~Chapter 37~

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Dedicated to juljosh and ttautona


Why does he do this? He comes around when I'm trying to move on. He always says the right thing. I just can't fall for it.

"Micheal I need you to understand that when my trust is gone it takes more than some practiced speech in an elevator to get it back. I never wanted to keep the kids away from you but, you chose something else. I can't just let you back in their space because you have a record of leaving when it doesn't turn out your way."

"But when I reached out you moved to whole other side of America."

"No. You told me that the kids probably wasn't even your and then made reference to my past. So yes I left and took my kids with me."

"Please just give me a chance to prove I can be the dad and man you once knew."

Ugh what do I do? I grew up without a father and I don't want my kids going through the same thing.

"I've moved on. There's someone else that is actually showing me the type of attention I need. I never want to be the person to keep you away from your kids because when your around you are a great dad. Please understand that whatever intimate relationship we had is over. You are than welcomed to be in the kids life. They really need their dad."

I haven't even put my heart back together completely from the last time he broke it. I can't let it happen again.

"Okay I will that for now." Luckily right when he said that the elevator started working again. Thank the Lord.
We have been here for a couple hours and Riley is up and giving commands. I think he likes that he is being catered too. I will say that the conversation between Micheal started off rough but ultimately, I know that my son missed his dad.


We walked into the room and Riley was dosing off already. The nurse warned us that he might be out of it, due to the pain meds that he was on.

Micheal and I walked up to the side of the hospital bed and I gently woke him up and he when he made eye contact with his dad his heart machine started going off the charts.

"Riley calm down it's ok!"
"No I don't want to see him. Why is he here?"

He started crying I felt so bad

"Micheal can you step out a minute so I can get him calm and talk to him?" It's such a shame that my son feels that way towards his own father.

Once Micheal left the room, Rileys crying subsided.

"Riley, why acting this way? I know that you have some bad feelings about him but he is your dad and he came all this way to see about you. You got to give him some credit"

"But mom I really don't want to talk to him. He left me and doesn't care about me."

"Riley. Of course he cares. He's here now right. How about you just give a chance and you can explain how you feel about everything to him."

I hope these goes over well.
"Okay. But will you stay in the room the whole time? I don't want to be alone with him."

"Sure. Can I go get him?"

I walked outside the room and got Michael.

"Hey I just want to let you know to be understanding and let him express how he feels. You may be uncomfortable but he needs to get it off his chest and you need to listen" he had this look as if he wasn't interested in what was being said to him.

"Tanaé you need to stop worrying. I don't need you to instruct me on how to handled my son. I got this" man if I wasn't in a hospital I would slap him.

"No you need to listen. You haven't been around him for 3 years and he is damaged by your decision to leave. Allow him to speak"

"Can we just go in please"

He gets on my nerves Mann

When we walked in, it was so much tension in the room I didn't want to breathe. Riley was looking everywhere but Michael.

"Hey Riley. How are you feeling son?"

"Tuh! I don't know you care enough for me to tell you" it took everything in me to stop from laughing

"Riley this still your dad. He is here to talk to you"

"Riley I do care. I'm here aren't I? I'm so sorry for leaving you, your sister and brother, and your mom. Can you give me a chance to prove that bambino?"

It was a couple seconds before Riley gave a response.

"If you leave again I won't ever talk to you again. You have to kiss mommy and tell her you are sorry for being a meany"

This kid...

Of course Micheal didn't hesitate to get those juicy lips on me...but nope.

"Sorry baby but mommy can't kiss daddy because his breath stinks"
End of Flashback
Surprisingly Micheal has been here all day. He has done everything Riley has done. He just finished reading a book to Riley on his phone and now Riley is sleep.

I was thinking to let the twins come up here but I don't know if I want a family reunion at the hospital.

"Tanaé I'm going down to the car a get my bag with my clothes. You want me to go get something to eat?"

"Yeah that would great. Can you get me a number 5 from McDonalds?" I was in desperate need of food. The food here was a step above poison
Micheal had been gone for a good five minutes before my phone start ringing.


"Hey beautiful I was calling to check on you and Riley" of course it was Joshua. He is so sweet.

"Oh thanks for checking on us. Riley is doing great he woke up. He's talking and everything. They want to keep him for a day or two."

"Well good to hear. I'm actually downstairs in the lobby. I'm coming up to now."

Wait...what! I look a mess!

"Why didn't you call me?"

"It's called a surprise baby"

Baby? Since when?

"I'm going to see you in a minute josh."

I tried to fix myself up a little and straighten the room a little. Hopefully Micheal takes longer than expected.
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Who thinks Micheal and Joshua are going to meet in the hospital?

Love you folks😘

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