's time that I meet up with Tanaé. I hope she likes where I take her. I own a beach house out in saint Petersburg, Florida and its nice size.

I walked into the place and I instantly seen her. She was sitting at one of the tables looking down at her phone.

"Hi. How are you?" I sat across from her.

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