~Chapter 39~

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Having two men fight over me was a bit of a turn on. I'm not used to all the attention.

I'm just so stuck. I want to give Joshua a chance because I want to move on from Micheal. Yet 1 that wouldn't be easy to explain to the kids...oh hey this is your uncle/stepdad. Nope. That would be weird. On the flip side, i don't know that fully ready to give up on Micheal. I've never wanted my children growing up in a Split home. I just don't know how long this is going to last.
We made it to Joshua's house, we got out and walked inside. It was amazing and beautiful.

I had to text Wynter to come get me. Luckily she didn't live to far. I was ready to see my twins anyway.

"Where's your daughter?"

"She's at a sleepover. Hey I was serious about taking you out. I don't care about you past with my cousin. I want to build a future with you."

I thought I was ready to move on...I don't know anymore.

"Joshua I don't know. I thought that I was ready to move on but I want a family...my family. I don't think I'm ready to give up on that idea."

"But after everything you told me. You still want to be with him? It's sad that he has a chain around you like that."

"You don't know everything. He definitely does not have any chain around me. I have kids that would benefit from having both parents in the home." He act like he knows my life.

"No sweetheart. Your kids would benefit from having both parents in their life. That doesn't mean you have to be with him. Just give me a chance"

I hate this. Why can't I just be great? Everything has to be complicated. I want my family but I don't know if I can completely trust Micheal. Then there's Joshua. How would I explain that to my kids. Their stepdad is also their uncle!? I don't think so.

"You know what I think I'm just going to take a break from dating. I want to just focus on my kids."

Thank goodness before he could say anything else, Wynter texted me saying she was outside.

"Here are your keys. Wynter is outside. Thanks for coming to check on us."

"So I can't convince you to try me out?" He walked me outside

"If it's meant to be then it will be Joshua." With that I got in the car.

If Micheal mess up...I'm chopping balls off this time.
I decided that we could have our family reunion in the hospital.

Wynter took me to my house so I could get my car. Now the twins and I are headed back to the hospital.

"So you guise excited to see Riley? He really misses you"

"YAY! We see brother! Is he okay? Why he in the hospital?" Eden loves he two brothers. You would think they are her protectors but sometimes it's the other way.

"Yes Riley is okay now. He just had an accident." I almost forgot they were sleeping and unbothered by the accident.

"Hey mommy has another surprise for you. Remember when you asked about your dad?"

"Yes." This time Christian was the first to answer.

"How would you like to meet him today?"

"Is he mean?" Somehow the both asked the same question at the same time...twins.

"No he's not mean. Your dad loves you's very much. He is here now and that's what matters."
We got to the hospital and the twins were so excited. Both ready to see their brother but also wanting to meet their dad.

We walked in and Micheal and Riley were laughing up a storm looking at his iPad.

"Hey Bella." He looked at me then he seen the twins. I've never seen him get so nervous before. His posture was fixed he tried to straighten his shirt and even fix his hair.

"I walked the twins over to Riley first and put them up on the bed"

"Riley! You okay big brother? Hey look you have cool blue thing on your  arm!" Christian was the first to attack him with questions and comments. Eden on the other hand was having the ultimate stare down with Micheal. She's just like me. She has to feel people out first. I was behind her and gestured Micheal, who looked like he was about to have a massive shit in his pants, to just smile at her.

He did and it worked like money would to gold diggers. She got off the bed and stood in front of him.

"I'm Eden. Mommy said your my dad. Is that true?"

Sorta offended but I'll let it slide.

"Yes I'm dad. But I thought you were a princess. Where's your crown?"

Of course that got her to open up. Maybe he has changed.

"I don't have a crown yet. I think I'm to little."

"No. Princess big or little should always have their crown. We going to work on getting you a princess crown." With that she hoped in lap and they hugged each other.

If I didn't know any better I would say he had tear come out.

Christian looked like he wanted to go over there but wasn't sure.

He leaned over to Riley and whispered...at least that's what he called it, but we all heard it.

"Is he a meany like you said?"

It took everything in me not to laugh.

Riley just shook his head no.

Christian got the bed and waved hi.

Micheal opened his arms up so Christian could get in the hug.

His eyes opened up at the opportunity.

Micheal looked at me and mouthed thank you.

Maybe keeping the kids away wasn't the best idea.
Aww. Family reunions.

Some of y'all went on on Tanaé for keeping the kids away...she was offended.

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Love y'all 😘

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